After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1062

At this moment, Qin Yu didn\'t want to say more.

Since he wants to get married, go find someone else.

She will never marry him.

She loved him but hated him.

no result.

It was her limit to be able to make up with him at all costs.

A full minute.

Qin Yu sat lazily on the sofa watching TV. In fact, he didn\'t see anything.

Confused, but calm and self-contained.

Next second.

Mo Xian was cold and gloomy all over. He walked in front of him, went out and left.

The door slammed shut.

Qin Yu didn\'t care, but he felt like a huge rock falling to the bottom of the sea without making waves.

A few minutes later, Mo Xianke, with his complicated emotions, opened the door again and came back.

Without talking to her, I went straight to the bedroom to sleep.

Qin Yu blinked and hissed coldly.

Then he lowered his eyes and pursed at the corners of his mouth.

She knew very well that they could not go back.

Mo Xian\'s future marriage partner will never be her.

She breathed out a slow breath and hooked her lips.

Forget it, since he has come back and bowed his head first, then coax him!

Then he turned off the TV and went into the bedroom.

He walked over slowly, looked at the man lying on his side in bed, and began to take off his clothes

She will compensate him in her own way.

The night was heavy.

All kinds of comments on the Internet are earth shaking.

What Su Qi and Ning knew was mentioned again and again.

Finally, when things gradually stabilized, Su Qi agreed to make a statement in public under the great pressure from Du Yan.

He didn\'t want to talk about his feelings in front of everyone.

Especially under the premise that Ning knew he had been subjected to cyber violence.

It\'s not good for her.

But she didn\'t seem to care. After Ning Zhihe agreed, he agreed to Du Yan\'s request.

Su Qi chose a very direct way.

Directly release a photo of two people with the same couple ring, postscript:

"My fiancee, I love her very much. Please love her as you protect me."

He tied her to himself, sharing weal and woe.

Du Yan had made preparations for it and publicized the tortuous and precious love between the two people in the media.

For a time, it also aroused the resonance and blessing of many netizens.

Those who questioned the hype gradually disappeared.

"The classmate broke the news: Ning Zhi talked with Su Yingdi when he was in college. After so much experience, he can still be together. Excellent people are attracted to each other..."

"Ning and Su seem to be making TV dramas. Now I believe in love again!"

"It\'s still you who are wandering around. It\'s said that Ning is Su Nan\'s best friend. She wants to be her best friend with her brother!"

"As an old fan of Su Ying Di, I just want to say: just be happy!"

"I hope President Ning will quickly come out of the last shadow. That psychopath is about to be sentenced. Such a scum man should die quickly!"

"Looking at Su Nan\'s attitude, I know that Ning is not that kind of person, or would she risk everything to protect her?"


Ningzhi has been busy in the company all day.

She promised Su Qi that she could respond publicly, but she didn\'t have the courage to read the online comments.

It was getting dark.

She left the office and went downstairs.

Looking at the car parked at the door, a tall and handsome man stood in front of the car. He was tall and straight, with beautiful facial features. The sunset glow shrouded him in a shallow halo.

Every frame is a refined picture.

Su Qi saw her and smiled and waved.

"I\'ll pick you up from work!"

He shouted.

For fear that others will not hear.