Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 80: : If people are unlucky, drink cold water and jam their teeth (2 in 1)

pps: Thanks to Xiaoxue and Xiaow for their generous donations!


Francis hit a long second base, and the situation became no-one out with a man on second base.

Because there is no way to use the high-level change ball, Sawamura played very embarrassed in today\'s game.

So far, he has dropped several hits in succession.

But even so, this hit was extremely special.

There are mainly two special places. The first is when the hit comes. Right now, the island nation is about to win, and the ideal result for them is, of course, to solve the opponent smoothly, and in the process not give North American players any chance to backhand.

As long as no player in North America can get a hit, they can basically say they have a shot at winning.

The second is the current timing and the speciality of this ball.

With no outs, hit a double. The one who hit the ball was the very fast Francis.

At this time, even an idiot would know that North American players would never give up.

It\'s hard to have such a chance, if they don\'t score like crazy, it\'s really sorry for their name.

As people imagined, the North American players saw this ball appear, and the momentum of the entire team was different.

Originally, they were also very positive, upholding self-confidence.

But at that time, it was a bit of a wreck.

North American players are also very clear in their hearts that their chances of really being able to make a comeback are not very big.

Sawamura on the pitching mound gave them a sense of oppression that was too strong. No North American player can turn a blind eye.

They are all too aware of the horror of this guy, and when confronted with him, their hearts inevitably tremble.

Every time North American players play Sawamura\'s ball, they inevitably have to ask themselves.

Can you really hit the ball yourself?

When they asked themselves that, the answers they gave were very uncertain.

To be honest, none of the North American players dared to pat their chests and say they could do it.

Even if they have seen through Sawamura\'s pitching path.

In a real duel with Sawamura, no player dared to say that he could hit the ball.

The powerful back of the Great Demon King was actually instilled in the minds of every player in North America before the game.

After several games, this impression was even more ingrained.

North American players subconsciously put Sawamura and Alan on the same level.

Although they didn\'t think so at first, but now, after the real fight with Sawamura.

Almost every player thinks so.

They did not think that the Great Demon King was inferior to the Son of God.

Just for the big devil, North American players don\'t have a clear concept in their minds. They know that Sawamura is very strong, but it is unknown to what extent.

But if Sawamura and Allen were placed on the same level, they would have a clear impression in their minds.

Just like now, in fact, the players of the North American team don\'t look at the chances, but they are not completely without opportunities.

As the world\'s top star players, isn\'t their task to turn the impossible into the possible?

But in the process of just fighting, none of the North American players showed that kind of momentum.

The main reason for this is because they had been scared by Allen in their previous duel with Allen.

In their minds, Allen was invincible.

Even if they gain a situational advantage for a short time, the final result will not change.

Now facing Sawamura, who is at the same level as Allen, they also think the same. Although the situation is very serious for the island country.

For North America, there is a great opportunity.

But as long as you think that the person standing opposite is Sawamura, a powerful opponent on an equal footing with Allen.

None of the North American players have a clue.

Can they really win?

This kind of question floated in the minds of all players, and they couldn\'t get an answer for a long time.

At the beginning of the ninth game, North American players basically had this mentality.

They are eager to win, and they plan to go all out.

But there are huge doubts about whether they can win in the end.

To put it bluntly, it is not self-confidence.

Hardly anyone is 100% sure they can win.

After all, the impression the Great Demon King Sawamura left on them was too deep.

That is a weirdo whose gods block and kill gods and Buddhas block and destroy Buddhas.

If anyone wants to oppose him, I am afraid that in the end they will not even know how to die.

It is such a formidable opponent that makes people uneasy, standing in front of everyone. The players of the North American team are not afraid of the sky and the earth, and their psychological quality is strong.

At this time, I can\'t help but murmur in my heart.

It wasn\'t until Francis had that hit that North American players took their hearts to heart.

It looks like they are worrying about nothing.

Although Sawamura, the great demon king, showed almost perfect skills in the previous competition.

Whether it is strength or fighting spirit, including wisdom in the game.

He has shown the world\'s top level, which is daunting and awe-inspiring.

But now, near the end of the game.

Isn\'t he already too exhausted and unable to do what he can do?

In this case, it doesn\'t seem that difficult for North American players to score points.

Not to mention, it\'s still a great opportunity for the North American team.

Their supervisory voices were trembling with excitement.

"I don\'t ask you to score two points in one go and completely reverse the situation on the field. Considering the strength of the opponent, that\'s not realistic. I have only one request from you, and this is the only one. Listen to me. That is to tie the score. My requirements are not high, one point, just one point. As long as you can score one point, the victory in this game today will definitely belong to us.”

The North American team\'s supervisor said it was unequivocal.

The players were confused and didn\'t understand what was going on.

Sometimes, the supervisors in North America are also very helpless. They have such a group of guys with developed limbs and simple minds. He is also very helpless, okay?

But his analysis makes sense.

North American supervisors are not as naive as their players, so they don\'t know anything.

As the saying goes, if you know yourself and your enemy, you will never be imperiled in a hundred battles.

Before the game, and just as the game progressed, he had acquired enough sources.

According to his judgment, the previous fights had a great impact on the island team.

Not only those players who can\'t play, but even these players who can play have been greatly affected.

For example, their physical strength, and their mental state.

Under the leadership of Sawamura Eijun, the previous island national team showed a strong backbone even if it lacked momentum.

Everyone\'s technology is really good.

This is why the island nation team was able to beat the North American team by one point before.

The players of the island team have performed really well, and it is useless to say this.

Even compared to their peak state, it is not much worse.

But this magical state has a big time limit.

Whether it is Sawamura, or the remaining players of the island team.

Their physical strength and state have reached a very dangerous critical value.

The continuous high-intensity battles made this team a little overwhelmed.

In other words, they have no physical strength to play extra games.

As long as this time, the players of the North American team can tie the score.

In the second half of the game, the players of the island team failed to seize the opportunity.

It was really lively to watch. Just thinking about it made people feel extremely exciting.

In a word, for the players of the North American team. They don\'t even need to overtake the score at the moment, as long as they can tie the score, then the victory belongs to them.

With this realization, the players of the North American team directly gave up their previous persistence.

Originally, they were unconvinced, but since the supervisors have asked for it, it is not that they cannot wrong themselves.

The second best of the North American team, his skills are very comprehensive, and he doesn\'t give up.

After hearing the supervisor\'s instructions, although he was not willing, he simply stretched out the bat and assumed a bunt stance.

At this time, the purpose of the North American team has become clear, that is to send the second base Francis back to home plate.

Sawamura on the pitcher mound was expressionless.

To be honest, there was nothing he could do about it.

If the players of the North American team are determined to do this, Sawamura really has nothing to do.


To be honest, with Sawamura\'s ability, it is not impossible to think of a solution to this problem.

But all methods must be applied to high-level change balls.

If high-level change **** were available, Sawamura wouldn\'t let them touch the ball even if they wanted to bunt.

Through these few rounds of confrontation, Sawamura has a few pounds and a few taels for the other party, and basically it is almost the same.

Although the North American team\'s player strength is very good, Ke Zemura still has confidence.

He\'s absolutely confident he can do it if he\'s on fire.

But now, he can only stare greedily, and there is nothing he can do.


The white ball was bounced out.

North American players actively choose bunt walks, which is a very common trick in baseball games.

It\'s just that North American players have always been arrogant. During the game, they never saw this kind of small tricks. In contrast, they still like to use the ball to hit the ball cleanly.

But now in order to fight for the victory of the game, in order to fight for the initiative.

North American players seem to have grown up all of a sudden.

They gave up the kind of single-handedly reckless marching, and switched to tactical cooperation.


If the players of the North American team are determined to do this, Sawamura really has nothing to do.


To be honest, with Sawamura\'s ability, it is not impossible to think of a solution to this problem.

But all methods must be applied to high-level change balls.

If high-level change **** were available, Sawamura wouldn\'t let them touch the ball even if they wanted to bunt.

Through these few rounds of confrontation, Sawamura has a few pounds and a few taels for the other party, and basically it is almost the same.

Although the North American team\'s player strength is very good, Ke Zemura still has confidence.

He\'s absolutely confident he can do it if he\'s on fire.

But now, he can only watch greedily, and there is nothing he can do.


The white ball was bounced out.

North American players actively choose bunt walks, which is a very common trick in baseball games.

It\'s just that North American players have always been arrogant. During the game, they never saw this kind of small tricks. In contrast, they still like to use the ball to hit the ball cleanly.

But now in order to fight for the victory of the game, in order to fight for the initiative.

North American players seem to have grown up all of a sudden.

They gave up the kind of single-handedly reckless marching, and switched to tactical cooperation.

If the players of the North American team are determined to do this, Sawamura really has nothing to do.


To be honest, with Sawamura\'s ability, it is not impossible to think of a solution to this problem.

But all methods must be applied to high-level change balls.

If high-level change **** were available, Sawamura wouldn\'t let them touch the ball even if they wanted to bunt.

Through these few rounds of confrontation, Sawamura has a few pounds and a few taels for the other party, and basically it is almost the same.

Although the North American team\'s player strength is very good, Ke Zemura still has confidence.

He\'s absolutely confident he can do it if he\'s on fire.

But now, he can only watch greedily, and there is nothing he can do.


The white ball was bounced out.

North American players took the initiative to choose bunt walks, which is a very common trick in baseball But North American players have always been arrogant, and they never saw it during the game. This kind of small trick, in contrast, they still like to use the ball to hit the ball cleanly.

But now in order to fight for the victory of the game, in order to fight for the initiative.

North American players seem to have grown up all of a sudden.

They gave up the kind of single-handedly reckless marching, and switched to tactical cooperation.

If the players of the North American team are determined to do this, Sawamura really has nothing to do.


To be honest, with Sawamura\'s ability, it is not impossible to think of a solution to this problem.

But all methods must be applied to high-level change balls.

If high-level change **** were available, Sawamura wouldn\'t let them touch the ball even if they wanted to bunt.

Through these few rounds of confrontation, Sawamura has a few pounds and a few taels for the other party, and basically it is almost the same.

Although the North American team\'s player strength is very good, Ke Zemura still has confidence.

He\'s absolutely confident he can do it if he\'s on fire.

But now, he can only watch greedily, and there is nothing he can do.


The white ball was bounced out.

North American players actively choose bunt walks, which is a very common trick in baseball games.

It\'s just that North American players have always been arrogant. During the game, they never saw this kind of small tricks. In contrast, they still like to use the ball to hit the ball cleanly.

But now in order to fight for the victory of the game, in order to fight for the initiative.

North American players seem to have grown up all of a sudden.

They gave up the kind of single-handedly reckless marching, and switched to tactical cooperation.