After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1035

But when she just held out her hand, a soft little hand held her.

Little Mike gave her a sweet smile.

"My beautiful sister likes me best, doesn\'t she?"

Then little Mike put his other hand in Shang Qian\'s hand.

"Daddy likes me best, doesn\'t he?"

Therefore, the people they should hold hands with most are themselves!

Why did Daddy pull the beautiful sister\'s hand!

It\'s so self-knowledge.

Su Nan smiled and looked at Shang Qian with a dark face, and then pulled him in.

If he hadn\'t been in Su\'s house, Shang Qian would have given him a good education. The child is so blind.

The Chamberlain uncle had already stepped in and informed Su Yifeng.

Su Yifeng came out of the kitchen with a fishy smell on his body.

He saw Shang Qian and snorted heavily.

He was obviously not welcome.

Little Mike emerged from behind the two men.

"Uncle Su......"

He shouted and rushed at Su Yifeng.

Su Yifeng was stunned, looked at little Mike excitedly, and then squatted down to hold him. He suddenly remembered that he had just killed fish, so he hid.

"Mike is good. Uncle, go and change your clothes first..."

Little Mike put his arm around his neck and said, "uncle is more fragrant than Daddy!"

Su Yifeng\'s expression suddenly softened and he took him in his arms.

"Darling, you are still hurting. I was wronged last night. Who took you away?"

"Shang is also a villain. He took me away. Thanks to my beautiful sister who saved me, we will be a family in the future!"

Little Mike said nothing.

Su Yifeng laughed.

Instead, Su Nan and Shang Qian were left at the door.

The housekeeper went to remind, "Miss, go in quickly."

Su Nan paused, nodded hurriedly, and suddenly reached out and took Shang Qian\'s hand.

"Dad, aren\'t the eldest brother and sister-in-law at home? Mike came to apologize to them."

Su Yifeng gave her a white look.

"People are very busy. Why do you apologize? Little Mike didn\'t do anything wrong. It was someone else who was wrong, right?"

Little Mike nodded heavily.

"Business is also a bad guy."

"Good good, bad guy."

Su Yifeng fondly touched his head and looked at Shang Qian standing there, feeling a little overwhelmed.

He pursed his lips and put down little Mike.

"Su Xiaohu is upstairs. Go ahead. He misses you!"

Little Mike\'s eyes lit up and he ran up happily.

The Chamberlain followed, "be careful..."

There were only three people left in the living room.

Su Yifeng\'s face became serious.

"What are you doing here? Didn\'t I make myself clear that day?"

Su Nan opened her mouth, felt wronged for him, and wanted to speak for him.

But Su Yifeng\'s warning eyes scared him back.

Shang Qian bowed his head, looked gentle and modest, and smiled:

"Uncle Su, I\'ve come to apologize. By the way, I\'d like to explain what Shang Yi said."

Su Yifeng hissed softly.

He clapped his hands and stood up. "Go to the study and say, I\'ll change clothes by the way."

This means that I don\'t want Su Nan to be present.

Su Nan looked at Su Yifeng helplessly, but she was ignored at all.

Shang Qian patted her on the shoulder and smiled comfortingly.

"It doesn\'t matter, just a minute."

She could worry about him. Shang Qian was already happy and was about to fly.

No matter what difficult words Su Yifeng says, he can bear it!