After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1112

Zhaohuaisheng\'s son doesn\'t even want to maintain a basic relationship.

Originally, in their family, the fewer children the better.

His relationship with his sister was fairly good, and he found a balance in the distribution of interests of zhaohuaisheng.

He is in charge of the company, his sister holds the shares, and the movable and immovable properties are divided equally.

If a cloud cloud is added, will it not harm their interests?

They don\'t welcome Yun Yun\'s arrival.

There are no feelings and no advantages. There are a lot of black materials. It is obvious that they are coming back for money.

If the Zhao family were poor, would this cloud Yun be able to recognize it?

Yun Yun panicked.

Zhaohuaisheng\'s son obviously doesn\'t want to play brother and sister.

"Dad, the truth is in front of you. Don\'t push the whole family into the fire just for one person.

Because she has offended the Su family, the attitude of everyone in the market has begun to alienate us. My sister and I are almost excluded! "

Zhaohuaisheng\'s eldest daughter nodded.

"That\'s right, Dad. I hope you\'ll think it over.

Otherwise, it would be better to send her to study abroad than to be a thorn in the eye of others here. "

"No, I can\'t go abroad. Elder brother and sister, how can you do this to me? I have not joined the company according to your requirements, and you still want me to leave country Z?"

Yun Yun is eager to open her mouth. If she leaves here, she will probably have nothing to do with the Zhao family.

The status that was not easy to obtain vanished.

Zhaohuaisheng was silent all the time, his face looking ugly and his head bowed.

Listening to their quarrel, I suddenly had an agitated look across my eyes.

"Enough -"

He took a deep breath and stood up.

Turn the walking stick beside you and walk out slowly.

Not a word.

Yun Yun\'s heart suddenly panicked for a moment.

That kind of panic, I can\'t say.

There is a very bad feeling.

The next day.

Yunyun has stayed in the house outside for one night, so she plans to go back to the Zhao family and apologize to zhaohuaisheng.

She thought for a while. She was too rash last night.

If you honestly apologize to Su Nan, you might not be so stiff.

She has no sense of existence in the Zhao family.

If she lost zhaohuaisheng\'s love, what would she do in the future?

But when she came to the door of the Zhao family, the housekeeper stopped her.

"Miss Yun, you can\'t go in."

Yun Yun had not received such a cold reception before, so she sank her face:

"What do you mean? I\'m going in to see my father. Get out of the way!"

The housekeeper stood there calmly and did not give in.

"There is no your father here. The chairman has ordered you not to go in."

Yunyun\'s face was in a panic.

She could not help raising her voice:

"This is my house! I want to go in!"

The housekeeper pursed his lips in a light tone:

"Miss Yun, as the chairman said, the debt left by blood relationship has been cleared up for the family.

In order to keep the whole family, he would rather not have his own selfishness, rather than recognize his daughter who had been exiled.

Here is a check for onemillion yuan. If you agree to go abroad, take the money and leave.

If you don\'t want to go abroad, make a good living by yourself... "

Yun Yun trembled at the corners of her mouth, and her eyes were full of disbelief.

She thought that family affection was her strongest support.

No matter how much trouble you have caused, there will always be people in charge and people will feel sorry for you.

But zhaohuaisheng didn\'t want her?

From an orphan to the present, she has become a daughter less than half a year, and has become an orphan again?