After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1031

Waiting for fuyechuan to say his terms in exchange.

But no.

Fuyechuan directly said the location and address, and then hung up the phone.

Su Nan was puzzled.

Is this the fuyechuan she knew?

Without enough time to think, she picked up her clothes and left

Fourier group.

Fuyechuan hung up the phone, picked up the smoke nearby and lit it.

The ashtray in front of him was already full of cigarette butts.

The man sitting opposite was puzzled:

"Old Fu, you just tell her the address? You haven\'t got any benefits!"

Lu Qi really couldn\'t understand Fu YeChuan more and more.

Wu Tutu, who was sitting nearby feeding the fish, raised his eyebrows and said nothing.

He came up with the idea.

Fuyechuan chuckled and took a puff of smoke, which made him feel more depressed.

"Benefits? What benefits should I ask her?"

"Of course, let her and Shang Qian separate, let them never meet again, and let her come back to you!"

Lu Qili should open his mouth.

If he had this chance, he would die!

Fuyechuan\'s cold smile was powerful and chilling.

"Wouldn\'t it be cheaper for Shang Qian?"

If he did, Su Nan would not hesitate to stand with Shang Qian.

His position is even more sad.


"But... It\'s too easy. She won\'t thank you!"

Lu Qi shrugged his shoulders in silence.

Fuyechuan raised his eyes and looked at Lu Qi through the smoke.

"I don\'t need her thanks."

If she could be a little softer to him, he would be content.

Originally, he had no advantage.

Hearing what he said, Lu Qi felt that he could not understand Fu YeChuan more and more.

"But how do you know that Shang also stole the child and would hide the child there?"

Lu Qi asked him.

Fuyechuan said, "otherwise, Shang Qian\'s people would have found it long ago. Do you still have to wait all night?"

Although Shang Qian had little influence in state Z, he was rich.

Some people are willing to work for him and provide information.

Lu Qi nodded clearly.

Suddenly, I remembered something and patted my thigh,

"Isn\'t that the intention to frame you? If you were there, you would jump into the Yellow River and be washed away!"

Anyway, little Mike was hiding in the land under Fu YeChuan\'s name. He couldn\'t explain it when he looked back.

Fuyechuan was too lazy to answer him. Lu Qi\'s brain was slow to respond.

Wu Tutu came here bumpily.

"Therefore, Mr. Fu struck first and told Miss Su the news. When Shang Qian found out, Miss Su would naturally explain it for Mr. Fu!

I have to say that President Fu\'s method is really high! "

Lu Qi twitched his lips. Can ba always think of this method?

What a test of his intelligence.

Lu Qi swallowed his saliva and looked at Wu Tu:

"If it\'s me, I\'ll put forward the terms directly. It\'s most important to get some benefits first! I won\'t do it if I get the dog man cheap!"

Fuyechuan raised his eyelids and Wu Tutu subconsciously said:

"So you still haven\'t reconciled with your ex-wife. People hate you till they die..."


The office was silent and cold.

Lu Qi looked sideways at Wu tutu with a dead look in his eyes.

Wu Tutu pursed his lips, trembled, and hurriedly turned and ran out.

Lu Qisheng suppressed the fire in his heart.

He looked at fuyechuan. "How does he know about me?"