After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1139

Parking lot.

She was about to get on the bus when someone grabbed her hand.

Su Nan looked over and fuyechuan didn\'t know when to wait here.

"Why are you here?"

"I want to talk to you."

Fuyechuan looked at her. His body was straight and slender, three-dimensional, but the whole person had some gloomy chill.

Su Nan paused. "Fuyechuan, don\'t you know? It\'s impossible between us..."

Fuyechuan clenched his teeth:

"Lu Qi and his ex-wife were so ugly that they can start over. Why can\'t we?"

"I will not comment on what kind of person miss Leng is, but I will never make such a choice."

Su Nan\'s tone was slightly cold. "Fuyechuan, I\'m different from others. I never go back."

Fuyechuan\'s face gradually turned iron blue.

She broke off Fu YeChuan\'s hand inch by inch and looked at him indifferently.

Fuyechuan was stung by her indifference, and his reaction suddenly became violent

He grasped her wrist and pressed her on the car, unconsciously using some strength in his hands.

"Su Nan, what do you want?"

His tone was clear and clear, and he suppressed his emotions faintly.

"What\'s so good about Shang Qian? The whole business people don\'t like him. How many good days do you think he has?

He can\'t save himself. Can you get your mind back? "

Su Nan could not resist his strength at all.

She glared at him angrily:

"What does it have to do with you? Fuyechuan, who I am with has nothing to do with you!"

Fu YeChuan was stimulated by this sentence, and his whole body was tense. His eyes were red with blood.

He breathed hard, pinched her chin and kissed her hard.

Su Nan stopped looking at him and pushed him with all her strength.

But the harder she tried, the more stable fuyechuan was. He did not pay attention to her struggle at all.

He was like a boulder pressing against her. Despite her struggle, he almost rolled her lips in retaliation.

The wine in his lips is mellow. I don\'t know how much wine he has drunk, with a strong intoxication.

Su Nan\'s strength seemed to have been drawn away, and she lost her breath in a moment.

Fuyechuan found an opportunity to hold her tightly in his arms. Like this, she could change her mind.

But all of a sudden, he felt a chill on his face, and he loosened his hands stiffly.

Su Nan\'s tears burned his heart like a hot flame.

Every drop of his blood stopped flowing and became stiff.

His eyes shook, watching her tears flow down, but his eyes stared at him indifferently.

At that moment, he felt his heart stopped beating.

Inch by inch.

Su Nan said coldly, "do you want to turn me into Lu Qi\'s ex-wife? Do you think you can come back to you when you are pregnant?"

She pressed step by step, her tone of indifference to the extreme.

Fuyechuan did not speak with his face taut.

Silence represents his despicable heart


Lu Qi succeeded, so he wanted to follow suit.

Even if it is a dirty and despicable way, as long as she can return to her side, he is willing to be hated by her.

He could no longer bear her to stay next to others. She smiled at them.

That kind of feeling is like gouging out the heart.

But now, Su Nan saw his idea at a glance and punctured the layer of window paper.

But he suddenly retreated. Is such a despicable self worthy of her?

Can Su Nan be the same as Lu Qi\'s ex-wife?