After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1113

Yun Yun looks pale and flustered. She wants to rush in and apologize to zhaohuaisheng face to face.

But he was stopped by the housekeeper.

"Miss Yun, don\'t bother. It\'s the Zhao family who is sorry for you!"

Yun Yun was almost hysterical when she choked:

"Why? You lost me when you were young, and you still want to lose me when you grow up?"

She looked at the luxurious villa in the distance, tears could not stop flowing out.

"I\'m going to ask my father face to face why he did this to me. Won\'t he pay back what he owes me?"

The housekeeper sighed, "Miss Yun, the Zhao family has more than one child. The eldest miss and the eldest young master have a good relationship since childhood. They are very popular in the circle in terms of character and ability.

But you have come back. Your reputation... Has affected the Zhao family. "

Yun Yun was stiff and her lips trembled.

"Implicated? They have been praised so highly since childhood. I don\'t know how hard I live?

What I did was just to protect myself. What is implicature? "

Yun Yun wiped the tears from her face and stood up straight in a dignified tone:

"I want to see my father, otherwise I won\'t leave here."

She has made up her mind not to go like this.

The pie from the sky had already hit her head, and she had not recovered from the shock.

Are they going to take back all this good luck?

She got half a foot into the circle.

What\'s the difference between people with backgrounds and people without backgrounds?

She used to try her best to climb up. She had to laugh and coax others to be happy. She looked at people\'s faces everywhere.

But since she became a member of the Zhao family, those people had to start looking at her face?

Go back to your old life.

How could she be reconciled?

The housekeeper stood there and looked at her for a few seconds. However, he had to call zhaohuaisheng back to report the situation.

In less than two minutes, the housekeeper came back.

Yun Yun\'s eyes lit up.

Looking at the four bodyguards behind the housekeeper, his eyes darkened instantly.

She seems to have no way out.

The housekeeper stood there, with an expression of inhumanity:

"The chairman said that he would never see you again. If you don\'t want to leave, let the bodyguard take you on the plane. Miss Yun, you should always remember that this is the Zhao family, and your surname is Yun."

The housekeeper\'s words were like a basin of cold water poured on her head, which was very cool.

Zhaohuaisheng wanted to break their relationship completely.

For the sake of his son and daughter, Yun Yun, the troublemaker, seems insignificant.

Taking the overall situation as the most important, he can still distinguish between the small and the small.

Yun Yun did not expect that she would change her name to Zhao many times after she came back, but Zhao Huaisheng refused.

Zhaohuaisheng insisted on choosing a auspicious day for her, and then officially issued a statement.

But in the end, she refused her integration by taking her surname as Zhao!

Yun Yun stood there, her regret was about to overflow.

I knew I shouldn\'t have said that to Su Nan last night.

We should not contradict zhaohuaisheng.

But what does she do now?

The second married man of Xinhai group has made it clear that he doesn\'t want her. Xu Anji of Xinpu group is also avoiding snakes and scorpions. Other men just want her figure. She has nowhere to go!

The housekeeper respectfully handed over the check:

"Miss Yun, do you want to take away this onemillion check and go abroad?"

Yun Yun\'s eyelashes trembled.

Going abroad?

At present, she can only go abroad.

Only onemillion.

Only onemillion