After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1111

After Su Nan said a few words, the atmosphere on the court was completely cold.

She didn\'t want to make the scene so embarrassing.

But since Yun Yun has torn her face, there is no need to maintain her basic face.

Yunyun failed zhaohuaisheng\'s efforts. It was her own problem.

Su Nan smiled and looked at zhaohuaisheng apologetically.

"Uncle Zhao, I\'m afraid I can\'t eat this meal, but I\'ll take your heart. My brothers and sisters of the Zhao family took good care of me before. I won\'t forget it."

She said and stood up.

Zhaohuaisheng sighed, his face decadent, and stood up with him.

"Su Nan, thank you."

Thanks for her generosity.

Her last words undoubtedly reassured a couple of the Zhao family.

Yun Yun\'s affair will not involve the Zhao family.

This is already the best result.

Su Nan did not look at the pale Yun Yun sitting there any more. She left here directly with Qin Yu.

What a pleasure!

Qin Yu followed him out and laughed:

"You really didn\'t save any face. You almost told the world about her scandal. You can\'t see what uncle Zhao\'s face looks like?"

Su Nan hooked his lips. "Uncle Zhao is very kind, but it\'s a pity that others don\'t appreciate him."

"She asked for it. She really thinks of herself as a green onion. If it weren\'t for uncle Zhao, she wouldn\'t be able to eat at the same table with us in her life."

Su Nan looked up indifferently. It was getting dark.

"Go home. I\'m so tired..."

Qin Yu nodded at once. She was also very tired!

In the box.

Su Nan and Qin Yu leave.

The rest of the people remained deadlocked in silence.

Zhaohuaisheng\'s face was livid and ugly.

It is not only Su Nan who speaks out Yun Yun\'s despicable past without any hesitation.

But those past, are really there.

On weekdays, Yun Yun in front of him is clever and obedient. She doesn\'t fight or rob, and her guilt is also very strong.

But he had to believe that all this was her illusion.

The real yunyun is the kind of woman in Su Nan\'s mouth.

How could he have such a daughter?


Yun Yun choked, as if she knew she had done wrong, but she was extremely wronged.

Meanwhile, zhaohuaisheng\'s eldest daughter gave her an impatient look.

"If you offend someone and leave, Dad can\'t help it. You\'ve lost all your old face for half of your life. Are you satisfied?"

"Elder sister, how can you say that? Su Nan doesn\'t give face at all..."

Yun Yun defends.

Zhaohuaisheng\'s eldest daughter chuckled:

"Su Nan has been very proud of her coming. When did you meet Su Nan and have to be humble?

I think it\'s not easy for you to make a living from childhood. You should know what to say on what occasion.

But your eldest lady has a bigger temper than me. "

Yun Yun\'s face froze.

The other eldest son couldn\'t help but say:

"Dad, send the people away. Our family can\'t leave such a time bomb. As you can see, Su Nan doesn\'t say anything, but her attitude is very rusty.

If we do it again, the Zhao family will lose all their money. Do you forget how Su Nan went bankrupt in the first place? "

That was the same thing as the earthquake in the mall.

And we are fully alert to everyone.

Less than a month later, a group was destroyed and declared bankrupt. Xuguanghui of the Gemini group almost jumped off a building and committed suicide.

This is her method.

Yun Yun panicked for a moment. "Elder brother, how can you do this?"