After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1109

In the corner.

Yun Yun\'s face seems to be very wronged. She tries to suppress her wrongs, and her eyes are red.

Seeing this, Su Nan smiled and said nothing. Naturally, she would not take the initiative to say hello to her.

Their relationship has not reached this level.

Zhaohuaisheng is very warm looking at Su Nan.

"Su Nan, you and Qin Yu haven\'t come to me for a long time?"

Qin Yu and Su Nan grew up together as children. Naturally, like Su Nan, they often go in and out of the territory of these acquaintances.

She smiled without looking out.

"Uncle Zhao, if you want to see us, you have to make an appointment in advance. Our business is busy..."

Her pretentious opening made zhaohuaisheng laugh uncontrollably.

"You young people are very busy and seldom get together. No, I specially sent an invitation to invite you here..."

Zhaohuaisheng\'s eldest son greeted them warmly:

"Miss Su, Miss Qin, don\'t know whether it\'s right or not. If it\'s not right, we\'ll change the dishes."

Su Nan smiled. "Very good. You\'re welcome."

The atmosphere here is very harmonious, but yunyun has a low pressure.

It doesn\'t fit in with the atmosphere here.

With that, the box was quiet for a moment.

Suddenly heard Yun Yun sobbing, especially harsh.

Zhaohuaisheng\'s eldest daughter glanced at her speechless, trying to scold her and worrying about the inappropriate occasion today.

The eldest son glanced at zhaohuaisheng and shut his mouth in silence.

The existence of Yun Yun is not a good thing for the Zhao family.

But for zhaohuaisheng, it may reduce some guilt in his heart.

Paused for a few seconds.

Zhaohuai was embarrassed. He couldn\'t help it. He picked up the wine cup in front of him and looked at Su Nan:

"Su Nan, there is something uncle Zhao has always kept in mind. My daughter yunyun, whom I just recognized, has never been able to live with me. She works hard outside and learns some bad habits, which have a bad impact on you and the Su group.

Here, I apologize for Yun Yun. "

Su Nan was silent for a few seconds. She was very reluctant to forgive the woman frankly.

But it is also clear that zhaohuaisheng, a person of this status, can put his own status so low, which has given him a lot of face.

If you don\'t give him a step down, you will only make the relationship between the two families ugly.

Yun Yun sat aside, silent and absent-minded.

Su Nan was quiet for a while and smiled:

"Uncle Zhao has worked hard to find his daughter, which is actually a happy thing. Now that it\'s all over, we won\'t bring it up again and again.

I just hope I can learn from it in the future! "

Zhaohuaisheng breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly looked at Xiang yunyun:

"Yun Yun, Su Nan won\'t quarrel with you. Why don\'t you say thanks to Su Nan?"

Yun Yun paused, her face showing resistance, and pursed her lips.

Before he could speak, Qin Yu smiled:

"No, I should apologize first and then thank you.

It seems that Miss Yun hasn\'t made a serious apology for all the ugly things she has done. Su Nan doesn\'t care. It\'s for uncle Zhao\'s sake. If someone else had done this, she would have died a thousand times. "

Qin Yu\'s words were abrupt and impolite, but everyone was clear-cut. There was no exaggeration here.

Yun Yun looks at zhaohuaisheng with a pale face.

about to speak , but saying nothing.

From beginning to end, she didn\'t say anything. She pointed at zhaohuaisheng