Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 67: : Signs of the main battle!

On Qingdao\'s campus, Sawamura and Qingdao\'s friends are actively preparing for the Kanto Conference. 【】

Even if they had absolute confidence in victory, they did not show any carelessness or relaxation. Analyze the opponent\'s strength in detail and formulate corresponding countermeasures.

To know that can enter the Kanto Conference, but no team is weak. Even if it has an absolute advantage in strength, if one is not careful, it is very likely that the ship will capsize in the gutter.

This is what makes the Kanto Conference so attractive! Purely from this point of view, even Koshien, which represents the highest honor in the country, cannot be compared.

At the same time, the starting lineup for the next game has also been determined.

Sawamura is still the outfielder, the starting pitcher is still Danbo, and most of the other main positions have not changed, only the starting catcher has been replaced, Miyuki has been replaced, and Chris has been replaced.

Chris served as a catcher, which surprised many friends.

Generally speaking, it is not uncommon for a team to change the starting pitcher, but it is very rare to change the catcher. Especially in the Kanto Conference, such an obviously four intense schedule.

The reason why this is still the case means that Kataoka has begun to seriously consider the battle between Chris and Miyuki\'s main catcher. Although Miyuki has always been the team\'s main catcher, there is nothing wrong with his performance, and it can even be said that he is the best in the team. But before the summer competition, Qingdao High School still had a round of internal competition. Not only the position of the catcher, but all other positions are the same. Kataoka will give the opportunity to those who have the strength to compete for the first battle.

This is Kataoka\'s coaching style as a mentor.

There are definitely advantages and disadvantages to this style. If you look at it from a professional supervisor, a coaching style like Kataoka will inevitably be childish. Compared with distributing energy among all people, selecting a group of people to hone them, the probability of getting results is definitely much higher.

But Kataoka is not really a professional supervisor. Although his knowledge and guidance in all aspects are no worse than formal supervision. But he is clearly different from regular, or traditional baseball supervisors.

Because he is not only a supervisor, but also a coach of the baseball team, and a teacher who teaches and educates people.

Under such supervision, you will inevitably encounter all kinds of challenges and small troubles. (In fact, if Sawamura is in another team, then the ace position should be very solid. Even if he won\'t get the back number of the ace in the first year, the treatment of the ace is indispensable. The target team will definitely make great efforts to cultivate Sawamura. Sawamura doesn\'t have to worry about others grabbing his main position, because the supervisor will not give them such a chance.)

But Sawamura still likes Director Kataoka!

There are no personal feelings mixed in here, just pure evaluation. Sawamura has always believed that Kataoka is the best supervisor in all high schools, no one.

After all, college baseball is college baseball, not a professional arena.

First of all, Kataoka\'s practice of soaking in the rain and dew gave everyone a chance, and the truly brilliant players couldn\'t hide it. In this way, the success rate of Qingdao High School will be much higher than other schools.

It is also very important that Kataoka never over-presses the potential of the players. On the surface, he trains more rigorously than anyone else, but this has been systematically tested. Although the training is harsh, it is very scientific and will not cause excessive physical damage to the players. Therefore, although Qingdao High School has not entered Jiaziyuan for several years in a row, the success rate of Qingdao High School is very high, and there are many players who directly impact professional baseball.

This is very incredible for a team that has not entered the highest temple Koshien for several years in a row.

This is also the place where Sawamura admires Kataoka the most. Although Koshien has lofty honors and dreams of countless people, it has to be said that this is also a place where nightmares are frequent. There are a lot of baseball geniuses who fell here because they squeezed their potential too much. Say goodbye to your baseball career forever!

Kataoka\'s approach is, of course, paranoid. But he really thought about all the players, and put his ideas into action at the same time.

This is the charm of Kataoka Teshin, and also the reason why Sawamura respects and likes him.

Starting pitcher Danbo is very excited, and it has always been his dream to partner with Chris on the catch.

When they entered the school this year, it was a famous year of underpayment, and few of them were able to show their strength from the beginning. Even Ryosuke Kominato and Yusuke, who now exist like other teams\' nightmares. At the time, they had their own problems!

In such a situation, the only person who can shine is Chris!

For the younger brothers in the first and second grades now, Chris may just be a second army with no sense of existence, and later transferred to the first army as a substitute for the lucky senior.

But for Yuuki and their third graders, Chris\'s identity is definitely not the case.

Chris used to be their lead. Even if Chris was not injured, then the captain of this session, 80% of the team is Chris\'s.

This is Chris!

Being able to partner with the strongest companion in the same class also has a very special meaning for Danbo.

It\'s like a poor boy who has nothing, counterattack and chase after the rich lady.

Well, this example is not very appropriate. But in fact, the feeling is similar, partnering with Chris is the same feeling for Danbo.

"Let\'s do our best!"

Chris himself was delighted.

Although he also knows that this time the starter, it does not mean that he can already serve as the main catcher of the first army. This is just a test, an opportunity.

But even if it was just an opportunity, Chris was happy.

In the past countless days and nights, how much effort has he made to get this opportunity? What kind of hard road ~ ~ no one knows.

in a private online community.

The head portrait of the Chief Commander suddenly lit up.

"Here comes the commander!"

"Salute to the Great Commander!!"

"Lord Commander, do you have any mission?"

Miyamoto sat in front of the computer, watching these greetings and blessings that kept flashing, his vanity was extremely satisfied.

Everyone plays games online for different purposes.

Miyamoto naturally also has his purpose. He is not like an ordinary person, he is just addicted to games. What he is even more addicted to is his relationship with these friends in the game.

No heart and lungs, no intrigue, the purest feelings.

In Miyamoto\'s eyes, the online world is the last piece of pure land in his heart.