Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 67: : Appearance in rosy ink

"Damn, damn!"

Chenggong Ming\'s eyes filled with tears, this cute-looking little Zheng was crying too.

Laugh when you win, cry when you lose. If you are happy, you will float, if you are unhappy, you will be angry!

Straightforward character as always.

Seeing such a scene, the players from Xijing Middle School looked at each other in dismay. Their feelings for Xijing are much deeper than that of Chenggong Ming, but they don\'t feel like crying.

National top four!

They were also sad that they could not go further. But to be able to get the title of the top four in the country, is it not enough?

No one is a loser if they reach the national semi-finals or the national quarter-finals!

Of course, this is just their opinion. For Cheng Ming, any game that fails to win the first place is a failure.

On the other side, Sawamura watched his friend from the previous life cry there, and did not intend to intervene. Even if he knew that this game failed, Naruto Naruto would be sad for a long time. But he knew better that after the defeat, Naruto Naruto would definitely become stronger and come back strong.

"Thank you for your advice!"

"Thank you for your advice!!!"

After the game, both sides salute each other.

The contestants from Xijing Middle School shook hands with their friends from Akagi Middle School one by one.

Whenever they held Sawamura\'s hand, they looked very respectful.

Even if they were the same players, they had to marvel at Sawamura\'s talent and strength.

Sawamura greeted them politely. To be honest, the strength of Xijing and these players is still very good. If it hadn\'t happened to Sawamura, with the help of Narimiya Naruto, they would have won the national championship without any problem.

Finally, it was Cheng Gongming\'s turn.

Originally, Sawamura thought that Narimiya Ming might not come out to participate in the handshake. This guy is willful, but he is not a good baby.

"Last shot, how did you know I hit the inside corner?"

As soon as he shook hands, Cheng Gongming was not polite and asked directly.

Sawamura was taken aback by the question, obviously he did not expect Cheng Gongming to be so direct.

But what can he say?

Could it be that Sawamura told him that Sawamura guessed based on his character?

Cheng Gongming\'s character weakness is very prominent, stubborn!

If he looks for one thing, let alone nine cows, ten cows can\'t be pulled back.

Before, when he faced off against Feng Xiang, he failed to take an inside corner kick.

Most pitchers encounter this situation, and generally subconsciously refuse to take an inside corner in the next matchup. But Cheng Gongming is different. Others are the ones who fall, so avoid them when they go, at least for the past two days. Cheng Gongming was different, he not only had to get up from there, but also jumped there, jumped there, and threw his brains there!

So in the final match, Sawamura bet the ball in the inner corner without any hesitation.

Although after growing up, Cheng Gongming consciously corrected his character. But fortunately, no one has reminded him yet.

"I saw!"

Sawamura replied.

Chenggong Ming\'s eyes widened immediately, and he looked at Sawamura in disbelief.

I saw that I would shoot inside corners!

Did you see your bad little moves, or did you see the trajectory of the pitch?

On this point, Sawamura didn\'t say it, and Narutomiya didn\'t ask.

"Since you have won me, you can\'t lose the final."



After the game, more than a dozen media flocked to interview both sides.

At this time, everyone\'s performance was more civilized. When they mentioned the opponents in the game, they were full of praise, as if they wanted to praise the opponent. To say that you are humble is to die for!

Not worth mentioning!

A fluke!

With the end of the game between Akagi Middle School and Xijing Middle School, another semi-final also came to a conclusion.

He won the Kaicheng Middle School in Tianlong Temple, and played in the top four of Qingqi Middle School.

In the eyes of my friends from Akagi Middle School, Kaicheng Middle School was a sure win.

Although they didn\'t know the strength of Kaicheng Middle School very well, they knew about Tianlong Temple! As the mortal enemy of the same county, no one knows Tianlong Temple as clearly as Akagi.

As someone said, the people who know you best are not your friends, not your family, not your relatives, but your enemies!

Akagi Middle School and Tenryuji Middle School know each other too well!

It is because of this understanding that they are so jealous of each other.

Nanami Haruka, Hattori, Hirata, the old fox Yamano Hiromitsu.

Thinking about these guys, the little friends of Chicheng Middle School all feel their brains hurt. Although they had defeated Tianlongji Middle School before, if they were to compare again, the little friends of Akagi Middle School would not dare to pat their chests and say that they must be the winner in the end.

This is Tenryu-ji Temple!

Such a Tianlong Temple Middle School actually lost.

You can imagine how powerful the Kaicheng Middle School who defeated them was.

He was able to get three points out of Nanami Haruka\'s hands, and at the same time he was able to block Tianlong Temple\'s mobility, and only lost two points.

Since the moment they defeated Xijing Middle School, the friends of Akagi Middle School have used Kaicheng Middle School as the imaginary enemy in the final.

As a result, life is full of surprises!

Their opponent is not Kaicheng, but Qingqi Middle School.

Another team from Hokkaido, Qingtong Middle School.

The total score is 1:0! Qingzhu Middle School from Hokkaido defeated Kaicheng and won the last place in the final.

Qing Fong is that?

At this time, everyone suddenly discovered that this role they had neglected before.

It turned out that the silent middle school had already reached here!

"Go, go back to the hotel."

Sawamura took the lead.

Not only the other friends from Akagi Middle School were surprised, but even Sawamura was a little surprised.

When Tenryu Temple lost to Kaisei Middle School, Sawamura knew about Kaisei. After learning about it, he had a clearer understanding of Kaicheng.

Although Kaicheng is not well known now, Kaicheng still made a lot of achievements in high school after that.

Ten years later, Sawamura\'s memory details are somewhat blurred, but he must have heard the name Qing Dao should have played against Kaicheng.

Among the individuals in Kaicheng Middle School, although not too outstanding, their team composition is very strong!

At that time, it also caused a lot of impact on Qing Dao!

The two teams are not in the same competition area. Since they played against each other, they must be on the field of Koshien.

A team with ordinary middle school students as the main players, after entering high school, can still show off their strengths in Jiaziyuan.

Sawamura could hardly imagine that such a team would lose to others. In his judgment, the current Kaicheng should be the most powerful time, equivalent to the national hegemony.

When he returned to the hotel and saw the video of the game, Sawamura was stunned.

No wonder Kaicheng will lose, it turns out that the opponent is them!

Hokkaido, Aoyu Middle School!

Two days later, they competed with Akagi Middle School for national supremacy.