Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 66: : Train Akatsuki Furuya

"Next game, please let me play!"

Night is deep. 【No pop-up novel network】

The bright moon was in the sky, shining on the boy\'s body, covering him with a soft white light.

Such directness, such non-holdback.

After seeing Sawamura\'s performance, has he been unable to settle down on the bench?

"To be honest, with your current ball control and defense, it is still difficult to hand over key situations to you. When you become able to defend, I will give you a chance."

If Kataoka\'s attitude towards Fukuya Akira was seen by his friends who were friends with Qing Dao, he would definitely drop his jaw in shock.

When did the Jagged Supervisor also have such a kind-hearted side?

Generally speaking, who will take the initiative to supervise the application opportunity? That\'s the same as courting death.

In Qingdo, Kataoka is very popular for those players who are willing to endure hardships and are in good condition. As long as you do both, Kataoka will definitely give you a chance.

This is also the reason why the competition pressure in the Qingdao team is so great, and everyone can unite as one and be positive.

But in the same way, Kataoka doesn\'t hate those who directly express their ambitions. (I like it!)

Like Xiao Gu Xiao, like Sawamura in the previous life.

Proactive performance will also win more opportunities for yourself. (Actually, Little Bear is very suspicious. If it wasn\'t for Sawamura\'s character, the first year\'s summer competition might not have anything to do with Sawamura.)

Therefore, Kataoka did not resent the self-recommendation of Akaya Koyatani, but gave pointers instead.

At the same time, in Sawamura\'s dormitory, a tragic incident of the senior bullying the junior is taking place.

"Cross Fixation!"

"Scorpion Fixation!"

"Invincible scissor feet!"

"The fairy monkey steals the peach!!!"


In front is Kuramochi\'s 18 ways of grasping skills, and in the back is Sawamura\'s scream.

"Murdered, senior bullying junior, school violence, is there anyone in charge? There\'s no reason for it~"

Sawamura was full of vigor and charged with Kuramochi\'s evil deeds while being beaten to death. But I don\'t know if it\'s too dark, or if he has a bad relationship. Sawamura cried for a long time, but no one came in to take a look.

"Become a captain! Brother Minato, I need you!!!"

Seeing that it didn\'t work, Sawamura immediately looked for someone who could restrain Kuramochi.

Unfortunately, still no effect.

Whether it was the formation of the captain, or the eldest brother of Ryosuke Kominato, none of them appeared.

It\'s over~

Sawamura looked desperately at Kuramochi, who had gone completely mad, struggling in vain.

"Don\'t yell, no one will pay attention to you even if you scream out of your throat."

Kuramochi smiled and approached Sawamura: "The game is played to the full during the day, and you have to practice until 9 o\'clock in the evening. You must be very tired, so let the senior come and give you a good massage. The secret technique - cross restraint! !!"


In the middle of the night, in the Qingxin Liao, a shrill scream was suddenly heard.

Sawamura felt that he was wronged, although it was just slapstick, it didn\'t really hurt. (The position is still measured.)

But I was inexplicably slashed by someone, and in the end I didn\'t know why, it was really an unjust death.

Ask Kuramochi, he doesn\'t say anything. The next day, he talked and laughed to himself again, as if the guy who went crazy yesterday was not him.

"Sure enough, he is a delinquent boy in the rebellious period of his youth, Y Qing is uncertain."

Sawamura secretly made up his mind to stay away from Kuramochi in the future.

On the second day, in addition to the daily training, Qingdao High School consisted of some simple practical training. There is no running and physical training that consumes too much physical strength.

After all, this is during the competition, and it is very important to maintain physical strength.

During the garrison practice, Sawamura and Akatsuki were together.

Sawamura\'s excellent performance was in stark contrast to Furuya Akira. After practice, Sawamura was ready to go to the bullpen to find Chris.

My partner with Chris yesterday was perfect.

After considering that there may be two people playing, Sawamura thinks it is necessary for him to communicate with Christo. As for Yu Xing, although there are not many cooperation in this life, but in the past life, the two of them cooperated for a full two years.

Sawamura is more confident about partnering with Miyuki.

Contrary to what Chris said, even though he was Sawamura\'s master. When the two officially partnered, there were not many.

"Can you teach me to practice defense?"

Just as Sawamura turned to leave, he suddenly heard a calm voice behind him.

Ask your potential opponents for advice on defense?

Sawamura looked at Akatsuki Furugu in surprise.

"Isn\'t it possible?"

Xiao Gu Xiao asked with a frown.

It feels like asking if you have eaten yet? What to eat?

"Is this the attitude of asking people for advice?"

Sawamura complained wildly in his heart, if he hadn\'t known that Xiaogu Xiao was born like this, he would have gone back directly.

"I owe you?"

Forget it, for the sake of the good friendship between the two in their previous lives, Sawamura endured it.

"it is good!"

Sawamura nodded in agreement.

As the saying goes, swing for three years and guard for ten years.

On the court, it is very difficult to train the defense. Especially for pitchers who have to deal with a variety of situations!

Although Xiaogu Xiao is very good at pitching, in terms of defense, he is a pure cabbage. (Sample, idiot plus rookie.)

It is difficult for him to make a breakthrough in a short period of time, but it is not completely impossible.

"The pitcher\'s defense will be different because of the changes in the situation and the changes in the batter. If I really want to talk about it, I\'m afraid I can\'t finish it in three months. But in general, it\'s nothing more than three aspects, the first is to stop For the ball, the second is filling, and the third is containment. Combined with your own characteristics, most people don’t dare to steal bases. So there is no need to rush to practice for containment. The first thing to do is to catch the ball and fill... "

Combining the characteristics of Xiao Gu Xiao, Sawamura made a conclusion for Xiao Gu. As long as he can do these two aspects, he can barely play.

Sawamura gave him all the money, and Xiaogu Xiao\'s progress was also very fast.

But in a short period of time, he did a bit of a look. It is the awareness of filling the position, and it is almost. (Not only Sawamura\'s two-hour guidance, but the most important thing is that after joining the First Army, Xiao Gu has been intensively training for a long time, and his current performance is just accumulated.)

"This guy\'s talent is really scary!"

Akatsuki Furutani is making rapid progress at almost the speed Sawamura R\'s eyes can

"I can\'t relax either."

After seeing Akatsuki Furuya who was putting in practice, Sawamura went to the bullpen to find Chris.

Supervisor Kataoka, who instructed Masuko and the others to strike, saw all of this in his eyes.

"The opponent for the next game is out?"

In the afternoon, the opponents of the quarter-finals of the Qingdo Kanto Tournament also came out.

"Chiba Prefecture Narita Industry!"

When they knew their opponents, Qing Dao\'s friends all breathed a sigh of relief.

Although Narita is also very strong, it does not belong to a wealthy family, and Chiba County is not a great battle zone. It shouldn\'t be very difficult for Qing Dao to win this match.

Qing Dao can almost already book in advance, the place for the top four in Kanto.
