After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1120

Su Qi was shocked and walked past with his eyes shining.

"I knew that Miss Fang liked me the most. The best gifts were put at the end!"

Su Nan is just like him.

Su Qi happily opened it in front of everyone.

Looking at the things inside, his face was slightly shocked.

Confused and confused.

It\'s a play.

Fang knew he was pursing his lips. "I won\'t beat around the Bush any more. You must have been like a duck to water in the entertainment industry these years.

I don\'t know if Su Yingdi is ready for a stage play. There is a new play rehearsal right now, and there is a shortage of Xiaosheng\'s role. I can\'t find a suitable one. If you want to go, I can open a back door for you, but whether you can get the role depends on yourself.

Of course, if you don\'t like it, you can take it as if I didn\'t say it. "

As soon as the voice fell, Su Qi immediately looked up. "I want to go. I want to go in my dreams."

He knew how hard Fang knew he was, but when he first started his career, he was too young to get out of the entertainment industry.

At present, he has looked down on the vanity fair in the entertainment industry. Sooner or later, a film king will linger on the edge of the past.

For this reason, he thought a lot of hindsight, started the company and worked behind the scenes.

But this is not what he really wants.

He made his debut for the stage.

Now, the real palace of art has finally given him a chance. He wants to seize it in his dreams.

Fang Zhi\'s script, he didn\'t even have to read it, he knew it must be right.

Few domestic actors can perform in such a theater, which is more than a hundred times more valuable than the title of film emperor.

Su Yifeng snorted:

"He idles around in the circle all day. It\'s easy to get money. He has forgotten how to perform the play. I think Mr. Fang should go to find someone else, or I\'ll introduce him to you..."

"Dad, dear dad, just give your favorite son a chance to start over again. I will certainly play well!"

Su Qi was so anxious that he wanted to jump up.

Su Yifeng is so angry!

Su Nan smiled. "Dad, don\'t frighten him. My third brother is a born movie king. He should eat this meal!"

Everyone: "...."

Su Qi hugged her and said, "dear sister, this is my dear sister!"

Su Nan whispered, "when you go abroad, remember to buy me a gift!"

Su Qi: "...."

Fang Zhi paused. "Don\'t be happy too early. The script is currently in the confidential stage. You don\'t have any experience in the theater stage. If you want to come, you have to spend half a year in secret training. You have to stay abroad for half a year. You have to think about it."

Su Qi paused, his face slightly stiff.

He subconsciously looked at Xiang Ningzhi.

Ning knew his face was calm and looked at him and smiled.

There was no objection.

However, Su Qi still felt that it was inappropriate. Although the theater was the place he wanted to go in his dreams, once he left, he was bound to be separated from Ning Zhi.

How long have they been together?

He was reluctant to part with it.

Fang Zhi sighed: "you\'d better consider it clearly, because there must be no situation of giving up halfway. If you don\'t make up your mind, don\'t promise."

With that, she stood up and looked at Su Yifeng: "I\'m hungry after catching up with the plane for so long..."

Su Yifeng smiled. "Let\'s go. I\'m ready for you. I caught some fresh fish!"

Fang Zhi said coldly: "Mr. Su, I hope you can remember that I am allergic to seafood."

"Oh, my daughter likes to eat..."