After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1030

Su Nan curled her lips, but nodded approvingly.

"You\'re right."

Shang Qian bowed his head and opened fire: "I came to see your refrigerator in space several times before, so I bought something and stuffed it into it. You really haven\'t moved at all, and you don\'t even know?"

Su Nan felt her nose guilty.

"I\'m too busy to come back and cook."

And at this time, she prefers to eat out.

It\'s just a surprise that Shang Qian bought the food here?

Why hadn\'t she noticed before?

Less than ten minutes.

Shang Qian came out with two bowls of tomato noodles.

Attractive color and fragrance.

For a while, Su Nan was really hungry.

I didn\'t expect that Shang Qian, who doesn\'t touch the spring water, would still cook such authentic Chinese food?

Shang Qian handed it over. "Eat, and have a good rest after eating."

Su Nan nodded. "Don\'t you rest?"

He hasn\'t slept all night.

Shang Qian looked at her with flashing eyes:

"Are you inviting me to rest with you?"

Su Nan quickly bowed his head and ate.

It tastes rich and moderately salty.

That\'s great!

Hearing this, Shang Qian smiled.

"After a while, I\'ll almost hear from Mike. I\'ll pick him up myself."

It sounds like Shang Qian is full of confidence.

Su Nan frowned.

"Do you know where he is?"

Shang Qian shook his head, his eyes darkened.

"But I\'ll know."

Shang Yi is such a fool that his brain is not used in serious places.

Just because he doesn\'t say it doesn\'t mean he can\'t do anything.

Su Nan nodded, relieved, and hoped that little Mike would be found sooner.

That child must be scared!

Shang Qian finishes eating and is waiting for her. Su Nan also finishes a few bites. Shang Qian takes the empty bowl and brings it into the kitchen.

Su Nan is a little embarrassed. Do people have to wash the dishes when they cook?

"Shall I put it there?"

Shang Qian glanced at her. "You?"

I don\'t doubt her. She may use the dishwasher for two empty bowls!

Su Nan nodded.

But Shang Qian was silent for a minute and cleaned it.

Then he washed his hands and came out.

"Well, I have to do well. You should give me a chance!"

Shang Qian comforted her.

Su Nan: "...."

Shang Qian left with his clothes. Su Nan rubbed her eyes and wanted to go in to sleep, but her mobile phone suddenly rang.

She picked it up and saw that it was fuyechuan.

After thinking for a while, connect:

"Su Nan?"

Su Nan pursed her lips. "Mr. Fu, please tell me something."

Fuyechuan\'s deep and hoarse voice came:

"Do you know everything about Shang Qian?"

He wanted to know if she would feel sad for Shang Qian.

Su Nan sneered:

"Does Mr. Fu want to repeat Shang Yi\'s words to me?"

If she hadn\'t listened to Shang Qian\'s explanation, would she really leave Shang Qian because of Shang Yi\'s words?


She said that the reason for breaking up was not that he was a bad person in Shang Yi\'s mouth.

Because she can\'t touch his world.

Now, she can feel it, accept it and share it.

Fuyechuan felt the coolness in Su Nan\'s words on the other side.

He paused.

"No, I\'m just sorry to introduce Shang to Chairman su."

Su Nan frowned and wondered what Fu YeChuan wanted.

He opened his mouth in a cold tone: "Shang Yi asked me to rent a place in my name. I heard that Shang Qian has disappeared. You can go there and have a look."

Su Nan was silent for a few seconds, which seemed unbelievable.