Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 78: : 9th inning 3 (2 in 1)

pps: Thanks to Xiaoxue and Xiaow for their generous donations!


Walk to base! !

In the eyes of the audience on the field, when the game was coming to an end, the players of the North American team could not bear so much pressure.

In the end, they chose the tactics that were most beneficial to them.

"These guys from North America didn\'t expect to be so unreliable at a critical moment!"

In front of the TV, many people feel that they have broken their glasses.

According to their original thoughts, those young men in North America are all ruthless characters who are not afraid of heaven and earth.

Even if they lose, they will never bow their heads.

Unexpectedly, when they confronted Sawamura head-to-head, their past persistence was all gone...

Now, in order to obtain the final victory, he even licked his face and directly walked Sawamura away.

To be honest, they do this, although it is understandable. But the fans of the island country still look down on them.

So spineless!

Not at all like the father-in-law revered by the island nation. (that rabbit that year)

"Speaking of which, Sawamura was able to force North American players to avoid confrontation with him. To a certain extent, it\'s quite powerful!"

Since you don\'t dare to fight, there\'s nothing left to say. People unconsciously turn the conversation to other directions.

North American players have always been willful. Even if Mount Tai is on top, they will never back down.

I didn\'t expect to be so cowardly when facing off against Sawamura.

It\'s really frustrating.

"After all, it\'s the Great Demon King!"

"Sawamura led Qingdao, and when they fought in North America, they also tossed the players in North America. They probably have a psychological shadow..."

Although he didn\'t see Sawamura, he hit the ball with his own hands.

But the supporters of the island national team were not as lost as they thought.

After thinking about it carefully, they thought, "This kind of feeling is not bad.

In addition to their big devil, who else among the players of the same age in this world can force the ace pitcher in North America to do this?

The only foreign player who can do this is Sawamura.

Why say foreign?

This is of course because of Allen\'s presence.

Allen not only made a big name in the World Series. In fact, in private, his name is not small.

When I was competing with the United States, I often pressed those star players to the ground and rubbed them.

North American star players also had to resort to a variety of strategies to deal with him.

Walking is one of the tactics!

Alan\'s style is somewhat similar to Sawamura\'s. Both of them are not only the kind of strong pitchers, but their striking strength is also one of the best.

Nowadays, dealing with Sawamura, North American players, is actually somewhat familiar.

Sawamura and the others are indeed unfamiliar!

Even if I had seen Eijun Sawamura\'s game video before, it was already a few months ago. With Sawamura\'s growth rate, compared to a few months ago, although he dare not say that he has been reborn, he has also made great progress.

To measure the current Sawamura by the level of a few months ago, it would be a joke.

The two are not on the same level at all, and they are not the same thing at all.

It\'s just a pity, whether it\'s in North America, or now on Treasure Island.

Whether it is Alan, the former son of God, or the Great Demon King Sawamura.

Their strength is too strong!

It is so powerful that it is difficult to shake the power of a single person.

One out, one at first base.

The offense of the island nation team did not stop because of the four evils.

The trump cards of the two teams had performed so well before that, let alone their scores, they even had very few hits.

Now, there is a four bad, everyone is very fresh.


In previous duels, the bases were mostly empty. No matter how difficult the situation is now, there are finally runners on the base bag, and the players of the island team are of course unwilling to miss such an opportunity.

What a rare opportunity!

Now that there are people on the base, if they don\'t take advantage of this opportunity to score points, will they wait until the opponent reacts before trying to deal with them?

The players of the island team are not fools? How is it possible to do that?

Now that the opportunity is in front of them, of course they have to seize it, and they must seize it no matter what.

And for the island national team, the current large-scale arrangement is also the best arrangement. The batter who plays after Sawamura is Lianji.

Compared with their original partners, the partners of these two people must have a gap in tacit understanding.

But they\'re all guys who have proven themselves in baseball.

To tell the truth, they are all geniuses on the baseball field, and their ability to read the game is far beyond people\'s imagination.

They really can do a lot of things if they want to.

Far beyond people\'s imagination.

Sawamura, who was on the first base, took the stance of stealing the base.

What\'s even more bizarre is that Lianji put on a bunt.

The two put pressure on their opponents on the base and on the strike zone, respectively.

It was a lot of pressure at first, but now it\'s a two-pronged approach.

The players of the island country team have obviously already thought about it clearly. At this time, they must go all out.

There must be no sloppiness of any kind.

Any hesitation and hesitation may waste their hard-earned opportunities.

The fans in the stands were also very excited, especially the fans of the island team.

Sawamura\'s duel with the opponent just now.

In the end, it was Li Weide who compromised, or cowardly, surrendered.

Either way, the results won\'t change.

That is, in the process of two people\'s head-to-head confrontation, the other party raised the white flag.

Having done such a move, their momentum will naturally suffer a heavy blow.

From this point of view, now is the best opportunity to attack the opponent.

The reason why the big devil is called the big devil is not just because of his pitching. The big devil\'s ball skills are very comprehensive, pitching, hitting, defense...

There is no need to say more about these aspects, he has already reached the peak level.

Not to mention players of the same age group, even in the major leagues, Sawamura today is not a weak person.

The major leagues are indeed the gathering place for the best players in the world.

But among the players in the major leagues, the strength is also mixed.

The higher the level of the player, the stricter the division of strength.

Sawamura, how far has he reached his current strength?

Because so far, no one has ever asked Sawamura to go all out, so he doesn\'t know what Sawamura\'s all-out effort means.

What level he has reached has not been really verified, and it is really hard to say.

But compared to ordinary major league players, Sawamura\'s strength should be far beyond them.

There is no need for face-to-face comparison, and this answer can be obtained simply by feeling.

This is where Sawamura is scary!

When attacking, although Sawamura doesn\'t have any speciality in speed, he still has a good posture.

Speaking of specialties, it\'s also a bit of a shit. In the past, although Eijun Sawamura knew that his speed was not as fast as Kuramochi, he always thought that his speed was worth looking forward to.

His reaction is in the middle of the team, and his speed is above the middle.

This kind of achievement, although not dazzling, can be seen.

Sawamura is most confident in his own speed after accelerating.

He has good endurance, and after maintaining a high speed, even Kuramochi can\'t catch up with him.

In the past, although Sawamura would not take this as a specialty, he never considered it his weakness.

Since the appearance of Chen Ping, Sawamura has had huge doubts about life.

There really is that kind of unreasonable genius in this world, completely unreasonable.

Without any professional practice, the physical fitness is not excellent, but in running, you have such talent and strength?

To be honest, it\'s really hard to believe, but you have to believe it.

The facts are in front of them, what else can they do but believe?

At most, it is just a few words in the stomach, and it will not help the world.

It was also after getting to know Chen Ping that Sawamura no longer dared to brag about himself and was talented in stealing bases.

It\'s really embarrassing, so embarrassing.

When he said that before, Sawamura was also joking.

But at that time he was magnanimous, and his jokes were magnanimous.

But now, he was no longer comfortable making this joke.

After all, he still needs face, and he really can\'t play such a shameful job.

The two put pressure on together, hoping to make a difference, to score.

The fans in the stands looked like they had been beaten with blood.

Maybe they don\'t understand as well as the players, how should the game be done?

But they can feel that this is an opportunity.

Especially for the island team, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and it may be their last chance.

North American ace pitcher Li Weide is really not a fuel-efficient lamp.

At the beginning of the game, no one, whether it was the players of the island team or the fans, really took this guy to heart.

Never thought that it was such a guy that no one paid attention to, but he was killed like a dark horse.

Not only did he kill him, but he was a blockbuster and made everyone look at him.

The players of the island nation team, even if their strength was halved because of the previous fight.

But the ones who stayed on the court were all star players, even if they didn\'t have any hitting skills.

As a basic skill, their strike strength is good.

Being able to suppress such a group of star players has no temper at all.

This itself shows how powerful Li Weide is!

So awesome!

Even if he faced the Great Demon King Sawamura, he was not at a disadvantage.

Such an opponent, the players and fans of the island nation team, has raised the opponent to a very high level unknowingly.

There are even many people who are pessimistic that they will be difficult to score in the future.

Now, it\'s hard to get an opportunity to attack.

The fans of the island nation are of course excited!

It\'s just that their excitement is doomed to be in vain.

Renji wanted to hit the ball very much, and Sawamura, who was on the base bag, was also willing to cooperate.

But Li Weide on the mound didn\'t give them a chance.

Sharp pitching, ignoring bunts at all.

The North American team didn\'t do anything out of the ordinary, they just pitched the ball honestly and faced off head-to-head.

Faced with this situation, the players of the island team were helpless.

When the other party admits the truth and must do so, they can only cooperate.

Renji reluctantly swings the bat in his hand and hits a small white ball.


The white ball flew high and landed in the glove of the North American third baseman.

everything is over!

Although the island team still has opportunities to attack, for the island team, it is useless.

Count on the rest to solve Levi\'s and break the North American line of defense.

That is tantamount to a fool\'s dream, and it is not realistic at all.

As far as this game is concerned, the island team still has hope, very hopeful.

After all, they lead their opponents 2:1.

As long as Sawamura scores 6 consecutive outs, in this process, the opponent will not be allowed to score.

Then the victory belongs to them.

That\'s the point-leading advantage in pitching battles.

Even if this advantage is only one point, it is crucial in pitching battles.

Three outs, offense and defense exchange.

The game came to the 8th game, and the players from North America were the first to attack.

In their team, some star players are piled up.

The strength of these players is very strong, even if it is a low-ranking hitter, the sense of threat is very strong.

For another person, facing such a formidable opponent, even if he had a good deck of cards in his, he would not dare to be careless.

But Sawamura was obviously different.

He can persist until now, and naturally he has his own way to deal with North American players.

As if right now, he saw the opportunity and threw the ball without hesitation.

North American players, seeing the baseball flying over, reluctantly swing.


The white ball bounced off the ground and was picked up.




Three outs, offense and defense exchange.

With a total of 5 goals, Sawamura scored three outs.

If it weren\'t for the fact that the game is very tense now, people would not be able to take it into account.

Otherwise, Sawamura\'s achievements would be enough to cause a certain sensation.

In the second half of the 8th inning, the island team attacked.

Starting from the 7th bar, they are also working hard to find opportunities to expand their results.

But at this time, the North American team also showed their best.

It seems unrealistic for the players of the island team to find any flaws in their opponents in a short period of time.

Three outs, offense and defense exchange.

In this way, the game came to the last game, which is the 9th game.

The result of this round will directly determine the final outcome of the game.

Sawamura was a little tired. He knew very well that his stamina also showed a red line after two consecutive days of competition.

The players of the North American team are really not trivial in strength!

Although Sawamura solved them, it also consumed a lot of excess physical strength.

Fortunately, there are still three outs, and it\'s all over.

Sawamura raised his head and took a deep breath.

The Tianluodi net has been laid, and the next step is to close the net.

And he also has his own battlefield.

Sawamura held his head high and stepped onto the pitching mound.
