After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1097

Su Nan curled her lips, turned around and told Qin Yu the story.

Qin Yu was so excited that he couldn\'t help laughing.

"Such a wonderful scene, you should call me!"

I didn\'t expect that the hero who was just talking about was Shang Yi!

This circle is really small.

But the boss of Xinhai group can only give zhaohuaisheng a hard time. He has no ability to fight against the business.

Maybe because of that punch, I have to come to the door with a gift to apologize.

Shang Yi, who was not far away, looked at Su Nan, who was joking with others, and immediately felt as if she had been ticked off.

No wonder Shang Qian\'s humble pursuit of this woman.

He didn\'t pay attention to this woman at first, but she was beautiful.

But gradually, he found that as long as she was there, it seemed that she would always be the focus.

The kind that makes people unable to move their eyes.

There seemed to be a fatal attraction in her.

No wonder fuyechuan and Shang Qian were able to fight.

Everyone wants to have such a woman.

The second ancestor beside Shang Yi looked at him, drank too much, smiled and said:

"Does Mr. Shang have a liking for Miss Su?"

Shang also raised his eyebrows and made a noise.

The other person then speaks:

"It\'s all normal. We dare not say it\'s interesting. We don\'t deserve it. But you are different. The general manager\'s family background is the same as that of the Su family.

From this point of view, Miss Su is still married for the second time, and it is also a great success to marry you. In my opinion, if you two are together, it is a perfect match...... "

Another person agrees:

"Yes, Shang qian can\'t compare with you. What qualifications does he have to win Su Nan\'s heart?

I think only you are the real match. You are better than Shang Qian. I don\'t know how many times! "

Although they usually fear Shang Qian.

However, the merchants also disappeared. When the merchants came, the gossip of the merchants was revealed faintly.

Other people don\'t know. Aristocratic families in this circle like to inquire about other people\'s details and see what people are doing.

They know it all.

Business is also the rightful successor of the business name. Naturally, it goes without saying who they flatter.

Hearing their praise, Shang Yi\'s face showed disdain and complacency.

What is Shang Qian?

What to compare with him?

No matter his family background, or his physical appearance, how can Shang Qian, an illegitimate son, be worthy of Su Nan?

Only oneself can be worthy of a woman like her.

Needless to say, when she gets married, the whole Su family will be in his pocket. Looking at the world at that time, I\'m afraid no one will dare to do the right thing with him!

Thinking of this, Shang Yida felt a fire in his heart, as if Su Nan was destined to be his man.

He took a hard sip of the wine, and the hot taste made his whole blood boil and he was delirious.

Su Nan is listening to a famous lady say which company has been listed recently, carefully analyzing the prospects of the industry.

Suddenly my eyes darkened.

A figure stood in front of him, blocking the light.

Su Nan looked up expressionless and saw Shang Yi\'s eyes with a malicious smile.

He carried two glasses of wine and passed one.

"Miss Su, we\'ve known each other for so long, and we haven\'t had a drink together. Here\'s to you?"

He curled his lips and smiled, thinking he had a perfect smile.

Su Nan looked at the cup of dark red wine and her eyes were slightly astringent.

Her tone was calm and she declined with a polite smile:

"Yes, but I don\'t drink."