After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1117

Lu Qi: "Su Nan, this is Lu Qi. Can you come over?

Old Fu drank too much wine and had to drive to find you. All the drivers around him left, and we couldn\'t drive after drinking. Could you come over and persuade me... "

Lu Qi\'s voice sounded anxious.

Su Nan\'s sleepiness suddenly disappeared.

She stood there with a heavy face and rolled her eyes in silence.

Yu Lou heard it clearly and looked at Su Nan\'s face.

Su Nan paused and took a deep breath:

"Give me an address and wait there."

Lu Qi\'s voice increased excitedly: "OK, I am..."

Su Nan gave a calm "Hmm" and hung up.

Yu Lou thought that he could not leave now, so he immediately stood up with the key. "Mr. Su, let me drive and send Mr. Fu back..."

Su Nan paused and put down her cell phone.


She said and made another call.

"Hello, 110? I want to report someone trying to drink and drive..."

Yu Lou: "...."

In my heart, I mourned for Mr. Fu tenthousand times.

Lu Qi hung up the phone and took a picture of fuyechuan, who was a little tipsy.

"My friends have helped you here. The rest is up to you. You will sit in your car and wait for her. You will start the car as soon as she comes. Su Nan will be worried..."

Fuyechuan frowned and sat there. Although he was very excited to learn that Su Nan was coming.

However, he always felt as if something was wrong

However, he had no time to think about the alcohol and was dragged out by Lu Qi.

He was forced into the car and sat in the driver\'s seat.

Lu Qi stood there and looked at him with satisfaction:

"Don\'t thank me. Women are softhearted. After all, you are much better than Shang Qian. You are chosen by individuals. Brothers support you!"

Fuyechuan: "...."

Twenty minutes later.

Fuyechuan was sitting in the car, and the time passed. Somehow, he was a little nervous.

Wait until the lights flash at the intersection.

His face relaxed at once.

Suddenly, he thought of the reason Lu Qi had given him. He was afraid that the smell of wine would disappear. He picked up a bottle of wine that had been prepared nearby, opened the lid, took a few gulps, and then inadvertently sprinkled it on his clothes.

This will complete the preparation.

He just started the car. He didn\'t mean to leave.

All the way to the opposite car

I watched three men in police uniforms coming down from the car

Fuyechuan: "...."

The other party knocked on the window: "someone reported that the owner with license plate No. xxxxx was drunk, please cooperate with us to measure alcohol..."

The empty wine bottle was still lying aside. Fuyechuan\'s face was as black as iron, and his tone was cold:

"Who reported it?"

His voice sounds like ice.

The name was clearly in his heart, but he had to hear it himself.

The man who came was not Su Nan, but a policeman.

Who reported it is not clear at a glance?

The policeman paused: "report anonymously."

Fuyechuan: "ah......"

Fuyechuan didn\'t get out of the car. He immediately made a phone call and sat silently in the car. He put out the fire.

Several policemen looked at each other. They could not have seen it. They didn\'t need to measure it. The strong alcohol smell inside was enough to alert people.

But they saw the license plate number of the car.

It is tacitly understood that there is no compulsion to call people down and take them away.