Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 79: :Sawamura, miscalculation! ! (2 in 1)

pps: Thanks to Xiaoxue and Xiaow for their generous donations!


In the finals of the World U18 Invitational Tournament, the two strongest teams met everything without too many twists and turns.

The match between them has attracted worldwide attention.

There are a lot of star players emerging in this era, most of which are North America and island countries.

Treasure Island and South Korea, including the rest of the world, although a few star players have emerged. But because there are only a few people, there is no way to form a strong team, and the sensation is definitely much worse than that of island countries and North America.

Only North America and island countries have caused a sensation and attracted a topic of the times.

The North American team started with Ellen the Son of God and the Dream Team.

The island team is from the great demon king Sawamura, including the former 12 kings.

The confrontation between them is naturally a lot of attention.

Almost all senior baseball fans want to see what kind of performance these future talents can show?

Maybe they are still a little young, but as superstar players, they have reached the pinnacle in many ways.

Not to mention compared to players of the same age, even if compared with professional players, they are not inferior.

Nowadays, the only people who can stabilize these talents are the star players in the major leagues.

Others, even the star players of the island professional baseball. When facing the Son of God Allen and the Great Demon King Sawamura, they probably won\'t be able to take advantage of it.

Such a group of up-and-coming stars is naturally attracting attention.

Taipei\'s largest baseball stadium, the showdown between the two teams is drawing to a close.

The 9th inning, the first half.

The score on the field is still 2:1. The best chance for the island team to score before was when Sawamura hit the field.

If the North American player didn\'t evade the duel, he would have had a chance to hit his third home run of the game.

But in the end, the players of the North American team also learned to be treacherous. In the absence of certainty, they did not choose a head-to-head confrontation, but a tactical walk.

In the end, Sawamura Eijun only got one walk to base.

Then the offense of the island team basically came to nothing.

It looks like they have a hard time scoring.

On the other hand, the players of the North American team are not very optimistic.

Their players have a lot of momentum and a strong desire to score. They will never give up attacking if given the chance.

It\'s just that they don\'t have much time left!

Sawamura\'s dominance on the mound is obvious to all.

With his partner not playing, Sawamura\'s entire strength was folded in half.

Even in this situation, he perfectly blocked NA\'s offense and didn\'t give the NA team much chance.

So far, the North American team has only scored one point.

Even this point is not entirely their strength. There is a big reason for luck here.

Although Sawamura looked tired, he showed no signs of falling down.

Thinking of his previous sturdy record, it was a matter of course to vote at the end.

Now it\'s the last game.

Without considering the extra game, expecting Sawamura Eijun to fall down by himself is tantamount to a dream.

To this day, let alone Sawamura Eijun still retains a little physical strength, even if he has no physical strength at all, he can still persevere by gritting his teeth and frying the oil.

It can even be said that the more he is in this situation, the more terrifying the outbreak.

As long as they get three outs, regardless of the attack of the lower peninsula national team in the nine rounds, the island national team can also secure the victory.

Is it difficult for Sawamura to get three outs?

No wonder it\'s difficult!

Not to mention those who knew Sawamura before, those who knew Sawamura\'s previous sturdy record.

Even if they knew nothing about Sawamura Eijun before, after seeing Sawamura\'s performance in today\'s game, they would not think that it would be difficult for Sawamura to get three eliminations.

Simply not too simple.

As long as he can steadily explode his strength, it should be no problem to get out.

The only problem now is probably the opponent he will meet next.

The North American players had already made three full laps.

Francis was in the strike zone for the fourth time.

In the North American team, the performance of this little white face is really impressive.

Before, it was because of his excellent performance that North American players could catch up to that point.

Prolonged confrontations are not good for pitchers. This guy has scored a point from Sawamura before, and now it\'s the fourth duel, will it cause any trouble?

These are all very debatable issues.

Once he will cause trouble, then Sawamura Eijun will have to think of something. …………

Before going to the field, Director Takeda held a pep rally for all the players.

So many players were converted at one time, including the indispensable Miyuki Kazuya.

To be honest, before this game started, the people of the island team had basically given up.

This includes Supervisor Takeda and his assistants.

Although he was mobilizing before the game, he also called on everyone to go all out and never let go of any possibility.

In their words, since they have played here, they still have a chance to play.

Then there is no reason to give up winning the game.

Anyway, the last time is also the second, why don\'t you work hard to win the championship?

Although they shouted like that, to be honest, they actually didn\'t have a clue in their hearts.

The gap between the two teams is really huge. Apart from Sawamura, there were almost no players on their side who could stabilize the opponent\'s side.

As for the most powerful Sawamura, because of the absence of his partner Miyuki, his pitching ability was equal to a fold in half.

At most, it will be able to exert its own attacking strength.

Under these circumstances, what hope does the island nation have?

At the beginning of the game, the players of the island team, although they wanted to complete their tasks with due diligence.

But no one thought that their side could win the final victory.

The reason why they complete their tasks with due diligence is only because of the personal qualities of their players, not how much confidence they have in the game.

No one would have imagined that the seemingly vulnerable island team would explode with such a powerful force.

Under the leadership of Sawamura, they not only did not let the players of the North American team take any advantage, they even led the opponent by one point.

Up to now, whether it is Supervisor Takeda or his assistants, including the friends of the island team.

Their views on the matter have taken a huge 180-degree turn.

No matter how optimistic they were about the island nation team before, not many people think that the island nation team will definitely win even now.

But what does that matter?

The Islanders have already shown that possibility, especially when they are within the last three outs and they are close to winning the game.

Supervisor Takeda and his friends from the island nation team, the current thinking is completely different from the beginning.

Now, no matter what the situation is, they have to gamble desperately.

If the bet wins, won\'t the heavenly champion fall?

It doesn\'t matter if you lose the bet, the players of the island team are already mentally prepared for this result.

In this case, why can\'t we fight?

"Bold pitches and outs one by one."

Supervisor Takeda is indeed an experienced old fritters.

1 (draft, the text will be refreshed after half an hour!)

Then there is no reason to give up winning the game.

Anyway, the last time is also the second, why don\'t you work hard to win the championship?

Although they shouted like that, to be honest, they actually didn\'t have a clue in their hearts.

The gap between the two teams is really huge. Apart from Sawamura, there were almost no players on their side who could stabilize the opponent\'s side.

As for the most powerful Sawamura, because of the absence of his partner Miyuki, his pitching ability was equal to a fold in half.

At most, it will be able to exert its own attacking strength.

Under these circumstances, what hope does the island nation have?

At the beginning of the game, the players of the island team, although they wanted to complete their tasks with due diligence.

But no one thought that their side could win the final victory.

The reason why they complete their tasks with due diligence is only because of the personal qualities of their players, not how much confidence they have in the game.

No one would have imagined that the seemingly vulnerable island team would explode with such a powerful force.

Under the leadership of Sawamura, they not only did not let the players of the North American team take any advantage, they even led the opponent by one point.

Up to now, whether it is Supervisor Takeda or his assistants, including the friends of the island team.

Their views on the matter have taken a huge 180-degree turn.

No matter how optimistic they were about the island nation team before, not many people think that the island nation team will definitely win even now.

But what does that matter?

The Islanders have already shown that possibility, especially when they are within the last three outs and they are close to winning the game.

Supervisor Takeda and his friends from the island nation team, the current thinking is completely different from the beginning.

Now, no matter what the situation is, they have to gamble desperately.

If the bet wins, won\'t the heavenly champion fall?

It doesn\'t matter if you lose the bet, the players of the island team are already mentally prepared for this result.

In this case, why can\'t we fight?

"Bold pitches and outs one by one."

Supervisor Takeda is indeed an experienced old fritters.

Then there is no reason to give up winning the game.

Anyway, the last time is also the second, why don\'t you work hard to win the championship?

Although they shouted like that, to be honest, they actually didn\'t have a clue in their hearts.

The gap between the two teams is really huge. Apart from Sawamura, there were almost no players on their side who could stabilize the opponent\'s side.

As for the most powerful Sawamura, because of the absence of his partner Miyuki, his pitching ability was equal to a fold in half.

At most, it will be able to exert its own attacking strength.

Under these circumstances, what hope does the island nation have?

At the beginning of the game, the players of the island team, although they wanted to complete their tasks with due diligence.

But no one thought that their side could win the final victory.

The reason why they complete their tasks with due diligence is only because of the personal qualities of their players, not how much confidence they have in the game.

No one would have imagined that the seemingly vulnerable island team would explode with such a powerful force.

Under the leadership of Sawamura, they not only did not let the North American players take advantage, they even led the opponent by one point.

Up to now, whether it is Supervisor Takeda or his assistants, including the friends of the island team.

Their views on the matter have taken a huge 180-degree turn.

No matter how optimistic they were about the island nation team before, not many people think that the island nation team will definitely win even now.

But what does that matter?

The Islanders have already shown that possibility, especially when they are within the last three outs and they are close to winning the game.

Supervisor Takeda and his friends from the island nation team, the current thinking is completely different from the beginning.

Now, no matter what the situation is, they have to gamble desperately.

If the bet wins, won\'t the heavenly champion fall?

It doesn\'t matter if you lose the bet, the players of the island team are already mentally prepared for this result.

In this case, why can\'t we fight?

"Bold pitches take outs one by one."

Supervisor Takeda is indeed an experienced old fritters.

Then there is no reason to give up winning the game.

Anyway, the last time is also the second, why don\'t you work hard to win the championship?

Although they shouted like that, to be honest, they actually didn\'t have a clue in their hearts.

The gap between the two teams is really huge. Apart from Sawamura, there were almost no players on their side who could stabilize the opponent\'s side.

As for the most powerful Sawamura, because of the absence of his partner Miyuki, his pitching ability was equal to a fold in half.

At most, it will be able to exert its own attacking strength.

Under these circumstances, what hope does the island nation have?

At the beginning of the game, the players of the island team, although they wanted to complete their tasks with due diligence.

But no one thought that their side could win the final victory.

The reason why they complete their tasks with due diligence is only because of the personal qualities of their players, not how much confidence they have in the game.

No one would have imagined that the seemingly vulnerable island team would explode with such a powerful force.

Under the leadership of Sawamura, they not only did not let the North American players take advantage, they even led the opponent by one point.

Up to now, whether it is Supervisor Takeda or his assistants, including the friends of the island team.

Their views on the matter have taken a huge 180-degree turn.

No matter how optimistic they were about the island nation team before, not many people think that the island nation team will definitely win even now.

But what does that matter?

The Islanders have shown the possibility, especially with the last three outs, and they are on the verge of winning the game