After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1098

Su Nan\'s refusal dissatisfied the negotiator.

No woman has dared to be so shameless!

In this way, Shang also had to achieve his goal.

He laughed coldly:

"Miss Su, how shameful? We are acquaintances anyway. What happened to a glass of wine?"

His words gradually silenced the discussion around him.

Everyone watched the scene quietly.

Su Nan sat there, cool and self-contained, with no expression on her bright face.

But when she looked at Shang Yi\'s eyes, she seemed to have a deep-rooted coldness.

Her indifference made Shang also feel that she had no face.

The two sides are deadlocked.

No one gave anyone a step.

Shang also gradually restrained his smile and opened his voice with pondering:

"Miss Su still thinks that I am not as good as Shang Qian\'s face. An illegitimate child can keep Miss Su in mind. The face of my business is not as good as an illegitimate child?"

The pertinence of Shang Yi is obvious.

Su Nan\'s eyes suddenly sank cold.

She looked at Shang Yi with determination and smiled casually. Her tone was cold:

"Illegitimate son? Is Shang Qian the only illegitimate son that President Shang keeps talking about?"

Shang was also a little stunned.

Su Nan\'s smile deepened:

"He is not the only illegitimate son in your business. I think you... Should understand very well."

Shang Yi\'s face changed a few times, and his smile disappeared.

"What does Miss Su mean?"

Su Nan stood up lazily, his chin lifted slightly, proud and cold.

"What do you mean? I know."

If you pierce a secret, it will not be called a secret.

It\'s just a self righteous secret of Shang. I don\'t know how long it can be kept?

At least, Shang Qian\'s mother was a sincere mistress.

But what about Shang Yi\'s mother?

Even ethics.

Who is more disgusting and shameful? Does Shang also have no number in his mind?

Su Nan turned aside and was about to leave. She had to go out for a breath.

Otherwise, he will be smoked to death by the smell of alcohol on this man.

Before leaving, I took a look at the wine glass that Shang Yi was holding in his hand. My eyes flashed and sneered.

I really think he did something when pouring wine there just now. Didn\'t anyone find out?

She\'s just seeing through.

She wouldn\'t mind giving him a warning if she dared to hit her head.

No one dares to go against her in the whole a city.

Just as soon as we got to the door, someone started talking.

"What do you mean by illegitimate children? Is there anyone else who has illegitimate children?"

"There must be a lot of such secrets in such a large family. Who knows which child was brought back from outside!"

"That\'s true. Maybe even ethics are ignored..."


"Su Nan -"

Shang Yi shouted in a bleak tone, walked over and stared at her with his eyes darkly.

"To be clear, what did you just say?"

He was extremely panic and anxious, but he had to be calm.

No one knows the secret.

The whole business group thought that only he himself knew it, and even the business was understood later.

No one will know!

So, what does Sunan mean?

With so many people and so many eyes, who is Su Nan referring to?

Su Nan paused and glanced at him coolly.

She curled her lips and smiled a little coldly.

"Even if you don\'t realize it, you can\'t tell if you see it through, so that everyone won\'t look good. Mr. Shang, what do you say?"