After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1099

Such a shocking secret should not be said hastily on such an occasion.

It should be more useful.

Seeing that the situation was wrong, the friend on the other side hurried forward to make things right.

"Shang always drank too much. He must have drunk too much. I think it\'s better to go to one side and have a rest."

"Yes, Su Nan. Do you want to go to the bathroom? Do you want to accompany you?"

"Don\'t be angry, Mr. Shang. Maybe Su Nan just said something. There\'s no other meaning. She doesn\'t drink. Let\'s drink..."


A man who didn\'t know what to do mentioned that Su Nan didn\'t give face to drink.

Shang Yi\'s face was troubled.

He mercilessly handed the cup in his hand, "OK, Miss Su, then drink this glass of wine. I don\'t care what you said just now..."

As if she had to go down the stairs.

Su Nan chuckled.

His eyes looked at him coolly.

She put her hands around her and smiled at the corners of her mouth. It was very cold.

The room fell silent.

Re adhere to the atmosphere.

Qin Yu had drunk too much. Just now, he dozed off in a daze and was woken up by Shang Yi\'s words.

She pulled away the crowd impatiently.

"Su Nan, when did your temper become so good? People began to threaten you, and you remained indifferent?"

Qin Yu\'s words changed the faces of the people around him.

Su Nan has never been mixed up in this circle of celebrities for a long time. She only exists in the business ranking list, which is beyond the reach of all celebrities.

They almost forgot that the original Su Nan didn\'t have so much patience to pester here.

And will not give anyone face.

Su Nan glanced askance at her. "It\'s important to pay attention to the etiquette before the soldiers."

Qin Yu sneered coldly, "is it over?"

Su Nan raised her eyebrows. "It\'s over."

The dialogue between the two people as if there were no one else left Shang with a bad feeling.

He suddenly remembered the scene when Su Nan splashed water on Yun Yun\'s face during the day.

Because it\'s just a status difference between women.

I\'m not going to be treated like Yun Yun\'s bitch, am I?

But the next second, the hand holding the wine glass suddenly emptied, and the red liquid poured on his face.

The people around immediately retreated and hid three feet away.

Shang also stood there in shock, stiff and unbelievable, looking at the woman in front of him through the pattering liquid.

Su Nan is cold, arrogant and elegant. Her eyes always have a layer of indifferent contempt, which makes people unhappy.

At this time, the merchant has completely ignored the degree of beauty.

He was furious.

"Su Nan..."

Su Nan\'s tone of voice was gentle, and he said lightly: "Mr. Shang, I have to remind you that I don\'t give everyone face, and you are nothing more."

Humiliation, severe humiliation.

Shang Yi blushed and stared at her with scarlet eyes.

Su Nan stepped forward and spoke in the voice of only two people:

"Shang Yi, don\'t take yourself too seriously. No one looks down on a liar who has framed others since childhood."

With that, she gave him a dim look, took a step back, opened the door and walked out.

Qin Yu sneered behind him.

"Mr. Shang, it\'s still too late to go home. Everyone will treat you as drunk and won\'t laugh at you."

Qin Yu\'s words seemed to set fire to him. Shang was unable to control his anger and ran after him in a few steps.

Isn\'t it just a woman?

Isn\'t the family rich?

When she married him, she would have to be humble and serve him. Let her go east and she wouldn\'t dare go west