After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1124

The people inside didn\'t notice anyone coming in.

The discussion is still in full swing.

"Yes, if my nude photos are spread all over the world, I have no face to stay in the circle. Although I work behind the scenes, I\'m sorry to go out to meet people so soon..."

"It was said on the Internet before. Are those photos of P? Maybe they are not her photos..."

"That\'s to deceive others. Do you really believe it? Who in the circle doesn\'t know that those photos are her own. There were special people at the party before!

Someone left a negative film in time. I have to say that Ning Zhihe has a really good figure. Those men can\'t stop seeing it... "

"Well, who doesn\'t know who? If you knew, you would be lucky to catch up with the Su family and confuse the Su Ying emperor. Otherwise, you would have been drowned by spittle Xingzi..."

"Yes, I heard that she is still a producer of this play. If I had known she was a producer, I wouldn\'t have come to avoid getting into trouble!"


Su Nan\'s face was so ugly that something that had long passed was brought up again and again.

At the beginning, Ning knew how strong and terrible the reaction was. Now when I think of it, I have lingering palpitations.

Unexpectedly, these people look at this matter behind their backs, and it turns out to be so disgusting!

However, she glanced at the discussion group and found no figure of Ning Zhiyou.

But just outside, she clearly saw Ning Zhiyou\'s clothes

Did she read it wrong?

No matter what, they can\'t go on.

Su Nan glanced, and there was a brand-new perfume on the cupboard at hand.

She knows this brand. It\'s a limited edition. It\'s hard to buy.

Immediately, with a wave of "pa -" sound, perfume fell to the ground and immediately broke into pieces.

The strong smell of perfume immediately spread out.

The sound interrupted the heated discussion inside.

A woman got away from the gossip and stood up in a bad tone:

"Who has no eyes broke my perfume? Do you know how expensive it is? Can you afford it?"

As she walked, she said. As soon as she turned around, she saw Su Nan standing there, her face cold and noble.

In an instant, she froze violently.

Her friend followed and saw Su Nan.

"Su... Miss Su? Why are you here?"

Su Nan glanced at the girl and said it most happily.

The owner of perfume is female No. 2. She has been female No. 2 in many plays for thousands of years. Because of her appearance, she has no luck with the female owner.

"Miss Su..."

I can see that they are all in a panic.

"Just now, didn\'t you hear anything?"

Female number one asked her tentatively.

Su Nan said coldly, "didn\'t you hear that I would break this thing?"

Think she\'s a fool?

What a whimsical idea.

Female number one turns pale.

Of course she knows. They talked about Ning Zhi just now. She is not only Su Yingdi\'s girlfriend, but also Su Nan\'s best friend.

Su Nan happened to hear what he was saying about his best friend. What bad luck!

"Miss Su, it\'s all a misunderstanding. We just sit together and chat in our spare time..."

One side of the female artists who do not know how many lines to remedy the opening.

Su Nan repressed the anger in her heart.

Before Su Qi leaves, let her take good care of Ning Zhi.

As a result, someone made trouble under her nose and even humiliated Ning Zhi with such ugly words.

If she gently exposed it, she would be too impersonal!