After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1122

Two men escorted him onto the plane.

On the way back.

The driver was driving in front. Su Nan sat there and looked at her hesitantly:

"Cicada, don\'t you want to know what my third brother said to me at last?"

Ning Zhi glanced at her and said, "No."


"He can\'t help but tell me. The third brother is so sticky. I\'m afraid the enthusiasm will suddenly cool down one day, so I want him to calm down and deliberately hang him out."

Su Nan blinked and smiled.

Su Qi\'s worry is just unnecessary!

"Let me take you to the crew."

Ning knew: "I\'ll just go by myself. You\'re busy."

"I\'m not busy. I just want to go to the crew."

Ning Zhi smiled. "OK, let\'s go. I\'m still the producer of this play. There are artists from Huaying entertainment. You must want to see them."

Su Nan raised her eyebrows. That\'s great.

It must be sunhaoyang. He has been in the limelight recently.

It happened that I could add some popularity to him in the past.

When they arrived at the production team, Ning Zhizhi went directly to the director and watched the latest progress.

Su Nan wandered alone to the lounge.

"Thank you, teachers, for your hard work..."

It sounds familiar, but it\'s not sunhaoyang\'s voice.

She thought that she had pushed the door in, and immediately the people saw her, and the tone of her voice increased unconsciously.

"Miss Su..."

It\'s Yufei.

"Miss Su, did you come here specially to visit?"

Yufei, a little fresh meat, is really getting more and more mature.

He was born to sing and dance, but after acting for some time, he seems to have grown up a lot.

Su Nan was very fond of him at first.

It was just that when she heard that he had once bowed to a big man, she could not relate to the young boy in her mind.

She did not advance or retreat, but smiled faintly and nodded.

"Are you in this play?"

Yu Fei nodded. "There are few scenes. Because the director has cooperated before, he came to help."

Su Nan raised her eyebrows and nodded.

He has always been so exquisite, but it makes people feel naive and innocent.

Su Nan smiled. Just as she was about to turn around and leave, she heard Yufei stop her:

"Miss Su..."

He paused, pursed his lips, and stopped talking.

Su Nan looked at him and said, "what\'s the matter? Just say something."

Yufei breathed a sigh of relief, as if he had summoned up his courage:

"Miss Su, did I... Do something to upset you?"

Su Nan frowned in surprise, "why do you say that?"

"Although we don\'t often meet and contact each other, I feel that the attitude towards me in the circle is very subtle. Although it still looks so polite, it... Is much worse than before.

People in the listening circle say that sun Haoyang, the spokesman of the Su group, will take over all my resources, right? "

Yufei looked up at her carefully.

The eyes are pure and childish, clean like transparent glass.

He asked directly, without beating around the Bush, and directly asked what he wanted to ask.

Because he knew that if he beat around the Bush and did business with these people, he was no match.

Su Nan lowered her eyes, then smiled and lifted her eyes:

"Nothing. As the spokesman of the group, sunhaoyang will certainly pay more attention to it.

However, it will not affect your development. As long as you work hard, you will certainly succeed in filming and singing. "