After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1037

For Shang Qian, businesses should not have existed for a long time.

He\'s just too lazy to do it.

Su Yifeng nodded darkly.

"Go out, Xiao Wu, it\'s time to wait."

He didn\'t say anything. He tidied up his clothes and went out.

Shang Qian pondered Su Yifeng\'s attitude.

Maybe he doesn\'t care if he is a businessman?

Perhaps his relationship with Su Nan will not be hindered.

He pulled at the corners of his mouth, and finally relaxed his tight face and breathed out slowly.

The hardest time has passed.

Su Nan played with little Mike and Su Xiaohu upstairs for a while.

After suxiaohu failed to upgrade himself, he fell into a state of self reflection. He was depressed and looked as if he had been hit.

But when he saw little Mike, he recovered some spirit. He jumped around on his body. It felt so soft.

The Chamberlain came and called her:

"The meal is ready. The chairman asked you to come down for dinner."

Su Nan paused. "Has Shang Qian gone?"

"No, I\'m playing chess with you downstairs."

Wow, unexpected harmony.

It seems to be smoother than she thought.

Dad is also a father who knows the truth.

Su Nan smiled and took little Mike downstairs.

With little Mike, the meal was quite enjoyable

After dinner, Shang Qian left ahead of time.

Su Nan and little Mike are still holding on. Little Mike has to take Su Yifeng to see if the fish in the pond have grown fat.

So the two men went fishing with fishing rods.

Su Nan took a nap and slept until the evening.

As soon as we look at the time, it\'s almost six o\'clock.

Taking out his mobile phone, he found that Shang Qian had sent her a lot of information.

"Are you not coming back?"

"I left early so that you could come back. I also left little Mike on purpose."

"Little Mike is so useless. I won\'t take him next time!"

"What would you like to eat at night?"


He really took the trouble to ask again and again.

Su Nan was in a better mood.

She replied, "go back later."

Shang Qian replied, "do you want me to pick you up?"


Shang Qian made a smiling face.

Oh, death smile.

Su Nan was stunned and smiled helplessly.

Later, Shang Qian said, "I contacted a school for Mike. I\'ll go to see it with him tomorrow. Do you want to come?"

Su Nan: "well, let\'s go..."

Poor little Mike.

At this time, I don\'t know that I have no freedom!

But by comparison, the school chosen by Shang Qian must be very safe.

After dinner, Su Nan and little Mike went back.

When Shang Qian came back, he cooked some dishes in his apron.

Su Nan felt very sorry.

"I forgot to tell you that we had dinner."

Shang Qian smiled. "Then have a bowl of soup. Mike will change his clothes and come out again."

Little Mike nodded and ran to his room.

When Su Nan went in, the decoration style inside was simple and generous, but it made people feel warm and comfortable. It was really in line with Shang Qian\'s character.

Shang Qian brought her a bowl of soup and put it on the opposite table.

"By the way, I haven\'t asked you yet. How did you know where Mike was today?"

He seemed only to ask casually.

Su Nan paused.

"Fuyechuan told me."

She did not hide anything.

Shang Qian\'s eyebrows tightened and his face became cold.

"Mr. Fu? The Shangyi person present today said that it was Mr. Fu\'s house..."