After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1048

After thanking, Su Nan and Qin Yu followed.

The ICU can be accompanied by one person.

Of course, Su Qi did not hesitate to change his clothes and went in.

The police are efficient.

Just one night, in the early morning of the next day, the latest survey was released.

In the case, the time line is used to explain in great detail that Xiao ran and Ning Zhi have started their relationship. Xiao ran drugged her and secretly took her photos.

Then Xiao ran cheated and sucked in fans. Ning Zhi broke up with her.

Xiao Ran has no money. He would rather borrow money.

Knowing that Xiao ran used money to suck up fans, Ning knew and refused to borrow again.

After Xiao ran repeatedly failed to ask for money, he came up with the idea of sending photos, so he fabricated a lie and uploaded the photos.

Purpose: ask for money!

The police are very official between the lines, without any emotional bias.

As soon as it was posted on the Internet, it set off a huge wave again.

Originally, everyone had already made a firm decision and began to beat Ning to know this woman.

But who knows, the investigation turned out to be false?

"What\'s the matter? The most unlucky thing is Ning Zhi? People have been calculated to fall in love. If they don\'t say it, they have to take money to break up. Rich people have to polish their eyes when they look for a man!"

"Xiao ran, a dog man, is really fucking cruel!"

"How does Xiao ran manage to be such a scum?"

"All of you keyboard men who scolded Ning Zhi pretend to be dead now?"

"I\'d rather know that my heart is too soft. I want to give him money for relief after parting my hand. If I let him starve to death!"

"Just now I saw Ning Zhi jump from a building. Are you satisfied? Everyone has a share in killing someone else!"

"Xiao Ran is a dog. The reversal is amazing. I believe the police uncle. I apologize to Ning Zhi!"

"I apologize to Ning Zhi!"

"I apologize to Ning Zhi!"


The sharp reversal of public opinion has relieved everyone.

Soon, he Ning learned to apologize, and a popular title made the headlines.

No one below broke the line.

All are:

"I apologize to Ning Zhi!"

Those who scolded her began to repent here.

Soon, the Xiaoran account on the Internet was blocked, and the pictures sent were forbidden to view.

This series of operations was probably requested by Du Yan who took advantage of the situation to find people on the media platform.

With the blessing of the police, the media platform will not turn a deaf ear.

Su Nan and Qin Yu stayed up all night waiting.

After Qin Yu saw the comments on the Internet, she cried even more.

She threw herself into Su Nan\'s arms and burst into tears.

Su Nan was relieved.

Patted her on the shoulder.

"It\'s all right."

As long as Ningzhi wakes up, nothing will happen.

The most difficult time has passed.

Su Nan took out her mobile phone and saw several people asking about Ning Zhihe.

Cheng Yiguang made dozens of phone calls.

He kept asking Sunan, which hospital does Ning know?

Sunan saw it and replied to him.

Qin Yu sobbed:

"Su Nan, I always think Ning Zhi is the best among us. You depend on your family, I depend on my mother, but she depends on herself.

She just didn\'t figure it out for a while! "

Su Nan nodded.


Ningzhi is the strongest and most rational person.

She can always strive for her own goals.

At the beginning, the three of them didn\'t take Ning Zhi to play with them, and her family was backward and became lonely.

Later, Su Nan remembered clearly.

Some people in the school don\'t look up to Su Nan\'s good looks and good grades. Naturally, many people are jealous.

While Su Nan is away, someone in the class is talking ill of her and wants to win over other students to say it together.

They found Ning Zhi