After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1102

"Shang Qian didn\'t let anyone look at him. Although the gate was locked, he could open it from the second floor. It was so difficult to jump down and ask for help?"

If you jump on the second floor, no one will die.

Obviously he had many chances to escape, but he didn\'t.

He stubbornly ate moldy bread here, waiting for someone to save him.

It\'s ridiculous.

Shang Qian didn\'t give him any energy at all, but he thought that Shang Qian was deliberately locked here to kill him.

He plotted Shang Qian\'s death numerous times and hated him very much.

What happened?

He didn\'t go by himself, not that he couldn\'t.

This is a disgrace to his life!

Because of this, Shang Qun refused him to retaliate against Shang Qian.

Shang Qian did not regard him as an opponent at all.


Back in the apartment, Su Nan plans to watch him enter the door, but Shang Qian insists on watching her enter.

After a long time of entanglement, neither of them came in.

At last, Shang Qian smiled at each other and pushed her in.

"Go back and have an early rest."

Su Nan smiled, "then I\'ll watch you go?"

Shang Qian: "...."

He smiled and held her hand. "Why don\'t you go up with me and have a rest?"

Su Nan pulled back, "go up by yourself!"

Shang Qian smiled helplessly and kneaded her palm. He suddenly held her in his arms.

Su Nan put her hands around his waist and felt the warmth of his body. She suddenly felt relieved.

She wasn\'t worried when he was fighting just now.

But until now, she felt sad.

How can the past be so easy to clean up?

She loves him so much.

After a while, he gradually released his hand.

Dark eyes and hoarse voice:

"Go in?"

Su Nan nodded and felt that his body had changed. He couldn\'t stay much longer. He immediately ran in and closed the door.

Exhale slowly.

She does not reject closer relationships.

It\'s just... I\'m not used to it.

The night was heavy.

With some coolness.

Shang Qun came to the door with a gift and Shang Yi apologized, but Su Yifeng declined.

Several times in a row, the business group was shut down.

He understood Su Yifeng\'s attitude.

Businessmen are also very angry. Where have they ever had such a bad eye?

Su Yifeng really despises people!

"Isn\'t it Su Nan? Su Yifeng has made things so stiff, doesn\'t he have any intention of cooperating with us?"

Shang Qun glanced at him with a faint tone:

"Having been to Z for so long, only the Su family didn\'t let anyone make an appointment. You should see their attitude."

Shang also gritted his teeth. "It\'s so arrogant. Even Fu YeChuan has to give us face. Why should the Su family?"

Shang Qun: "Fu always has a purpose. The Su family is not interested, so I think you and Su Nan are dead!"

"No, whatever business modesty can do, but I can\'t?"

Shang also refused. He had to get Su Nan because of his possessiveness!

Merchants frown:

"Shang Qian didn\'t follow. Normal contacts are OK, but I\'m afraid the marriage will not go smoothly.

It is useless for Shang Qian to earn any more money.

Su\'s group will not want a person without any background. "

Now marriage is all about contacts, resources and long-term interests.

Money is useless.

Nouveau riche abound, but the marriage of rich and powerful families has never been more money than anyone.

The complexity of family background, the wide range of human resources and the involvement of the interests of all parties are the key to the consolidation of marriage.

But what about Shang Qian?