After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1042

Shang Qian sent Su Nan back to Su\'s group.

Sunan is in time for the postponed meeting.

The project of Juli group has reached the final stage and made a major breakthrough.

Shang Qian also began to go through a series of procedures for going to Europe to participate in the exhibition.

Sunan was transferred back from Juli group and was temporarily placed as an assistant in the finance department.

Yu Lou came in with the information, "President Su, zhanglicheng, president Zhang sent the latest project progress, and everything went well.

However, Zhicheng company bought the murderer\'s leukemia daughter and just died yesterday. "

Su Nan was silent for a few seconds.

She sighed.

"Well, it\'s all over."

Yu Lou nodded.

Zhang Licheng\'s forces will not be around for long. The anti underworld and anti evil inspection team has begun to investigate Zhang Licheng\'s case and will soon have results.

Su Nan has been busy all day.

In the afternoon, I was about to get off work.

Yu Lou suddenly rushes in with an iPad. His face is hard to see the extreme:

"President Su, something\'s wrong!"

Su Nan\'s face changed. "What\'s the matter?"

In such a panic?

Isn\'t Su Jin still involved in the big business?

Yu Lou didn\'t know how to open his mouth and handed over the things in his hand.

"The real name of the old model Xiao ran was exposed, and his former boss Ning XX\'s... Pornographic photos."

Ning XX?

Isn\'t that Ning Zhi?

The air was somewhat silent.

Su Nan took it in shock. The entertainment news had made headlines.

After a period of silence, the desolate and noisy people who were driven back from the foreign T-stage have risen again. In the recently calm entertainment circle, there has been a huge storm.

Xiao ran not only exposed his chat records with Ning Zhile.

And the exposed photos of Ning Zhi.

Those photos were posed in various positions, and did not look like they were taken soberly.

Although they were all punched, Ning knew the letter Q of the tattoo on his ankle, which clearly came into view.

Only Su Nan and Qin Yu knew about this tattoo. They accompanied her to have it tattooed.

Su Nan suddenly felt dizzy, her mind was blank, and her whole body trembled unconsciously.

It\'s freezing.

"Isn\'t this the unspoken rule? The female boss unspoken the rule. The male model didn\'t expect to be so black?"

"Xiao Ran is something I have always liked to this day. He is clean and pure. He was insulted by Miss Ning. Now he can\'t get on with it. Sweep him out of the house. Xiao ran will certainly retaliate!"

"It\'s too much for a man to expose a woman like this!"

"I\'m a drug addict. I\'m black all my life. There\'s nothing to wash away!"

"Maybe Xiao Ran\'s retreat from the circle was a trap designed by these capital leaders!

Brother Xiao ran means that Ning Fupo fell in love with someone else and wanted to kick him away. He had already fallen in love with Ning Fupo and didn\'t want to go. As a result, she was cheated! "

"Your circle is really chaotic. Can you give me a high-definition code free one?"


Most of the comments on the Internet are disgusting. Su Nan is so angry that she can\'t imagine.

So the stronger Ning knows if he sees these, will he go crazy?

With trembling hands, she picked up her mobile phone and called Ning Zhi.

It rang and was hung up.

Call again.

Shut down.

Su Nan was so anxious that he immediately called Du Yan.

Du Yan took a long time to answer the phone. His voice was tired.

"You also want to expose photos online, right?

Your third brother almost ruined the company here. I have contacted the media platform over there. They just want to be hot in the past two days. Seeing that Ning knows that he has no background and no power, he doesn\'t want to press down... "