After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1043

Su Nan was so angry that he couldn\'t reason.

"Is that how it ferments? Everyone is scolding Ning. What did she do wrong?"

She just gave up a vain Xiao ran and let him taste his own bitter fruit.

Why face all this?

Du Yan sighed:

"I understand, but now that things have happened, it\'s too late to withdraw. The most important thing is to stop the man\'s mouth. Your third brother has gone to look for it. Now I\'m worried about whether there will be human lives..."

As soon as Su Nan\'s face changed, she immediately hung up the phone and ran out.

"Yu Lou, if you have something to do, go to the eldest brother. Don\'t contact me if you have nothing to do."

Yu Lou: "OK."

He knew that Ning Zhi was Su Nan\'s best friend. At this time, Su Nan would never stay out of it.

Su Nan calls Su Qi like crazy, but no one answers.

With Su Qi\'s temper, Xiao ran can be killed!

She asked Du Yan:

"Do you know where Xiao Ran is now? Where did my brother find him?"

Duyan: "it seems to be in his hometown, B county."

Su Nan hung up the phone and immediately stepped on the accelerator to catch up as quickly as possible.

She was worried about Ning Zhi and Su Qi doing stupid things.

She can\'t wait to separate herself.

Simply, she called Qin Yu.

"Did you go there?"

Qin Yu was also very worried, and his tone was anxious.

"You finally called. I was scared to death. I was on my way!

I heard that cicada went to the company and was blocked back by the media and fans. Everyone was scolding her. What a terrible thing to say. I was angry but scolded them online... "

Su Nan\'s tone was cold. "Don\'t worry about the Internet. The most important thing is that the cicada has nothing to do. You go to her and keep it."

"Why don\'t you come here? I\'m afraid I can\'t do it alone!"

Sunan: "I have to go to find Xiao ran first, and the third brother has also gone to find him. I\'m afraid of human life. It\'s hard to clean up."

Qin Yu panicked for a moment.

"OK, let\'s cooperate separately. Go and let the third brother calm down. I\'ll leave the life of Xiao Ran\'s son of a bitch to me. I\'ll go to find the cicada now."

Su Nan rang out and hung up.

After half an hour\'s journey, she accelerated her drive for 15 minutes.

Xiao Ran\'s detailed address has been sent to her mobile phone.

Su Nan went upstairs according to the address.

The gate is open.

Su Nan went in and the house was in a mess. It seemed that she had just fought.

Inside the room came the sound of a chair falling to the ground, and she ran in quickly.

Seeing that Xiao ran was captured by Su Qi and leaned against the window, his face was blue and his breathing was difficult. It was useless for Xiao ran to kick down his chair.

He struggled, he was afraid, Su Qi\'s face was cold and unshakable.

He\'s gonna kill him!

He kept trying to strangle him or throw him off the windowsill.

On the 16th floor, it must fall into paste.


Su Nan\'s face changed and she hurried over.

"Third brother -"

She pulled away Su Qi\'s hand, and the veins on the back of Su Qi\'s hand were clear, which showed that he was extremely angry at this time.

Xiao ran breathed a sigh of relief and knelt on the ground, covering his neck violently and coughing.

Su Qi\'s eyes were cold and gloomy, and his eyes were gloomy. When he saw Su Nan, he sank to the bottom of the sea.

"Why are you here? Hurry up!"

Su Nan\'s eyes are red.

He really wants to kill Xiao ran!

She could see it.

Su Nan\'s eyelashes trembled and paused, and her voice was anxious:

"Third brother, don\'t be silly. This matter can\'t be solved like this. If he dies, the cicada will be over!"