After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1050

Seeing Ning Zhi\'s lips dry.

Su Nan came over with lipstick and carefully applied it to her.

Prevent cracking.

Qin Yu was in charge of crying excitedly.

"You finally woke up and scared me to death!"

Ning Zhi looked at them blankly and finally looked at Su Nan:

"So what happened to me?"

Su Nan\'s eyes are reddish.

"Don\'t you remember? You jumped off a building. How could you jump off a building? We\'ll help you with anything. Why did you do that?"

Ning Zhi shrinks his pupils in shock.

"How could I jump off a building?"

She touched her head and touched the gauze.

Immediately understand that they are not lying.

"I... really didn\'t jump!"

Qin Yu\'s crying stopped abruptly.

Ning knew the confused frown and recalled:

"I just sat on the window and blew the wind. Later, I was too hungry and felt a little hypoglycemic. I wanted someone to bring me some food.

Then... I don\'t remember. "

Her voice grew louder and louder.

The others in the room understood.

She was really unlucky.

He fell downstairs.

Fortunately... No life is in danger.

Otherwise, it will really be the first injustice in the world.

The soreness in Su Nan\'s eyes disappeared without a trace.

Qin Yu stopped choking and immediately stood up.

"I\'ll get you some food."

Su Nan sat down. "I\'m hungry, too. I want more."

Qin Yu walked to the door and remembered, "you go with me!"

She stared at Su Nan without any doubt.

Is Su Nan short of a tendon?

Su Nan was puzzled. After looking at Su Qi and Ning, she suddenly understood.

"OK, let\'s go together."

The two men left one after the other without forgetting to close the door.

Su Qi looked at the pale Ning Zhi with fixed eyes.

Whether it\'s true or not, he doesn\'t want to leave him alone anymore.

He had been thinking all night, and he wanted to tell her.

"Third brother..."

Ning knew he wanted to pull back his hand, but he didn\'t twitch.

She gave a helpless cry.

Su Qi paused and changed his posture, but he didn\'t let go.

Ning Zhi looked at him and his eyes calmed down.

"Did you see it?"

Those photos are so popular that I\'m afraid no one doesn\'t know?

She is a joke!

It\'s obviously wronged, but there\'s nowhere to say.

She became a laughing stock for everyone.

His back was straight and suddenly stopped.

She can\'t accept it. She hides in her study and thinks about her life.

Sitting on the windowsill, the cold wind blew, which made her more clear headed.

Some people say that when you are on the verge of death, you will be told whether it is worth living.

So she sat on it.

When she wanted to come down, she had no chance

But she wants to live!

Su Qi reached out to touch her head.

But thinking of her head injury, she stopped in mid air.

He drew back his hand and laid his face on the back of her hand. His tears moistened her skin.

She seemed to be scalded and shrunk slightly.

But my heart was burned by the fire, and it was aching.

You see, he was so sad!

Ning Zhi\'s tears flowed out of control.

At first, I was able to control it. Later, I couldn\'t help crying.

She did nothing. She walked hard in this muddy circle and kept her last job clean, which was called dirty and cheap.

She just wants to do well in the company and give her a foothold.

She was blind to see the wrong person, but stopped the loss in time, but failed to be ruthless.

She gave him money once, which made Xiao Ran\'s dog taste the sweetness. She thought she could have another time and next time

As a result, she ruined herself!