After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1123

Although Sunan had no previous enthusiasm and appreciation for him, he did not deliberately limit his resources.

Duyan clearly defined his development rules, and he will not give up his money tree just because of his black history.

Therefore, he will not take away his resources.

Yu Fei\'s young face was a little confused:

"However, the company has now put all its energy on sunhaoyang. My agent has been changed and no one cares about me. Many of my activities have been temporarily cancelled..."

Su Nan frowned and her face changed slightly.


She\'s never heard of another one?

But Yu Fei\'s anxious appearance didn\'t seem to be lying.

She took a deep breath, immediately took out her mobile phone and called Du Yan.

After a few words, Du Yan picked it up.

"Miss Su, what can I do for you?"

Su Nan glanced at Yu Fei, looked away faintly, and then put the phone on the PA.

"What are you doing?"

"What else can I do? Of course, I\'m talking with SUN Hao and Yang about the next step of cooperation. His play had a good early response and was expected to be a big hit. Of course, I should seize the opportunity..."

"What happened to Yu Fei?"

Su Nan looked at Yu Fei\'s face and directly changed the topic.

Du Yan asked, "what\'s going on?"

Yu Fei was nervous and stopped talking.

Su Nan: "I heard that he has been less active recently. Did you change his agent?"

Du Yan gave a low smile. "Have you heard that? He was born in singing and dancing talent show. Now the general environment is focusing on this kind of young talent show entertainment. Isn\'t he transforming?

At present, the general environment is not suitable for him. Of course, he needs to remain silent for a period of time and transform to the power faction.

However, hastily changing the style and design will cause discomfort and incompetence of the audience. Let\'s settle down first and play soy sauce in several movies and TV dramas to exercise. "

Su Nan breathed a sigh of relief and glanced at Yu Fei across the street. At this time, he stood there in shock.

"Then why did you change his agent?"

Du Yan: "his agent has limited contacts. He only finds some cheap cooperation and advertising for him, and offends many people behind his back. Since he wants to transform, he has to change completely. Why stay behind?

But... Why are you asking?

Or did Yu Fei complain to you? "

Listening to Duyan\'s tone, Yu Fei\'s face was also a little ugly.

Su Nan calmly said two words, then hung up the phone.

She looked at Yu Fei. "Now do you know?"

"I misunderstood president Du."

Sunan: "if you have something to do in the future, you can directly ask him. Du Yan is a good man. Don\'t hold it in your heart."

Yufei nodded, "I see. Thank you, Miss Su."

Su Nan nodded and turned to leave.

The reason why she was so determined was that she knew that Du Yan would not give up the money tree, so it would be more enlightening for him to listen to Du Yan\'s answer directly.

But Yu Fei\'s brain is really stupid.

She used to think highly of his cleverness.

Leave the dressing room.

She was just about to meet Ning Zhi. When she passed a lounge, the door was ajar.

She glanced at Ning Zhi\'s skirt.

She smiled and pushed the door in, but the people inside didn\'t notice her.

"I just saw Ning Zhi coming to the crew. Unexpectedly, she has the face to show her face?"

Su Nan\'s body suddenly froze.