Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 77: : 9th inning 2 (2 in 1)

pps Thanks to Xiaoxue and Xiaow for their generous donations!


Three consecutive bad balls, but also cast in different directions.

"It\'s very technical to play!"

For a while, even Sawamura had to wonder if he was mistaken.

Perhaps the North American team is particularly aware of current affairs, and this player named Li Weide is not as strong as he thinks.

But according to his understanding of the urination of North American players, North American players will never admit defeat easily.

For the overall interests of the team, occasionally disregarding their own thoughts, this kind of thing is nothing new in East Asian teams.

There are three areas in East Asia that are better for baseball, the island country, the treasure island and South Korea.

All advocating this style of baseball.

But the players in North America have a hard time accepting this kind of rule.

They advocate the freedom of players, not only players, but their entire social concept is free.

This is also one of the reasons why the teams in East Asia can have an advantage in the beginning, and the small teams in North America are not particularly famous.

When the individual strength of the players is not very prominent, it is often tactics and unity that determine the outcome of the game.

Influenced by Chinese culture, the tactical level of several East Asian countries is still good. Especially in terms of execution, even if North America has good tactics, it is difficult to execute in their elementary and middle schools.

Unlike the primary school students in East Asia, under the guidance of the coach, they can do well.

Of course, everything has pros and cons.

North America\'s tactical capabilities are indeed unsatisfactory, but their players\' individual strengths are outstanding.

Because a large part of their players are cultivated by interest, in this case, they regard baseball as their joy in life.

Baseball doesn\'t feel boring.

In order to play well, they train hard and actively explore various possibilities.

Once they get into high school, college, or even professional baseball.

Of the players left to hit the pros, one or the other is very distinctive. Personal strength is much stronger than the players from East Asia.

If you look at the racial base of the major leagues, you can basically look at it.

There are very few players on the Asian side, and even fewer can play well.

Why is Ichiro Suzuki so famous? Even become a god-like player.

Not just because of his major league success, but also because he\'s Asian.

As an Asian, being able to achieve such remarkable achievements is the reason why Ichiro Suzuki became a god.

For example, it is like Liu Xiang.

It may be difficult for ordinary people to understand why Liu Xiang, who won the Olympic champion once, became the representative of Chinese athletes?

In the general impression, there are many people who worked harder and won more gold medals than him.

Like national table tennis, if a player cannot win 20 or 30 world championships, he is embarrassed to be called the leader of table tennis.

In fact, this is just not understanding. If you understand it, you will know that track and field events are basically dominated by blacks in Europe and America.

In such a project, it is an amazing thing for a yellow race to break the limits of race and become a champion!

It\'s not that the champion of table tennis is unimportant.

But what is rare is more expensive.

Table tennis champions, or champions in other sports, have won too many.

In this way, people will naturally not be so strange.

But track and field is different, sprint-type track and field like this sprint. This is not only the first gold medal for Huaxia, but even the first gold medal for the yellow race.

You say cow is not cow?

North American players, their personalities are not so suppressed.

That is to say, it is very difficult for the North American supervisor to issue a walk order at this time.

Are you going to be escorted?

This mainly depends on the players and the players on the field, and judge for themselves.

How could such an arrogant pitcher like Li Weide make such an evasive move?

Sawamura didn\'t believe that Li Weide would cast such a walk.

But now, he had to believe it.

Because things are moving in that direction.

Does this guy really have such an idea?

Sawamura also muttered in his heart.

If Li Weide really has such an idea, then Sawamura will have to think about some way back.

The look in his eyes doesn\'t look the same!

Those eyes are like a hungry wolf, ready to pounce on its prey at any time.

It was hard for Sawamura Eijun to believe that when a person showed this kind of look, he was not thinking of desperate, but to escape.

But three bad **** happened again.

Next, what exactly is Levitt going to do?

Sawamura is really not good at judging.

Fortunately, in this miraculous state, Sawamura did not need to judge.

Soldiers come to block, water comes to earth.

If Li Weide never shot to the strike zone, no matter how much Sawamura wanted to, it wouldn\'t help.

He can only be walked.

No matter how reluctant he was in his heart, no matter how unwilling he was.

This matter is not something he can say, it is the choice of the other party.

If the opponent can throw the ball into the strike zone, the unwillingness will be solved like this.

That\'s even better!

With the help of this magical state, Sawamura is absolutely confident that he can blast the baseball far away.

Come on, let me take a look at your options.

Sawamura on the strike zone assumed a stance of waiting. As long as the white ball flew over, he would blast him out fiercely.

in the catcher position.

The North American catcher took a deep breath.

The foreplay has been done, and they have widened their horizons to the widest possible extent.

To put it simply, they have already set up the stage, and then they are waiting to sing.

As for whether this play can be sung well? The main thing is to look at Levi\'s pitching.

Li Weide on the mound felt the will of his partner.

The partner\'s attitude is very clear, that is, let him throw the ball and throw it hard.

In this process, there can be no trace of sloppiness.

The action has to be clean, with a strike count before the opponent can react.

Then use the next ball to decide the outcome.

With these three bad **** thrown, Sawamura\'s heart must have been greatly shaken.

In the case of a strike base, the probability of his next shot directly is very small.

Only after they scored another strike would Sawamura prepare and choose which ball to play.

But by that time, their foreplay has already been set up.

It was impossible for Sawamura to react.

If there is a chance, we must have a chance!

The catcher forces his will onto the pitcher.

Throw the ball over!

Gotta throw the ball over there!

It can\'t be dragged on any longer, it\'s now.

Li Weide, who was so inspired, raised his feet high and stepped out fiercely.

At this moment, he used all his strength to suckle.

His whole body weight was squeezed on the **** of his header.

Threw out fiercely.

Just as the baseball was about to be released, the ball hadn\'t left the fingers.

In Li Weide\'s mind, a picture suddenly flashed.

That was the first two times, when Sawamura slammed the ball out of him.

He wants to fight this big devil head-on, not once or twice. Ever since I knew that Sawamura once had a close match with his idol Alan.

That\'s always been Levi\'s dream.

Standing on the pitcher mound, he taught Sawamura how to behave.

But the results backfired.

In the process of the duel, he suffered a big loss. When Li Weide was immature before, it was not that he was bullied.

His own ball speed is not fast, and his characteristics are not obvious.

Although he became the ace pitcher in the team very early, he was entrusted with important tasks.

But the record is mediocre, plus he is Asian.

In North America, it was even more bullied.

If you are really strong, you can still eat well in North America.

But if you don\'t have the strength, either Asian or African.

will inevitably be discriminated against.

This kind of discrimination may not be so obvious, but it is real.

exists in every corner of North America.

Levi\'s mentality is healthy, and he is not psychologically distorted because of this discrimination.

On the contrary, he was desperate and tried to improve his skills.

Today, even white North Americans would not dare to despise him.

Today, he has become a representative of North America.

It can be said that he has reached the pinnacle of his life.

Li Weide has never been bullied like this since his skills matured.

Two duels, two home runs.

Unconsciously, this has left a huge psychological trauma in Li Weide\'s heart.

He has always felt that he is a very strong person, no matter how tragic adversity, he can get through it.

But now it seems that he himself is a little too optimistic about his personality.

He may not be as strong as he thought.

Just like now, that image kept flashing in his mind.

He even has a feeling that as long as he throws this ball, he will be hit 100% by a home run.

go you! ! !

Although there was an ominous foreboding in my heart, the arrow had to be fired.

Up to now, Li Weide has no way out, he can only bite the bullet and throw the ball out.

In the process of pitching, his momentum is amazing.

Sawamura in the strike area couldn\'t help but raise his spirits.

Could it be that this little guy is trying his best to fail?

To be honest, this caught Sawamura somewhat by surprise.

He knew that the other party was unwilling, and he also knew that the other party must want to do something.

But he obviously underestimated the determination of the other party, and did not expect Li Weide to be so desperate.

You have the courage to give up everything!

While admiring in his heart, Sawamura also raised the bat in his hand high.

Li Weide\'s actions won Sawamura\'s respect.

And Sawamura has always believed that the best reward for respecting the opponent is to go all out to hit his ball.

bring it on!

As long as the baseball comes within his range.

He must have blasted the ball away unceremoniously.

At this moment, Sawamura was ready.

As long as baseball is within his grasp, he is absolutely confident that it will not escape his fingers.


In the blink of an eye, the white ball flew over.

Sawamura\'s heart was very surging when he saw the baseball flying over.

He couldn\'t wait to blast the ball out.

Although the angle of the ball is very low, it seems to be close to the strike belt and it is not easy to shoot.

But Sawamura felt that his patience was going to be exhausted. If he didn\'t shoot this ball, he felt like he was about to go crazy.

If you can\'t bear it, you don\'t need to endure it any longer.

Sawamura firmly grasped the bat in his hands with both hands, waiting to blast the ball away.

In his mind, he had even figured out what angle of attack would be able to hit the ball farther.

Just as Sawamura was about to shoot, his eyes suddenly narrowed.

There is something wrong with this ball!

Sawamura held the bat in his hand tightly and forcibly restrained his urge to hit.

He stopped his actions and watched helplessly as the small white ball flew past his eyes.


The sound of the baseball digging into the catcher\'s glove was particularly loud.

Even the fans in the stands could vaguely hear it.

"Bad ball!"

"Guide to base!"

This is a result that almost everyone expected before.

As far as the audience is concerned, they discovered early in the morning that Li Weide was obviously cowardly when he faced Kamizawa Village.

See what **** were just thrown?

Either the outer corner is the inner corner. Note that this is not a good team, but a deviation of dozens of centimeters.

That deviated data, even a layman is enough to vote out.

The 3rd ball was high, although it was not too much, it was more than ten centimeters.

Next up was the final goal, the one he had just played against Sawamura.

That is to say, the ball is still a little bit, and it does not deviate too much. But it can be seen that it was an obvious bad ball.

Li Weide\'s thoughts were also clearly revealed at this time.

At least the vast majority of fans and friends think so.

They thought that Li Weide, at the last moment, did not have the courage to confront Sawamura head-on, but he was unwilling to be captured.

So I wanted to use an ordinary bad ball to seduce Sawamura to swing.

Isn\'t this a joke?

Who doesn\'t know that the big devil of the Qingdao High School baseball team has a pair of discerning eyes.

It is said that no one in the entire island country, including professional baseball players, can surpass him in dynamic vision.

This is also the reason why he often hits home runs even though his strength is not very strong.

After all, people are different. What they see is slow motion, and they can play very accurately.


Under such circumstances, Li Weide of North America even wanted to trick Sawamura into taking action.

Just a daydream.

Is Leviathan really a daydream? Did he plan to walk himself in the first place?

No matter what others thought, Sawamura didn\'t think so.

He trusted his intuition very much, and he believed that what he had just felt should be correct.

That guy Levi didn\'t want to avoid the duel, he wanted to go head-to-head.

The last ball should be the bait, and the one who wants to solve himself should be the next ball.

It\'s just that after this guy shot, somehow, his fingers used more power.
