After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Chapter 1006

The Zhao family.

All the sons and daughters of the Zhao family are there.

What they fear most is that they will be implicated in the company, and will be blacklisted by the Su group, which means that they will be doomed.

Zhaohuaisheng sat there, looking at Yun Yun with dark eyes.

"Yun Yun..."

Yun Yun is nervous and tense:

"Dad, why don\'t I go over and apologize to Su Nan myself?"

Zhaohuaisheng: "Su Nan said that you should bear all the public relations expenses that Su\'s group spent on sun Haoyang."

Yun Yun breathed a sigh of relief. "No problem."

"And..." he paused and said, "let you record a video. When you leave the country, you know what you have done. After you make it clear and apologize, she agreed to remove the video."

Yun Yun\'s face suddenly changed as her heart tightened.

"No way. She\'s gone too far. Why should this matter involve others?"

Several people around were silent.

The eldest son and daughter of the Zhao family looked at each other.

The eldest daughter pursed her lips. "Is it too much? I think Su Nan has made a lot of concessions in the face of the two families?"

The eldest son nodded.

Su Nan is famous in the market for her fierce methods.

If she really went too far, the Zhaos\' company would have disappeared.

Yun Yun was very nervous. "This is obviously revenge for public interests and private interests. We are turning over old accounts. Dad, we can\'t promise!"

Zhaohuaisheng looked at her in silence.

Yun Yun bit her lip and looked up at her brother

"Brother, did we just compromise? It\'s obvious that Su Nan is trying to embarrass us. He doesn\'t pay attention to his father and the Zhao family!"

If the Zhao family could stand behind her and support her, Su Nan might not gain so much!

The son of the Zhao family smiled.

"Yun Yun, you just came home and probably don\'t understand. Su Nan really doesn\'t need to pay attention to us. Because of you, our company was almost implicated. I advise you to do as she says and solve the problem as soon as possible."

A momentary stagnation in the air.

Yun Yun stared at him dully, and then looked at the eldest sister standing in an indifferent area.

She had no good feelings for this recognized sister, and now she was even worse.

Yun Yun looks at zhaohuaisheng. Zhaohuaisheng\'s silence agrees with his son\'s words.

He just didn\'t expect that there were so many black materials outside for this lost little daughter?

Yunyun Wei was very upset. She looked at her cold relatives.

It\'s not like the family you imagined.

"Why don\'t you all take my side?

Dad, you lost me. You said you would protect me. Why didn\'t you do it? "

Zhaohuaisheng\'s face was so ugly that he looked up at her.

He is guilty, but he loves his two children who have been raised since childhood.

Because one cloud cloud, do you want to implicate the other two?

What\'s more, what yunyun has done is extremely disappointing!

He stood up with a dark face.

"Since you are so dissatisfied, you may as well not recognize it. You still live a free life like before, and no one will ever take care of you."

With that, zhaohuaisheng went upstairs with a crutch.

Yun Yun stood there in shock, his face full of disbelief.

Her words of complaint were intended to remind zhaohuaisheng of his guilt and let him stand firmly on his side.

Who would have thought


There was a tremor in her voice.

They\'d rather not have her?