After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1061

Qin Yu never planned to marry him?

Mo Xian doesn\'t care about marriage, otherwise he wouldn\'t trade his marriage with others.

But Qin Yu cares.

So he got divorced.

But when he heard Qin Yu\'s words, he was afraid of losing face if he didn\'t get married?

What else can he do?

Qin Yu lowered his head and smiled. He looked up at him gently. His eyes were full of lingering affection.

She put her slender hand around the man\'s neck, and her goblin like eyes caught his soul.

The delicate and bright face was on his chest.

Wen Yan smiled softly in his ear and opened his mouth in a bewitching way:

"I know you have done everything you can. I will always remember what you have done for me.

But marriage can also lead to divorce, so we can stay together forever... "

Do not show sharp chest pain.

Obviously, every move of a woman makes him deeply involved and unable to extricate himself.

But every word she uttered could make people suffocate.

Everyone wanted a place, but she didn\'t.

He knew that it was his original deception that hurt her completely.

He stretched out his hand, pulled away the woman, and looked at every inch of her face.

"Qin Yu, I can\'t never get married, you know..."

Maybe one day, he will envy others\' family of three.

But he didn\'t say anything later.

Because looking at his gradually indifferent eyes, he suddenly couldn\'t say a word.

My chest is in a terrible panic!

Qin Yu decisively released his arm and coldly embraced his hands.

Her red lips were charming, her eyes were bright but fierce, and she hooked the corner of her lips.


"It\'s good to get together and get apart. You won\'t be entangled. When you want to get married, you can tie it with confidence.

We\'ll get out of each other\'s world! "

At that time, she must have wasted all her enthusiasm and love.

It should be easy to send him away.

Mo Xian\'s face changed severely, and his expression was complex and stiff.

From the beginning of his reunion, he thought that Qin Yu, who was naive, lively, passionate and loved him to death, would come back.

But no.

Qin Yu is very strange in front of me.

She still loved him, but her eyes were dim. She no longer asked about his private life and friends, nor expected his gifts and appearance.

When she looked at him, her eyes were even a little cold and alienated, but in a twinkling of an eye, she was entangled with him as before, like a grinding goblin.

When they were together, except in bed, she was enthusiastic. When she got out of bed, she turned her face and didn\'t recognize anyone. It seemed unbearable to stay for another moment.

Occasionally, when she was in a good mood, she would coax him, and he was very surprised.

He could not tell whether the person in front of him was really Qin Yu?

His eyes were dark and complicated, and a chill suddenly crossed his eyes.

"You don\'t want to marry me because of your marriage with the Shen family?

If it were Shen Liang, you would get married, wouldn\'t you? "

He knows the answer, but he has to ask it clearly.

Look for abuse.

Qin Yu smiled with a cold smile.

"I know what I\'m asking, but it\'s not the Shen family. I wouldn\'t exclude marriage from anyone else except you!"

Her words were like a knife, which bit his heart.

"You provoked me first, but we were called \'dog men and women\' together, and \'dog men and women\' should not come to a good end. Let\'s just muddle along and don\'t spoil the sacred thing of marriage."

She said that, smiled, turned around and walked out around him.