After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1110

Zhaohuaisheng looks at Xiang yunyun with a solemn eye.

"You should apologize. If you did something wrong, you should bear it yourself."

There was silence for a few seconds.

Su Nan faintly looked at the wine wave on the table shaking the light above her head, reflecting a very bright and beautiful light.

Everyone\'s eyes are fixed on Yun Yun, who is also very uncomfortable.

In the past, she was exquisite. Naturally, she knew that the best way now was to apologize and say a few nice words. This matter was so exposed.

Although there is no face, it is more important to stay in this circle than face.

Now, she has become difficult.

Since the people in the circle knew that she had offended Su Nan, they no longer wanted to associate with her.

She doesn\'t want to go out to work for others. Her company doesn\'t want her to go to work.

It is the most difficult position.

But at the moment, she suddenly did not want to apologize. The second married man withdrew from her marriage and made a scene at home, which made her face clean.

She has already retired.

For what?

She has been punished, and she has to look down at Su Nan\'s face?

There was an awkward silence.

Zhaohuaisheng\'s face sank a little.

What a good chance! She is still hesitating without taking advantage of the steps?

Zhaohuaisheng\'s son and daughter sat beside him and watched the excitement silently.

Su Nan gently hooks her lips, and her voice is clear and faint:

"Well, since you don\'t want to apologize, don\'t force it.

Anyway, Miss Yun\'s apology is of no use to me.

I can let her go. It\'s all in Uncle Zhao\'s face, but if there\'s another time, no one\'s face will be good. "

She tugged at the corners of her lips, and her words were straightforward and sharp.

Yun Yun raised her eyes and looked at her with red eyes:

"Miss Su is a winner in life. She can crush me with one hand. Would she care about my apology?"

She suddenly opened her mouth and let the awkward atmosphere sink down for no reason.

"I did something wrong, but I have tasted the consequences. These consequences did not fall on me because of your generous forgiveness.

In that case, what else can we tell?

After apologizing and thanking me, Miss Su can forget everything and let me go back to work in Xinpu group. "

The most awkward thing in her heart was that she was expelled from Xinpu group by fuyechuan.

How much effort and time she has put into her senior management position in Simpson group is her proudest career.

Yunyun knows that as long as zhaohuaisheng\'s son and daughter are married again, they will never let themselves into the company.

Before she got into it, she knew that the fight for the interests of the rich and powerful would not be allowed at all.

So she hated the beginning of her acquaintance with Su Nan.

Because of Su Nan, he left Xinpu group.

She finished.

Zhaohuaisheng gave her a complicated look. His face was very ugly.

Su Nan looked up and glanced at her.

A gentle smile.

"Indeed, even if you apologize and thank me, I will not intercede with fuyechuan for you and let you return to Xinpu group.

Because you really don\'t have the face and ability.

Fuyechuan is a person who cherishes talent very much. If he can give you up so decisively, it shows that there is no more valuable shining point on you.

And miss Yun, when you first met me, you hooked up with my boyfriend and later became a mistress.

Your despicable character has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. I won\'t change my impression of you because of anyone. Therefore, don\'t waste your energy. "