After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1063

Ning knew for a moment, and the shadow shrouded in his heart suddenly disappeared.

He is so brazen that why should she be so timid and careful?

She bowed her head and smiled, laughing at herself for worrying about nothing.

Su Nan told her many times not to worry, but she didn\'t understand until this moment that she thought too much about all the obstacles.


The dark sky, without any starlight.

A private party. Cheng Yi begged Sunan several times before agreeing to go.

She could only push off the meal originally agreed with Shang Qian, change into a simple and clean dress and leave.

The light and shadow are whirling and the lights are flashing.

Cheng Yiyi was almost frozen to death waiting at the door before watching Su Nan come late.

He went over with a sigh and opened the door for her.

"Ancestor, you are twenty minutes late!"

Su Nan glanced at him faintly, and retorted in a reasonable and confident manner:

"How can a girl not be late?"

Cheng Yi is speechless.

If other women dare to make him wait for more than five minutes, he will never meet again in his life.

That is to say, Su Nan is a special case, from small to large.

"What party?"

If it\'s a business party, she won\'t miss it.

Cheng Yi: "on Shen Liang\'s birthday, he doesn\'t have any acquaintances in Xicheng. I haven\'t known him for a few days, so I\'ll join the fun."

Su Nan\'s face changed with a pause.

"Didn\'t you say so?"

"Why are you so reactive?" Cheng Yi is surprised:

"Miss Qin doesn\'t even attend her fiance\'s birthday. If we don\'t show up, where will the Shen family face?"

Su Nan paused for a moment, and she was full of mixed feelings.

She really wanted to turn around and leave.

Cheng Yi is so dull. Qin Yu doesn\'t attend his fiance\'s birthday party. What does it mean that he can\'t understand?

After scolding him 18000 times, he looked at Shen Liang and laughed.

Seeing Su Nan, she was stunned and walked over with a smile.

"Mr. Su, thank you for coming. It\'s Cheng Er Shao who has a big face!"

Su Nan immediately recovered her look and joked politely:

"I\'ve come here to wish you a happy birthday. Don\'t give Cheng Er any credit."

Cheng Yi smiled. "That\'s not true. It\'s all his own people. Don\'t mention it, President Shen."

Shen Liang\'s social intercourse was mature and steady. He immediately invited people in.

Many of the people here are insiders and look familiar.

Cheng Yi sighed: "Shen Liang really has a way of doing things. People in the circle are full of praise for him after visiting Xicheng for so long."

Su Nan gave him a white look. "Just sit down and go. Don\'t waste time."

In case they mention Qin Yu in a moment, it will be difficult to get round the situation.

"What\'s the hurry? Is Shang Qian still checking his post? You have to stand up!"

Cheng Yi hates it.

Su Nan was speechless and endured the urge to swear.

"Su Nan..."

A mellow, low voice came from behind.

The familiar complexity is fuyechuan.

Su Nan looked sideways and saw him. He stood there with cold eyes and deep eyes looking at her.

Both deep and restrained.

Cheng Yi also saw fuyechuan and raised his eyebrows:

"What a coincidence! Is Mr. Fu there?"

Shen Liang is so proud!

Fuyechuan\'s eyes have been fixed on Su Nan.

He walked over and said a lot, but he didn\'t know where to start.

He knows her every move.

But the more he knew, the more he felt. Every minute Shang Qian was with her, he was so jealous that he went crazy.

He tried hard to forget her, but in vain.

The more he forgets, the more he remembers