After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1118

After Chen Mian came and said a few words to them, the police left politely.

Fuyechuan sat on the bus and didn\'t move.

Chen Mian paused. "Mr. Fu, shall I take you back?"

long time.

Fuyechuan spoke slowly:

"Chen Mian, she is so cruel..."

Although Chen Mian didn\'t know who Fu YeChuan said she was, he could still guess.

Where can we find a second woman in the world who can make fuyechuan such a woman?

Chen Mian straightened his expression: "Mr. Fu, there are many people with mixed eyes. If you are seen, it will inevitably cause other things. Let me take you back?"

Fuyechuan closed his eyes and opened them again. His eyes were clear.

Cold and fierce, with some gloom.

He lifted his feet out of the car, and Chen Mian hurriedly opened the back door for him

Soxhlet group.

Su Nan and Yu Lou go downstairs from front to back.

Yu Lou tried to stop talking.

Su Nan could see it and smiled: "just say something."

Yu Lou sighed: "President Su, isn\'t this not good? If President Fu knew..."

Su Nan sneered: "of course he will know, but it doesn\'t matter. He knows better. The bitter meat trick is useless to me. I hope he has some points in mind."

Yu Lou: "...."

Su Nan, who was so devoted to Fu YeChuan, has really changed.

Su Nan pressed the car key and the car lit up. Su Nan walked over and looked at Yu Lou:

"You can go back and have a rest early. Don\'t send me away."

Yu Lou nodded, watched her car leave, and then went to start her car.

Su Nan returns to her apartment and receives a call from Shang Qian.

His time difference should be at nine in the morning.

"I guess you haven\'t slept yet."

Su Nan smiled. "How could you guess?"

"Before you left, you mentioned to me the new contact projects of the Su group. You attach so much importance to them. How can you relax?"

Su Nan had a good time. He didn\'t expect that what she said casually was also on his mind.

She paused. "Is everything going well with you?"

Shang Qian: "not bad. Products are king. In this industry, we are No.1, and others will not underestimate it."

Su Nan smiled and was right.

These technologies are second to none in the world and beyond the reach of foreign countries. Of course, they will not despise them.

The prospect of artificial intelligence in the world is limitless, especially the combination of medical housekeepers has been a bright spot.

Before long, 20 years, 30 years, the world will be changed by them!

After a while, Shang Qian said good night after seeing that she was too excited and too tired to open her eyes.

However, no one hung up the phone for a long time. There was a sound of breathing from the other side. Shang Qian hooked his lips.

I was already asleep.

After a while, he hung up the phone.



Su Yifeng called everyone back for a lively life.

Su Jin goes back with Wen Xiang. Su Qi and Ning Zhi also go back. Su Nan goes back alone.

Su Ming can\'t get out of the lab, but Chen silent is happy to come and join the fun.

Everyone was talking and laughing and preparing lunch together.

Su Yifeng is very happy to catch some fish and let them prepare well.

Su Nan poked her head out of the kitchen suspiciously and felt something was wrong:

"Dad, are there any other guests coming today?"

Su Yifeng raised his eyebrows and pointed at her:

"As smart as you are, I didn\'t invite my teacher to my home until she came home today!"