After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1036

In the study.

Shang Qian waited patiently for Su Yifeng to change his clothes, and then stood there humbly.

Su Yifeng glanced and sat on the sofa.

"Sit down."

After thinking for a while, Shang Qian sat down.

He repeated what he had said to Su Nan to Su Yifeng.

This time, my heart seemed not so heavy.

When he said it, he seemed to say something about someone else.

It turns out that pain can really be alleviated and eliminated.


He looked at Su Yifeng quietly.

The atmosphere cooled down a little.

Different from facing Su Nan, Su Yifeng\'s kindness and tolerance are special cases when facing his family.

In fact, he is very serious when he is alone.

Just like now.

Shang Qian dared not even say a word.

The longer the time, the more uneasy he became, and he could not help feeling a little nervous.

Silence and depression.

As if awaiting judgment.

It took a long time for Su Yifeng to make a sound. His voice was very quiet and dignified.

"Shang Qian, you are supposed to have saved Su Nan\'s life. You are a benefactor of our family. I should thank you.

But I don\'t want to thank you with my daughter, do you understand? "

Shang Qian tightened his lips.


Of course he knows.

"Actually, I don\'t agree with you. Su Nan is suitable for simpler people. Cheng Yi is the one I prefer.

Although Cheng Er is short of ability and doesn\'t have much success, he can see that he likes Su Nan at a glance. "

Su Yifeng sighed, "it\'s a pity that Su Nan is not interested in him. He doesn\'t want to be successful himself."

Shang Qian\'s face was slightly ugly.

He almost forgot that among the four people who went to see the meteor shower together, Cheng Yi was there.

So he\'s the ideal type?

"You are excellent in all respects. It is perfect to abandon the fact that you have a son. But I have been in the market for so many years. I also know that there is no perfect person in the world.

The more perfect people are, the more dangerous they are. Shang Qian\'s background is the greatest danger.

I can\'t throw Su Nan into the fire pit of the merchant. I hope you understand. "

Su Yifeng still decides to give him up.

Shang Qian suddenly looked up and his voice tightened:

"I have nothing to do with the business for a long time."

"If it really doesn\'t matter, how can Mike lose it?

What if Su Nan is the one who lost it tomorrow? "

Su Yifeng is aggressive and stares at him with a tough attitude.

As long as Shang Qian stays in one day, it is impossible to completely separate from the business.

He can\'t let Su Nan get involved in this potential danger.

In his sphere of influence, Su Nan can do whatever he wants.

But once beyond this range?

He must not let go!

When he mentioned Su Nan, Shang Qian gave a little pause. His handsome face froze and his eyes darkened.

For a while.

He spoke firmly:

"Uncle Su, I value her more than my life. I won\'t put her in any danger.

I will use all my strength to protect her first.

If the merchant dares to give her an idea... "

He paused, his tone cold.

"Then I will let there be no business in the world."

As soon as the words come out.

Su Yifeng\'s eyes shrunk slightly.

He narrowed his eyes, and the examination in his eyes fell on his face, looking at Shang Qian inch by inch.

Shang Qian\'s eyes met his, without any evasion.

He is not joking.

He could endure their cynicism for more than ten years.

But if he touches his bottom line, he will never bear it again.

Sunan is his bottom line.