After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1044

No one came forward to clarify Ning Zhi.

Xiao Ran\'s death might be counted on her.

At that time, the dirty water won\'t be clean.

Su Qi\'s eyebrows and eyes moved slightly, and his Adam\'s apple rolled.

He hoarse voice, "kill him, give her the first breath!"

Xiao Ran\'s body shook violently.

Hearing this, he shrank into a corner with fear.

Su Nan pulled his arm and stared at Su Qi\'s face:

"Don\'t worry. He\'ll get what he deserves. Don\'t dirty your hands.

I\'m here watching people come and take him away. Go find the Cicada! "

Hearing the cicada\'s name, Su Qi\'s eyes flashed a dark color.

I can\'t bear it. I feel sorry.

Su Qi doesn\'t want to leave. He doesn\'t want to let Xiao ran, the son of a bitch, go.

Su Nan tugged at his arm. "Go, don\'t let her do anything stupid!"

Su Qi shivered and glanced at Su Nan.

White lips.

Rather than letting Xiao ran die, he wanted Ning Zhi to live well.

He took a step back, didn\'t say anything, and hurriedly turned and strode away.

I heard the car start below.

Sunan was relieved.

Her eyes were fixed on her bleak, bruised face, which was originally sunny. Her cheeks suddenly sank, and her thin face took off.

She walked over, condescending, her voice cold.

"You look like a ghost. It seems that you haven\'t got rid of drugs?"

Xiao ran trembled and opened his eyes.

Suddenly he ran to her and knelt down.

"Miss Su, you have money. Lend me some money. I will certainly pay you back in the future.

I am wrong about Miss Ning. As long as you give me money, I will immediately clarify this matter! "

The air was silent for a few seconds.

Su Nan\'s eyes were cold and silent, staring at Xiao ran.

"Just for money?"

Xiao ran nodded hurriedly, "it\'s for money. I asked her for money before, and she gave it. It shows that she has me in her heart.

But recently, she didn\'t give it to me. She didn\'t even see me. She obviously had money and didn\'t help me... Ah - "

With a bleat, he fell to one side on his knees.

Su Nan kicked it to his heart, and it was very cruel.

She trembled with anger.

"Help people like you? Do you deserve it?"

She pointed to the bleak, cold voice:

"Look at you. At the beginning, I would rather hold you up step by step to make you an international superstar. Do you want to kill yourself and drag others into the water?"

She went over and kicked him in the chest.

Every pore in his body wanted to kill him.

She realized that Su Qi could not help feeling.

Xiao Ran\'s body trembled and held his body.

Painful wheezing was severe.

Su Nan didn\'t feel the slightest softhearted and kicked it one foot at a time.

Like kicking a dead dog!

She still remembers the first time, Ning Zhi brought him to the front and asked her to take him to the auction to gather a place.

At that time, it was the rising period of the career.

He is optimistic and optimistic, positive, and has a wide range of prospects.

But I didn\'t expect it was all fake!

Think about what he did to Ning Zhi. It\'s so hateful that his teeth itch. I can\'t wait to chew him up!

Xiao ran begged for mercy in pain. The pain was so great that the worthless tears flowed down and he curled up.

"Miss Su, I was wrong, wrong..."

Su Nan paused, took out her mobile phone and turned on the video mode.

The tone was cold.

"When did you take those pictures?"

Xiao ran shuddered. His eyes were swollen and he couldn\'t open them. Naturally, he didn\'t find Su Nan recording a video:

"When she wouldn\'t let me touch her, I gave her an overpowering drug, but I didn\'t touch her. I was afraid she would turn against me when she woke up!"