After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1047

"Miss Su, you and miss Ning are good friends. Do you have anything to say for her?"

"Is it the normal situation in this circle for female high-level and male subordinates?"

"Did miss Ning jump out of the building in shame? Is her life in danger now?"

"Why didn\'t you explain it for so long?"

"Xiao ran accused Miss Ning of deliberately setting him up. Is that true?"

"Is Miss Ning\'s gorgeous photo true?"


Su Nan took a deep breath. Her face was cold and her voice was cold and cold:

"You guys, it\'s unfortunate to encounter such a thing today, but I think in the hospital, you should at least give the patient a chance to breathe.

You should have seen how she jumped from the building before we did, but you still only care about the scandals.

Xiao Ran is a drug addict. There is no doubt whether he should believe his words and speak with facts. "

"What Miss Su means is, will miss Ning give out any evidence?"

A reporter asked.

Su Nan looked at him with cold eyes.

"We have already called the police. When the police give the result, it will come out naturally."

"In other words, Xiao ran accused Miss Ning of cheating?

So is it true that Miss Ning\'s pornographic photos are true? "

The reporters are more concerned about this!

Many people on the Internet now believe that the photo has no trace of PS.

If they say that PS is synthesized, they are slapping their faces.

Su Nan looked at the reporter asking questions with a frozen face:

"Do you want it to be true or false?"

Whether it\'s true or not, before the truth comes out, go to spy on a girl\'s privacy and spit on her moral corruption.

Isn\'t that enough for her to break down?

The reporter choked for a moment.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I hope you can maintain the most basic professional ethics before the police investigate clearly, and do not guide the topic on the Internet at will.

When my friend wakes up, I don\'t want to see worse words bullying her.

If you can arrange the topic at will, I, the lawyer team of Su\'s group, will be waiting for you at any time. "


She glanced coldly at all the reporters and cameras, then turned around without hesitation and went in.

The last sentence is the threat.

Compared with Ning Zhi, even if someone said she was arrogant, she didn\'t care.

Who let her have crazy capital?

The reporters were so stunned that they didn\'t dare to ask any more questions.

She seemed to answer, or she seemed to answer nothing.

But they vaguely understood what she meant:

Ning knows that she is her friend. No one can bully her!

Soon, she found a bodyguard and scattered the reporters at the door.

The door of the emergency room finally opened.

The doctor came out and sighed.

"The patient had hypoglycemia. His blood pressure was unstable during the treatment. When he fell from a high place, his head hit a stone. Fortunately, the falling distance was not high and he did not touch the brain nerve."

Everyone looked at him nervously.

"Is she all right?"

Su Nan tensed up and asked him.

The doctor nodded. "It needs a night of observation. If she can wake up, it means there is no problem. Now go to the intensive care unit."

Just then, the people behind pushed Ning Zhi out.

There was no blood on her pale face. She closed her eyes quietly, like a gust of wind that could blow her away in the world.

Su Nan was so miserable that she wanted to cry but couldn\'t.

She would rather know why it is so miserable, from childhood to childhood!