After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1038

Su Nan knew what he meant, sat down and smiled.

"I think fuyechuan at most introduced my father to Shang. He probably didn\'t know about little Mike."

Shang Qian raised his eyebrows. "Why do you say that?"

"Because it\'s not good for him. He rarely does anything that is not self-interest. Taking little Mike away will not bring him any benefits, and it will also affect his reputation and stock price.

Otherwise, he wouldn\'t have told me the position the day after little Mike had an accident. "

Shang Qian\'s eyes were deep and his lips were hooked.

"It seems that I have to thank Mr. Fu."

"There\'s no need. If he doesn\'t say so, you can find out. Moreover, he has become an ally of businessmen. He is saving himself. Don\'t thank him."

Su Nan spoke frankly.

Shang Qian suddenly smiled, his eyes clear and bright:

"Mr. Fu specially told you that he wanted you to thank him, but you thought so. Do you want to kill him?"

Su Nan looked at him for no reason.

Is what you think wrong?

Shang Qian smiled for a long time before he relaxed his mood.

"Well, I\'ll listen to you."

Since Su Nan wanted to kill him, Shang Qian had no burden at all.

Fuyechuan\'s coming out is a complete failure!

Su Nan glared at him, bowed his head and tasted the soup with a spoon.

The soup is delicious and delicious.

But you can\'t drink too much. There are too many purines in the soup to control.

Su Nan put down the spoon in time and wiped her hands.

"I\'m finished. Say good night to little Mike for me. I\'m going to go up and read a file."

Yu Lou sent all the documents to her mailbox. She had to read them in advance tonight. She can\'t come up with a constitution until tomorrow\'s meeting.

Shang Qian nodded and took her to the door, but grabbed her hand.

"What have you not forgotten?"

Su Nan looked back at him in surprise. His mobile phone was in his own hand and his bag was in the other hand.

She didn\'t forget

He shook his head blankly.

Shang Qian\'s eyes were a little deeper, and his wrist suddenly pulled the woman into his arms.

In her ear, a low, husky opening:

"You said good night to Mike. Why didn\'t you say good night to me?"

With a touch of vinegar.

His big hand around her waist, Yingying a grip, this feeling is really wonderful.

He was reluctant to let go.

Su Nan was stunned for several seconds. The man\'s warm, quiet and cold taste made people feel trance. His heart jumped and he almost lost his mind.

Su Nan was blankly, and her face became hot.

Meet his eyes, his eyes will hook people.

The tip of her heart seemed to quiver.

Electric shock, itchy.

"Good night."

She said quickly and turned to run.

This Shang Qian has great potential to be a fox spirit!

However, Shang Qian\'s big hand was as secure as Mount Tai, and he didn\'t give her a chance to escape. He smiled at her meaningfully:

"That\'s it?"

He is not satisfied yet.

How did other lovers say goodbye? It seems that it\'s time to make up for her.

Su Nan\'s ears began to burn. She even dared not look directly into Shang Qian\'s eye.

She ducked from his sight quickly.

"Then what else?"

Her tone was flustered and embarrassed.

Shang Qian\'s mouth was full of a sinister smile, but his eyes were extremely gentle.

His lips gradually approached, inch by inch, and he could feel the warmth of his breath.

Warm and warm, strong approaching.

Su Nan immediately understood his intention, and his face turned red