After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1004

However, there is nothing to struggle with here. Yun Yun can only wait outside if she is not reconciled.

Looking at the surrounding employees coming and going, they entered the work in an orderly manner, and the working environment was spacious and harmonious. In the hands of Su Nan, such a large-scale company was impressive.

When she was in Xinpu international, she managed to become a supervisor by virtue of her beauty. She got to know Xu Anji and hooked him up. Only then did she gain a firm foothold in Xinpu.

How difficult she is

But it was easily destroyed by Su Nan.

Later, she lost her job and no company used her.

When she went to ask Xu Anji, Xu Anji helped her by introducing her to the president of Xinhai group as a mistress!

Thinking about everything in the past, she was unwilling to go back.


Su Nan returns to the office. Yu Lou has served black tea to master Zhao, who is very satisfied with it.

"Uncle, I\'m sorry you came here in person because of a small matter!"

Su Nan smiled and went to sit down.

Zhaohuaisheng smiled and sighed, "things are not trivial. If it weren\'t for the video, I

I don\'t know how big a hole this lost daughter can make in the sky! "

Su Nan smiled. "In fact, the video was shot earlier. If she hadn\'t met her yesterday, Miss Yun was spreading my rumors. I didn\'t plan to send it out.

But as you know, now that I am in Su\'s group, any scandal about me is related to the stock market, so I have to warn her. "

Zhaohuaisheng frowned and thought about Su Nan\'s words.

No wonder

When the plea came to his lips, he didn\'t know how to speak.

Su Nan smiled. "My father also said that this matter should be one yard at a time.

As a matter of fact, I have said hello to the following people. Since it is a private affair with Miss Yun, it will not involve the two companies. Let\'s not worry about the brothers and sisters of the Zhao family. "

Hearing the speech, master Zhao was stunned. Then he sighed and looked at Su Nan with envious eyes:

"Your father, these children, are all excellent. What I envy most is this. Unlike our family, when something happens, they start to be in a hurry."

Su Nan smiled. "The brothers and sisters of the Zhao family are also very capable, but Uncle Zhao, you just love them."

Master Zhao shook his head and chuckled.

Silence for a few seconds.

Master Zhao thought of Yun Yun, who had been rejected. Although it was very difficult to speak, he had to be brave enough to say.

"Su Nan, yunyun is the child I lost 20 years ago. I owe her too much. She is not right outside because I didn\'t teach her.

I... would like to apologize to you and your father for her. Su Nan, delete the video. I promise it won\'t happen again. "

Mr. Zhao is old enough to enjoy a good life. When he says this, he almost tramples his old face on the ground.

But Su Nan can\'t really step on the face of her elders.

In particular, he is an old friend of Su Yifeng.

She knew she could not avoid the topic.

After pondering for a while, the voice was clear and light:

"I know it\'s not easy for you, but our company has also suffered a great loss because of this. Miss Yun bribed the senior executives and signed sun Haoyang.

Whether we break the contract or not, we are bound to stand on the cusp of the storm.

I hope you understand. "

Even though his guilt is worth sympathizing with, when you think about yunyun, this compassion is gone