After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1104

Chen Mian stood by, silent.

President Fu was in a good mood when he came here. Within a minute, he was covered with a cold chill.

Merchants are really capable.

The Secretary hurried over.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, Mr. Fu. Please come in..."

Fuyechuan\'s look recovered quickly, and he had a strong aura. He followed him to the office of Shang Qun.

The business group immediately stood up to welcome:

"Mr. Fu, welcome to come here. I didn\'t expect that something was delayed. It\'s really rude."

Fuyechuan nodded faintly.

"Mr. Shang, I haven\'t congratulated him on his freedom yet. Should he be very busy?"

"Fortunately, Shang is young and vigorous. He is not as stable as others. It still needs time to practice."

Fuyechuan raised his expressionless eyes in a cool tone:

"Is everything ready?"

Business group nodded quickly:

"Yes, Shang\'s group plans to put its first industry in city a, and has already started construction.

The agreement between us and Fourier group has also been drawn up. Mr. Fu, please have a look. "

Although Shang Qun\'s age and seniority are there, it has to be said that in front of Fu YeChuan, he can\'t afford any style.

Fuyechuan\'s domineering manner cannot be ignored.

Even he unconsciously fell into the wind and looked at his face.

Fuyechuan looked at the contract placed in front of him and gave a slight pause.

He suddenly changed his mind.

He doesn\'t want the fat meat.


He looked up.

"It\'s not urgent to sign the contract. I\'d better wait until your company decides here. I heard that you have already bought the land?"

Shang Qun nodded excitedly.

"Yes, everything is going through the process. It\'s going well. Within six months, the dust will settle down. At that time, Mr. Fu will come and give us some advice."

"No." Fuyechuan smiled faintly.

He stood up again. "It\'s getting late. Since the business director is still busy, I won\'t disturb him."

With that, fuyechuan tidied up his suit, glanced at the business group, and walked out.

The merchant group hurried to deliver it.

When you come back.

The merchants were puzzled.

Shang also looked ugly. "Is fuyechuan coming to sign a contract?"

Shang Qun was silent and shook his head.

"I also thought it was about signing a contract, but it seems that he is not interested in signing a contract. He is a little confused."

"Oh, it\'s better not to sign. We don\'t know how many people like to eat the fat meat of our business. He won\'t have this shop after he passes the village."

Shang Qun was dissatisfied with his frivolous attitude.

"Misfortune comes from the mouth. You know that it is Fu YeChuan\'s credit to find you. His influence in city a cannot be underestimated. You\'d better lower your attitude. In other people\'s territory, we should learn to keep a low profile!"

Shang didn\'t think so, so he chuckled.

"I think you are too cautious. Even the White House is frequented by our merchants in country M. what\'s the big deal about a small city a?"

Shang Qun glared at him, wanted to say something, and then shut up.

Well, it\'s a waste of time to tell him this.

Fortunately, he returned to m country in a few days.

"The approval procedure here is a little troublesome. It needs to be checked and reviewed by many departments, but I have inquired about it. Generally, there will be no problem. Let\'s transfer some of our business here first..."

Shang Qun chattered about his plans, but Shang didn\'t even listen