After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1032

Fuyechuan\'s tone is perfunctory, and his side face is as sharp as a knife:

"You have been disgraced in the Sahara, and the whole world knows it!"

Lu Qi: "...."

Why is it so hard to get a face?

"By the way, you know what happened to yunyun when she was hung up by the Su family some time ago?

They say she was your man before, but you didn\'t do anything? "

Fuyechuan calmly took a smoke and snuffed it out in the ashtray in front of him.

The phalanges of the right hand are clear, long and powerful.

"She\'s not my person. She\'s Xu Anji\'s person. Xu Anji knows how to protect herself. I won\'t take the initiative to jump into the pit."

Fuyechuan\'s loose voice has a trace of uninhibited.

It seems that I have long forgotten this cloud.


Su Nan was halfway there before she remembered to call Shang Qian.

But Shang Qian\'s line was busy and couldn\'t get through.

There was no way. She took people with her.

The house under fuyechuan\'s name is located in an ordinary residential area. It is ordinary and even old.

This is the most shabby house in fuyechuan\'s life.

He\'s probably embarrassed to say it.

Su Nan took people downstairs and saw other people looking downstairs.

It was Shang Qian who led the way.

When Shang Qian saw her, his eyes shook slightly.

Su Nan hurried to meet him. "It\'s on the thirteenth floor. Let\'s go."

Shang Qian nodded and hurriedly let people in.

Now I can\'t care about other people\'s eyes.

The people brought by Su Nan are trying to tell the onlookers that they can\'t take photos. They are acting!

As soon as I got out of the elevator, I heard the loud voice of little Mike.

"Help! Hit someone! Help me, uncle policeman!"

Su Nan was in a hurry to rush in.

Shang Qian hurriedly took her arm and pulled back.

"There\'s someone inside. Don\'t rush in."

If she lost a hair here, he was afraid that he would die of heartache.

The man behind knocked at the door.

Keep knocking.

The man who pretended to be dead in the room could not help being angry at last.

"Who\'s knocking all the time, but no one is knocking?"

The knocker looked at Shang Qian and nodded.

The man\'s tone was also very blunt:

"Are you a new tenant? Do you want to register? Your children are shouting all day, disturbing the people!"

The man inside could not help but open the door: "Sir, I would like to let him shout -"

In an instant, the door was opened and could no longer be closed.

More than a dozen bodyguards rushed in, which seemed to be crowded inside.

But little Mike shouted excitedly:

"Daddy, daddy, your dear son is here!"

Before I saw anyone, I knew it was Shang Qian who had gone.

Little Mike is such a smart boy!

Shang Qian\'s face softened and he dragged Su Nan in slowly.

There are three strong men standing inside. They are looking at little Mike.

One of them held little Mike\'s neck and watched them warily.

"You... You..."

Shang Qian\'s eyes sank and he looked at the strong man\'s hand.


Extremely threatening!

A strong man dare not loosen his grip, for fear of death.

At the critical moment, the bodyguard on the right suddenly threw out his things, which happened to be still on the strong man\'s wrist.

It had to be loosened.

Little Mike didn\'t stand still, fell to the ground, clapped his hands, got up, and ran to Su Nan.

Wipe your tears while running.

"Beautiful sister, people are so scared..."

Little Mike, who just had a loud voice, suddenly became a soft bun.

Su Nan crouched down and hugged him painfully, "little pity!"