After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1049

"You don\'t like Su Nan, do you? Look at her arrogant manner. She wears famous brands and rides famous cars all day long. I\'m afraid she doesn\'t know that her family is a rich man. Is money great?

Ning knows. Are you right? "

Ning Zhi raised his eyes and stood up in a cold tone.

"Can you not be so naked with envy?"

At that time, Su Nan was at the door.

From then on, Su Nan liked to call Ning Zhi for everything she did. She got out of her solitude and became like them.

Su Nan, the classmate who spoke ill of her, was very arrogant and asked the teacher to transfer her away.

Memories seem very close.

Su Nan thought she would always be so strong.

Close your eyes.

Tears flow down.

It was a little light.

The sun pierced through the window and fell in front of us.

The smell of the disinfectant made me dizzy.

Through the glass.

Looking at Su Qi, who had not slept all night, he sat beside him and gently pulled Ning Zhi\'s hand, like a sculpture.

I haven\'t even changed my posture.

Qin Yu rubbed his eyes.

"Third brother likes cicadas so much?"

She paused. "Cicada should be very happy. She has always liked the third brother!"

Su Nan blinked, "so you know?"

"Who doesn\'t know? The whole school knows that they have been in contact with each other. The cicada likes him very much. Later, they broke up suddenly. There is no contact anymore."

Su Nan frowned. At that time, she was probably the only one who didn\'t know!

"The third brother regrets, but the cicada may not like the third brother!"

"Who said that?" Qin Yu denied, "of course, she likes her third brother. Two days ago, she asked her for a drink. When she drank too much, she said, \'Suqi, how can I not like you\'? That\'s just like it."

Su Nan paused.

Then why did Su Qi chase her for so long, and she didn\'t show any intention of making up?

The doctor went to the ward round.

After seeing Ning Zhile\'s situation, he pushed people out.

Su Nan was nervous. "What\'s the matter?"

"Don\'t worry, Miss Su. Just change to a common ward. The patient\'s indicators have been very normal. Now she is in a light sleep state and will wake up in less than two hours."

Su Nan suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, and a huge stone in her chest suddenly disappeared.

She\'s all right!

Qin Yu followed up excitedly. "Can we follow up with the ward?"

"Yes, but don\'t make too much noise."

"No noise, no noise, let her sleep well!"

Su Qi didn\'t sleep all night. He was in a bad state. His eyes were full of red blood. He looked haggard.

When he came out, he shook his head and followed him.

Su Nan pursed her lips. "Brother, would you like to squint for a while?"

It is impossible for him to leave now.

Su Qi shook his head and touched her hair.

"I won\'t go until she wakes up."

Su Qi\'s tone was firm.

Then he eased his smile and looked at her:

"You still have a way. This result has been handled very well."

Su Nan nodded, "you are just too anxious, too angry, too worried about cicadas."

Care is chaos.

Su Qi smiled and left without saying anything.

Less than two hours.

Ning knows and wakes up.

She opened her eyes and looked at the ceiling.

His right hand is wrapped by a cool big hand, which is very familiar and comfortable.

The movement of her side head was perceptible and her hands tightened.

"Are you awake?"

Su Qi\'s voice was hoarse and deep.

with great care.

Ning Zhi blinked and looked at Su Qi\'s embarrassed appearance. Where could there be any bright demeanor of Su Ying emperor?

"What happened to me?"