After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1096

Yun Yun is stiff all over, covers her face, and looks at her fiercely:

"Get out of here, you haven\'t got anything to say yet!"

Hai Ye chuckled, "I never repel my father from finding me a stepmother, but the stepmother is a fox like you, but I can\'t.

It\'s too cheap to pick a woman from the garbage! "

Grandma often told her that her father would remarry sooner or later.

She was already mentally prepared.

But she couldn\'t accept the contrast between her stepmother and her impression of her mother.

What a nightmare!

With that, Hai Ye turned and left.

The waiter stood outside carefully with a coat.

Hai Ye looked at it and said with a smile, "you don\'t have to give her clothes. A woman like her who takes off her clothes anytime and anywhere is exhibitionist.

She had to pay for the smashed things. If she couldn\'t afford to pay for them, she went to zhaohuaisheng\'s house to charge for them. After all... Now she is the daughter of the Zhao family! "

With that, she walked away leisurely.

Before leaving, I sent a wechat message to Su Nan on my mobile phone.

"Wonderful, thanks!"

Thank her for helping out with a big problem.

Su Nan saw it, smiled and didn\'t reply.



Several friends asked Su Nan to relax.

Shang Qian couldn\'t accompany her in the evening, so she came without saying a word.

This box is big enough.

The people who came were all celebrities and ladies in the circle, young and full of youth.

There are also several young masters of aristocratic families who rarely get together so well.

Qin Yu was among them.

Su Nan walked over, and Qin Yu took her seat. He had already drunk half a cup of wine, and his eyes were dimly drunk.

The music was deafening.

Qin Yu greeted her and told her the gossip she had just heard:

"Yun Yun, who has just been recognized as coming home, heard that she was demobilized by the president of Xinhai group in the afternoon. I don\'t know what happened. In short, the two families made a terrible scene!"

Su Nan\'s eyes turned.

Unexpectedly, the boss of Xinhai group acted very quickly.

But I can\'t bear to put this on anyone.


She pretended not to know anything.

Qin Yu put his arm around her: "anyway, no one in the circle said she was good. Flying to the branches, he thought she would become a phoenix? Just a minion like Yang Mei licked her!"

Su Nan picked her eyebrows and didn\'t care.

Just looking up, I suddenly saw a disgusting man sitting in the middle of several childe opposite.

Shang Yi.

"Why is he here?"

Su Nan asked Qin Yu.

Qin Yu squinted. "I don\'t know who came with me. After all, the merchants have a good reputation. Although they have no foundation here, they have a deep background. Naturally, many people want to curry favor with them."

Su Nan nodded, OK, then it would be better to be a stranger.

But it happened that the man had to come to her and stop her.

Shang also came over with a glass of wine and thought he was very handsome.

"Miss Su, what happened during the day makes you laugh. I\'m not a mess of women. I don\'t refuse anything."

Su Nan smiled and looked up. "It doesn\'t matter to me. You don\'t have to care."

She doesn\'t even want to listen to him, okay?

Shang also smiled and raised his feet to sit next to her.

However, Qin Yu did not give him the chance.

"Mr. Shang, we are whispering. It is not appropriate for you to be here."

Shang also paused, and his eyebrows and eyes sank for a few minutes.

"OK, then I won\'t disturb you."

Shang also took a deep look at Su Nan, turned around and left.

Qin Yu said, "what\'s going on during the day?"