After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1103

Shang Qian is rich and talented.

But when he left the business, he lost those advantages.

Want to marry Su Nan?

No way.

Shang Qun came here alone and saw more clearly than anyone else.

Shang also eased his face, but he just couldn\'t swallow it.

"Then we should seize the opportunity, but Su Nan doesn\'t have a good impression of me. We can\'t let Shang Qian advance an inch!"

"I can\'t get through the gate of Su\'s house. What\'s the use of worrying?"

The business group is a little agitated.

At first, the merchants were very clever, but in recent years, they have become somewhat unreasonable when they are alone.

Shang Yi\'s face changed.

Looking at the business group with some complicated eyes:

"Elder brother, you don\'t think that Shang Qun is your son. If he marries Su Nan, he can become the help of the merchants, right?"

His "big brother" was gnashing his teeth.

Shang Qun\'s face changed slightly and his eyes looked at him darkly.

"What do you want to say?"

His eyes were tinged with anger.

Isn\'t he biased enough?

What Shang Yi has done recently has really disappointed him!

He was against Shang Qian everywhere, but he was disgraced everywhere.

Shang also stared at him, his eyes sharp and forbearing:

"Shang Qian is also a member of the Shang family. He is your own son. He raised your own grandson Mike himself. Don\'t you want to recognize him?"

Shang Qun didn\'t speak and looked at him in silence.

Shang was even more angry, thinking that he had spoken to his heart.

"Shang Qian is also impressive in his work outside. Do you regret handing over the business to me?"

Shang Qun suddenly raised his eyes, "Shang Yi, pay attention to your identity!"

He warned him.

Every time Shang also caused trouble, he came forward to settle it.

Businessmen are used to it.

But he can\'t accept it. What if Shang Qun abandons him?

Shang also sneered. His eyebrows were hideous.

"Identity? What\'s my identity? Brother, I\'m just reminding you that you can\'t regret that the merchant gave it to me. No matter who Shang Qian is or whether he is your own son, you must stand by me!"

Shang also shouted hysterically.

A little out of control.

"The merchant is mine, and so will Su Nan. What is Shang Qian? Why should he argue with me?"

Shang Qun looked at him dimly.

"Haven\'t I always been on your side? What can you win?

You should do your job well and hold up the business, instead of staring at Shang Qian all day! "

When Shang Qun finished shouting, he was disappointed.

He has always had high hopes for business.

Even if the board of directors repeatedly asked Shang Qian and Mike to join, they were all rejected by him.

He doesn\'t want to leave any hidden trouble for the business.

Isn\'t he biased enough?

Shang Yi, with scarlet eyes, held back his fists.

"Well, I\'m not looking at Shang Qian. I want Su Nan. I want to be the son-in-law of the Su family!"

His request was straightforward.

He wants Shang Qian to see that the woman he pursues becomes his own man.

The difference between him and Shang Qian is not only his background, but also his strength.

The woman Shang Qian likes will never get it.

Shang Qun looked at him silently for half a minute. Without saying anything, he turned and left.

Shang Yi\'s eyes flashed a touch of cruelty. He had to get Su Nan!

He wants to look at Shang Qian. Life is worse than death!

Outside the door.

Hearing all this, the two people who were waiting quietly all looked terribly cold.

The tall and upright man stood there, cold all over, a cold air that strangers should not approach.
