After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1095

Yun Yun lies on the ground, convulsing and trembling all over.

"I... I was forced. It was the man who forced me. I didn\'t want to!"

The boss of Xinhai group slapped him.

"Bullshit, when I was blind? You obviously climbed onto him just now, bitch. I was really blind. When you were rejected by the circle and spit by everyone, I wanted to marry you.

What happened?

That\'s how you thanked me? "

Yun Yun is dizzy and distended.

She cried pitifully and awkwardly.

"I am wholehearted to you. This time it was my fault. Forgive me. It was the man who seduced me. I just made a mistake that all women in the world would make!"

The boss of Xinhai group has a blue face.

"Excuse me? Do you still want to forgive me for catching such a big green hat?

I\'m really blind. I fell in love with such a shabby shoe like you. I tell you, if you give up your marriage, you\'ll give up your marriage right away. I\'ve had eight bad luck in my life! "

He pushed away the woman wrapped around his leg.

His complexion is very dark.

"Divorce? You want to divorce me?"

Yun Yun screamed and started to do it, ignoring her clothes. Her eyes looked up ferociously, and her eyes were still full of tears.

"How can you give up your marriage with me? I\'ve pushed several young talents for you!

Do you think I\'m still your mistress? My biological father is zhaohuaisheng, who has a good reputation here!

We don\'t get married by wishful thinking. We get married by marriage!

Want to retire? You dream! "

If even the second married man doesn\'t want her, Yun Yun\'s reputation in the circle must be in bad shape in the future.

She had thought that she had been his mistress. This man is easy to handle.

Although there was an unpleasant stepdaughter, everything was easy to solve.

Marriage, as long as she married, Xinhai group is her.

Zhaohuaisheng refused to let her go to her own company because her brothers and sisters were guarding against her.

But she couldn\'t wait to die. She could only pay attention to the second married man.

The boss of Xinhai group has an ugly face.

"Marriage? You are too proud of yourself. If zhaohuaisheng hadn\'t come across our affair, would he have recognized you as a daughter?

You should thank me. What kind of marriage?

Who doesn\'t know that you are my mistress? In a circle like yours, but who wants you if you have a clean family background? "

The two hated each other and tore the last piece of the fig leaf.

"You said you would give up your marriage if you gave up your marriage? You even ignored the face of the Zhao family?"

She did not believe that the second married man did not care about zhaohuaisheng\'s face at all.

"Oh, face? You trample my face on the ground, and I have to look after your face?

I tell you, don\'t be too ambitious. If you were born in a family like Su Nan, I would lick your feet every day, but you... Don\'t be paranoid! "

A lowly bitch, he can let her up, that is to look up to her.

But since she betrayed him, he would not endure another second!

The boss of Xinhai group sneered, turned around and left. The vase at the door was at hand.

He was so angry that he picked it up and threw it back

The vase wasn\'t thrown on Yun Yun, but it was thrown on the ground next to her. The splashing debris severely scratched her face——

People are gone.

At last it was quiet.

Hai Ye stood at the door with her lips hooked and looked at her with a mocking face.

"You deserve it. Who makes you so lonely?"