After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1119

Su Nan was stunned and her eyes lit up.

"Is Miss Fang back?"

Su Qi came out excitedly: "is teacher Fang back?"

Fang knew that he was a world-class famous artist. In recent years, he often toured abroad and had a great position. He was not comparable to the big men in the performing arts circle.

Her godlike existence.

She is also the teacher of Su Nan\'s mother. She is in her sixties.

After Su Nan\'s mother died, she knew that she came to visit several children from time to time and had a deep relationship with them.

Especially for Su Qi, she discovered Su Qi and brought him to the performing arts circle.

It was also because of Fang Zhi\'s shelter that Su Qi was taken great care of when he was just a beginner.

In that day when everyone had to bow and bow to see the elder\'s face, Su Qi started his career sideways.

It was only later that they grew up and spent more time in school that they knew they had rushed into the world performing arts circle and disappeared.

I haven\'t seen you in seven years.

Ning knew and frowned. "Is it the teacher we all know?"

Su Nan immediately nodded and looked at her with a smile:

"Didn\'t you like her very much before? That\'s her. She\'s coming!"

Su Jin and Wen Xiang looked at each other, smiled and went on with their work.

Su Qi could not wait to jump up. He threw down his things and went to get the car keys:

"Where is she? I\'ll pick her up!"

Su Yifeng said to him, "come back, you are already on your way. You will be there soon. Don\'t be so positive!"

Su Qi could not restrain his excitement. Even if Su Yifeng scolded him, he felt comfortable all over.

Unlike Su Yifeng, Fang Zhi likes Su Qi most. He thinks he has great talent in performing arts.

So he had high hopes for him. He just wanted to bring him to the palace of art, but Su Qi plunged into the entertainment industry.

Only twenty minutes.

Listening to the noisy voice of the Chamberlain uncle in the yard, Su Nan knew that the teacher had arrived.

Su Qi actively ran to the front to meet him. Neither Su Nan nor Su Jin robbed him.

I knew that I was still elegant, dignified and gentle when I was over half a hundred years old. At first glance, I was full of noble spirit, and my aura was no less than that of the previous year.

Su Qi rushed over and hugged her. "Miss Fang, my dear Miss Fang, I miss you so much!"

Su Yifeng twitched his lips. Everyone really wanted to pretend they didn\'t know him.

Fang knew that his face sank and he frowned and pushed him away:

"Who are you? I don\'t know you."

Su Qi: "...."

Fang Zhi, after greeting Su Yifeng, asked the assistant behind him to bring the gift.

She smiled and looked at Su Nan. "Xiao Wu is becoming more and more beautiful..."

Su Nan narrowed her eyes with a smile and stretched out her hands: "thank you, teacher Fang!"

Fang Zhi nodded and handed over the jade bracelet, which was already prepared. It was warm and valuable.

Then came Su Jin, Wen Xiang, and Shen silent.

Better look at Ning Zhi and smile, "are you a cicada?"

"Yes, I didn\'t expect Miss Fang to know me?"

Fang Zhi smiled. "Of course I know the fiancee of the monkey."

With that, he handed over a string of aloes bracelet, which was extremely valuable.

Su Qiwei stood in the back, looking at her:

"Teacher, where is mine?"

Fang Zhibai glanced at him and turned to joke with Su Yifeng:

"Your big star is becoming more and more shameless!"

Su Yifeng sneered, "isn\'t it?"

He walked into Fang Zhi, and everyone followed him.

Fang Zhi\'s assistant handed the last box to Su Qi