Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 76: : 9th inning (2 in 1)

pps: Thanks to Xiaoxue and Xiaow for their generous donations!



The white ball whizzed out.

North America\'s ace pitcher Li Weide, still maintains his high level of pitching.

Although so far, he has not thrown many **** in total. In addition to today\'s game, he used to be a small transparent role in the North American team.

Even if the entire World Series is over, there will not be too many people who can remember him.

But now, after watching this game, things have changed dramatically.

This little transparency, which people could not see before, suddenly emerged. Now he has become a very important person.

It is because of him that the North American team has shown such vitality.

In the game against the island nation team, although they were one point behind, in terms of hits and momentum, they were not only not weak, but even surpassed.

to be honest. In terms of momentum, the North American team is more than the island team.

Being able to lead the team to cast such a momentum, this man is definitely a credit.


This name, for a long time in the future, will definitely be mentioned continuously.

Even in head-to-head matches, he lost to Sawamura Eijun twice and hit home runs twice.

It will not affect everyone\'s evaluation of him.

Even because of his attitude of not escaping the confrontation with Sawamura, his reputation will be even louder.

In the face of the big devil, even if he was hit with a home run, he did not flinch, and actively wanted to win.

His performance like this will definitely make everyone look up.

When people see him, even if they can\'t stand tall, they will definitely keep it in their hearts.

Strength, determination, and attitude.

Such players, even if they lose to their opponents in a head-to-head duel, will be respected by people.

He didn\'t back down, didn\'t fear, even if he knew that he was invincible, he still dared to challenge the figure.

It will guide everyone like a beacon.

It is an attitude, and it is also a spirit.

And now, it is the third time that Li Weide and Eijun Sawamura have fought each other.

At this time, in fact, no matter what choice Li Weide makes, people will not say anything about him. He has proven his determination and attitude in previous duels, and people are willing to believe that he is just that kind of player.

Now confronting Sawamura, whether it is to continue to face it head-on, or to tactically walk.

People are more recognized.

Continuing the head-to-head duel can guarantee the attitude of the players.

Tactical walks may not sound so good. But for the overall interests of the team, it is understandable to make such a choice at the last minute.

"Bad ball!"

Levi threw the ball far away from the strike zone.

With Sawamura\'s penetrating power of observation, he could see it clearly.

It was because he could see clearly that he was a little unclear.

Could this ball be too far away?

The good belt of the outer corner, the ball is at least nearly 30 cm away.

This distance, even if Sawamura stepped out in one step, I am afraid it would not be within reach.

Needless to say, such an extreme outside corner kick, even if it was barely touched, would ultimately be of no use.

Sawamura has mastered extremely superb pulling skills, and it stands to reason that he can also pull back the ball that deviates from a certain position. Although he is not as good at throwing the ball outside the strike zone as Jun Isashiki.

But it\'s not hard to pull it back!

But this pull back also has a big distance limit, it doesn\'t matter how many centimeters you deviate.

But if you want to deviate by 30 cm, after the ball touches, I am afraid it will be out of bounds immediately.

Even if it was pulled back with reluctance, the ball that was pulled back was designated limp. Either they were caught directly, or they were stopped.

Even if Sawamura makes a move, the result will not change in any way.

Or just hit out of bounds and give the opponent a strike count. Or pull it back and be stopped directly by others.

Either of these two options is very unfavorable to Sawamura.

He will not choose, and there is no way to choose.

In this case, he could only be honest, watching the white ball and getting into the catcher\'s glove.

In the stands, fans of the island country who came to watch the game specially. From the seats, there was a huge booing.

Obviously, they are very uncomfortable with this scene.

Originally, in their minds, that Li Weide still had the spirit of a samurai.

Even in the face of an opponent stronger than himself, he bravely pulled out his knife and fought the opponent.

His previous confrontation with Sawamura basically carried forward this spirit.

Fans of the island national team, although they are die-hard supporters of the island national team. But because of the opponent\'s stance of giving up on me, there are still many people who admire him very much.

Unlike now, the only point of appreciation is gone.

How much everyone admired him before, how disappointed he is now.

I did not expect the ace of the North American team, and in the end it was nothing more than that. They originally thought that the other party was some amazing person?

Now it seems that they really think too much.

North American players still haven\'t gotten rid of the fate of the laity before winning the negative.

Compared with the battle of morale in front of them, they care more about the final outcome of the game.

Looking at the pitching posture, the North American team players obviously want to give up the head-to-head matchup.

This is the judgment of the fans of the island nation, including those in the stands.

In fact, it is not only the fans of the island national team, but the vast majority of the fans of the treasure island on the field, and the players from other countries who came to watch the game specially.

Pretty much the same view.

They also believed that the North American team had basically run out of skills, and at this time had lost the idea of ​​facing Sawamura head-to-head.

From the standpoint of North America, walking Sawamura at this time is really a very good choice.

Judging by the previous test, or the result of the previous duel.

The pitcher of the island team, that is, this guy named Li Weide. When facing other batters on the island team, including Renji, his odds are very high.

So far, the star players in the country have not been able to get any decent hits.

That is, when facing the big devil Sawamura, he suffered a little loss.

That seems like an understatement, and it\'s not true at all. In fact, the two home runs only caused the opponent to suffer a little loss, and did not really determine the outcome of the game.

The real decision of the game is two moments, one is to completely decide the score.

Take the last out of the game.

Another is that one side gave up the game.

It\'s not far from the last out now, but it\'s not there yet, isn\'t it?

On the other hand, the players of the North American team have always been suppressed in points by the players of the island team. However, the players of the North American team did not give up the competition from the beginning to the end. When they didn\'t score, they were two points behind, and they didn\'t even think about it, let alone now they\'re only one point behind.

Now North American players will not give up the game even more.

They can\'t wait to express themselves one by one, and even want to get more points.

They want to tie the score as soon as possible, or even overtake the score.

Of course, this has a premise. In this process, in the process of catching up, they must control the loss of points, and it is best not to lose a single point.

On this basis, their players are in the process of facing off against Sawamura, or in the process of facing off against the island team.

Do everything possible to control the loss of points, and it becomes a matter of course.

Not doing a head-to-head matchup is a very, very good choice.

The players of the North American team obviously had plans for a long time.

They acted without hesitation, as if the clouds were flowing.

Once a choice has been made, the ability to execute is terrifyingly high.

That\'s what it looks like now.

The players of the North American team have already made all plans.

After Li Weide missed the first ball, the second ball was not inferior.

It\'s just that the first ball was thrown into the outside corner, and the second ball he aimed at the inside corner.

He strayed badly from the strike zone, almost against Sawamura\'s chest, and got into the catcher\'s glove.

Such a thrilling goal made the fans in the stands exclaimed.

Too dangerous!

Because they are some distance from the stadium, it is inevitable to see a little blurry. Just now, many people felt that the ball was about to hit someone.

There was a lot of discussion in the stands.

They were very optimistic about the North American team before, but now their attitude has taken a 180-degree turn.

I don\'t know if it\'s a personal problem of the North American players, or a problem of luck, or something else.

It seems that the North American player who performed very well before, this Asian face named Li Weide.

It seems like it\'s about to collapse!

The momentum of his whole person has dropped several grades. Not to mention the power of pitching, even the level of ball-handling is 108,000 miles worse than before, which makes people a little unbearable.

Could it be that Sawamura was intimidated by him?

It\'s a ridiculous guess, but it\'s very close to reality.

This is basically the most likely guess.

If this guess comes true, then the final result of today\'s game will probably also have variables. The players of the original North American team, although the score is one point behind, their winning percentage is not low.

From the analysis of the momentum on the field, the winning percentage of the two teams should be 55.

Even the players of the North American team are slightly more than a little bit.

The atmosphere is good, and the team that is actively attacking has some advantages.

This is one aspect, and there is another aspect.

Although Zhecun didn\'t know the reason, his performance was a little reverberating.

But at the end of the day, he pitched for two days in a row, and it was such an intense game.

His physical strength loss is very large, even if he can barely hold on to the ninth innings, there must be no way to insist on the extra game.

That is to say, once the game is extended to the end of the ninth inning, if the two teams are evenly divided, they will play an extra game, then the island team will basically be finished.

North American players can make substitutions.

Of course, the players of the island team can also be replaced, and there are two pitchers in the rest area that can be replaced.

In this respect, the two teams appear to be similar.

But the real situation is not the case. Most of the players of the island team are now half-dead.

The rest of the game is difficult to give them peace of mind.

In this case, if the stoppage is really carried out, the island team will undoubtedly lose.

So the only hope for the island nation team is to end the game before the 9th inning is over.

Don\'t drag the game to the playoffs.


At this time, almost everyone thought that the beautiful player should be thinking about it, so he avoided the possibility of losing points as much as possible, and blocked the hope of victory to the final stage.

Before the end of the 9th game, their request was simple, just catch up with one point.

As long as they can score evenly with the island team, then the final victory belongs to them.

With such an innate advantage, what reason do they have to fight with the island team.

Sawamura in the strike zone is completely opposite to everyone\'s opinion.

Everyone thought it was impossible for the North American players to compete head-to-head, except for Sawamura, who didn\'t see it that way.

Anything can deceive people, but a person\'s eyes cannot deceive people.

Li Weide on the pitcher\'s mound looked like a hungry wolf, but it didn\'t look like he was trying to avoid the duel.

Two very silly looking balls, one was thrown to the outermost edge and the other was thrown to the innermost On the surface, they didn\'t seem to be any threat. It\'s hard to imagine the significance of this kind of ball.

Of course not at all.

Didn\'t the opponent just send two bad balls?

But if you think so, you\'d be wrong.

North American players are not that simple. These insidious and cunning guys have complicated problems.

They have probably discussed the countermeasures before, and they are waiting for a one-hit kill at this time.

Although I don\'t know what kind of ball they will throw in the end?

But Sawamura is confident that their next shot will hit the strike zone.


"Bad ball!"

As if it was designed to hit Sawamura in the face, a bad shot that deviates from the height of the strike zone followed.

When he saw this ball, Sawamura was speechless.

Did he look a little too high on these North American players before?

Maybe these players are not as inscrutable as he imagined, and not even a group of clubs.

If that\'s the case, then what he\'s done before seems not at all shrewd, even a little silly.

Of course, Sawamura didn\'t want to admit that he was stupid.

But at this point, the opponent has thrown three bad balls, which is equivalent to blocking all their own retreats.


Are these players from Team America?

Maybe these players are not as inscrutable as he imagined, and not even a group of clubs.

If that\'s the case, then what he\'s done before seems not at all shrewd, even a little silly.

Of course, Sawamura didn\'t want to admit that he was stupid.

But at this point, the opponent has thrown three bad balls, which is equivalent to blocking all their own retreats.