After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1005

Master Zhao stared at her for a moment.

Finally he said, "how do you think this will be solved?"

Su Nan\'s lips were shallow and she seemed to be thinking.

"Well, Miss Yun has to pay for the money she spent on sun Haoyang.

Then let Miss Yun record an apology video. From how we met, why she was dismissed by Simpson international, and then to her design of Su group, she said it one by one, and I removed the other video. "

Zhaohuaisheng\'s face changed obviously. Unexpectedly, Su Nan would make such a request.

It seems a little too much.

He sat there without speaking.

Su Nan smiled and said, "if this thing goes away quietly, our Su group\'s face will have no place to rest.

Let her say, I won\'t add insult to injury. How can the apology video be better than the evidence of harm?

If the video is sent out and hung in the circle of friends for a day, it will be regarded as a response to the dissatisfaction of our Su group. Otherwise, I really can\'t tell the following people.

As for sunhaoyang\'s expenses, he doesn\'t have much money to wash his white clothes. If she doesn\'t want to take them, I\'m willing to pay for her.

Everyone needs a face. I can only step back if you come here by yourself. Otherwise, even if Miss Yun breaks the threshold, she will not be able to touch the door of my office.

Of course, you can refuse. "

Su Nan added the last sentence and smiled politely and politely.

She gave multiple choice questions.

Choose or not.

Anyway, she doesn\'t mind that video being circulated casually.

Now that the Internet is so developed, it\'s guaranteed that any gossip friend in the circle of friends will hang up this video.

The longer the time, the worse it will be for them.

Zhaohuaisheng knows that this is the bottom line. Su Nan\'s conditions are not excessive and are also beneficial to repairing the relationship between the two countries.

Only in this way, Yun Yun lost face in the circle

He stood up hesitantly. "Why don\'t you ask her to write a letter of apology?"

If Yun Yun doesn\'t show up, at least the girl\'s face will be saved.

Su Nan smiled softly. "It is unknown who wrote the letter of apology. If Miss Yun bargained, it would be ugly. I don\'t have to ask her to apologize."

What she wants is just to let yunyun recognize herself.

Zhaohuaisheng was stabbed by this sentence, and his face was a little uncomfortable.

"Su Nan, I know what you mean. I\'ll tell her. I hope you keep your word."

Su Nan raised her eyebrows. "Of course, as long as her apology video hangs for a day, I will remove my video."

Now that the talk is over, there is no need to continue.

Su Nan asked Yu Lou to take the person to the door, and then took her mobile phone to see the latest headlines on the Internet.

Faster than she thought.

The video has been forwarded to the front pages of major media.

Everyone knows what Yun Yun has done. However, after a long time, someone will find out her background and everything

She doesn\'t agree with such an uncivilized way, but it has to be said that it is really useful.


As soon as zhaohuaisheng stepped out of the Su Shi Group, he was careless and almost fell down.

Yun Yun comes forward to hold him, neglecting to care about his body, and anxiously asks him:

"Dad, how\'s it going? Is Su Nan willing to delete the video?"

Zhaohuaisheng looked at her like, "go back and talk."

All the way home, Yun Yun was silent. Even if she was dying of anxiety, she didn\'t dare to ask any more questions.

At this time, her former good friends in the workplace had long disappeared without a trace.

Xu Anji, who can help the most, has already blackened her