Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 68: : Brothers, action

Miyamoto\'s house. 【】

Miyamoto was intoxicated for a while, then remembered the business and began to send messages to his friends.

"Brothers, something happened to our Lord Demon King!"

problem occurs?

In front of the computer, countless otaku men and women suddenly woke up.

The Demon King is of course Sawamura, and most of the friends in this community are members of the "Demon King\'s Guard". They will never forget the joy and shock that Sawamura brought them in the past two years.

Since Sawamura entered high school, they haven\'t heard from Sawamura for two months.

Unexpectedly, when I heard the news from Sawamura again, it turned out to be an accident.

"What\'s wrong?"

"Wakana-sama didn\'t say that the Demon King has entered high school?"

"Yeah, it is said that they did well in high school. We will give us news when we wait for the official game."

"What happened?"

"Commander-in-chief, don\'t hesitate, speak quickly."

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of replies followed.

Sure enough, they still care about the same.

Seeing this effect, Miyamoto was very happy, and then told them what happened word by word.

"Big Brother Demon King\'s Amoeba blog, with his latest news, you can see it."

Immediately, countless computers visited the blog that had no news for nearly two months.

On the homepage of the blog, there is a message.

The news is Sawamura\'s game video. (download)

In the Kanto Conference, in the first round, Qingdao High School played in the Yokohama Gangbei game.

In this game, Sawamura Eijun wore the uniform of Qingdo High School, participated in the competition on behalf of Qingdo, and showed his dominant ability.

Below the video, there are countless fans cheering for Sawamura.

To most people, this is not unusual.

It\'s just that fans praise idols.

But people who are familiar with this place quickly realized that something was wrong.

As mentioned above, Sawamura\'s fan base generally has two main groups, one is the Demon King\'s Imperial Guard, and the other is the \'Brotherhood of the Red Heart\'.

The Demon King\'s Imperial Guard is better than the crowd, but if you want to say it\'s loyal fans, you have to say the "Brotherhood of the Red Heart".

There is absolutely no bottom line for the Brotherhood of Brotherhood to support Sawamura.

Whether it is manpower or material resources, their input is the largest.

Organizing thousands of people to go to Kanagawa collectively, and go to Tokyo to cheer for Sawamura, that\'s what the Brotherhood of Brotherhood can do. Generally speaking, even if it is a fan of a star, it is difficult to do this step.

Fans of the two teams have their own professional logos on Sawamura\'s Weibo.

The Demon King\'s Guard is a golden sword, and the Brotherhood of Brotherhood is a group photo of a bunch of silly old men.

This time, there were no stupid gentlemen among the people who gave their blessings.

Although they have always been rivals, as the two major fan groups of Sawamura, they all cherish each other.

Now that there are no people from the Brotherhood of the Heartless, it is inevitable that the brothers will be surprised.

"What\'s wrong?"

These janitorial lads are also clever. They didn\'t ask on Sawamura\'s Weibo, but turned to their own community to ask.

Of course, Miyamoto was the one who could answer the question.

Miyamoto is not only the commander-in-chief of the Demon King\'s Imperial Guard, but also the coordinator of the Demon King\'s Imperial Guard and the Brotherhood of Chi-heart, as well as the liaison with Mrs. Wakana.

Miyamoto is in charge of the Demon King\'s Imperial Guard, and Obayashi and Kobayashi are in charge of the Brotherhood of the Heartless.

If Sawamura wants to communicate with fans, it is usually through them. (Otherwise there are so many people, if everyone contacted in person, Wakana would not have to go to school, and Sawamura would not have to practice)

If there is something wrong with the Brotherhood of Chixin, I am afraid no one knows better than Miyamoto.

"What else can I do, with a narrow sense of territory, thinking that our Great Demon King can only belong to them in Nagano."

Miyamoto typed angrily.

"There is a lot of noise inside the Brotherhood of Chixin, and they don\'t know if they will continue to support our Lord Demon King. What should we do at this time?"

"That must not stand idly by."

"One group, we have to create the momentum of two groups."

"Yes, for the next game, we will gather 5,000 people!"

"Five thousand is not enough, why do you want eight thousand?"

Looking at it, the bragging of the little friend became more and more unreliable, and Miyamoto quickly stopped.

In terms of organizational ability, the Demon King\'s Guard is definitely not comparable to the Brotherhood of Hearts. One is that there is no one to be united, and the other is that there are many children and young people in the Demon King\'s Guard Army, and they are not free.

If it was Tokyo, if it was organized with sincerity, it would not be a problem for the Demon King\'s Imperial Guard to gather 5,800.

But the location is not in Tokyo, so the Demon King\'s Imperial Guard might not be able to gather that many people.

"Anyway, every time we have 2,000 people, and Chixin is 1,000 people. This time, we will gather 3,000 people. If you are able to go, sign up now."

Brothers, gather!

Under Sawamura\'s Weibo, the big commander, one of the three big fans, went crazy!

At that time, there were many followers, but in just two hours, 2,000 people signed up.

This action greatly stimulated the members of the Brotherhood of Brotherhood.

To tell the truth, the brothers of the Brotherhood of Chi-hearts are extremely complicated.

Seeing Sawamura appearing in Qing Dao\'s team, they felt both expected and endlessly disappointed.

If anyone really cares about Sawamura\'s whereabouts, I\'m afraid no one cares more than the members of the Brotherhood of Brotherhood. As early as the end of the summer competition in Sawamura\'s last year, they kept leaving messages on Sawamura\'s Weibo.

Although it is not stated clearly, I still hope that Sawamura can choose the wealthy family in Nagano.

However, Sawamura never responded.

At that time, the brothers realized that Sawamura might not stay in Nagano.

It\'s just that in their hearts, they still held the last glimmer of hope, hoping that Sawamura would appear in Nagano\'s team.

The \'Brotherhood of the Red Heart\' is different from the Demon King\'s Imperial Guard. They have a deep sense of territory, and they are all from Nagano Prefecture.

Sawamura represented Nagano, and of course they could support without any qualms.

But what if Sawamura doesn\'t represent Nagano? Can they still support it?

What if Sawamura\'s opponent is the representative team of Nagano Prefecture?

So saw the video of Sawamura\'s game, and these people were collectively silent.

Not only them, but even the two leaders of the Chixin Brotherhood, Dalin and Xiaolin, didn\'t know what to do for a while.

At this time, I saw the actions of the Demon King\'s Praetorian Guards again.

Dalin and Xiaolin can only meet with a wry smile.

In the past, when the Brotherhood of Hearts was united, there was a voice for the little brats of the Demon King\'s Imperial Guard.

Just when the brothers of the Brotherhood of Chi-hearts were confused, there was a new change on Sawamura\'s Weibo.

"A letter to the Chixin Brotherhood and all Chicheng friends"!

This is a letter that is more than a thousand words long.

Almost all the confused friends of the Brotherhood of Brotherhood have clicked on this letter.

Although they were confused, they were still instinctively concerned about the news of Sawamura.